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牛津上海版(深圳用)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级上册Module 2单元练习一、音标题(共1题;共4分)1.判断下列各组划线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。_A. ship B. wash C. fish_A. dress B. draw C. driver_A. price B. proud C. prawn_A. break B. cross C. ice cream 二、单选题(共8题;共16分)2._ do you get up?At half six oclock.A.WhereB.HowC.What time3.What time do you go to bed?_ half past nine.A.InB.AtC.at4.I go to school at six oclock _ the morning. A.inB.onC.at5.Mike _TV at half past nine. A.watchsB.watchesC.watch6.We both like _books. A.readingB.readC.reads7.I like noodles _ I dont like rice. A.haveB.orC.but8._ the window! Its too cold. A.No openB.Dont openC.Not open9.My birthday is _24th December. A.inB.onC.at三、单词拼写(词汇运用)(共1题;共10分)10.按要求写单词。same(反义词)_ come(反义词)_one(序数词)_ eighth(基数词)_make(现在分词)_ swim(现在分词)_sing(名词)_ drive(名词)_party(复数)_ meat(同音词)_ 四、选词填空(词汇运用)(共6题;共6分)11.We can _(meet /meeting)at three oclock in the park. 12.She often _(ride /rides)bikes in the park. 13.Look, Joe is _(singing /sing)songs in the room. 14.Id like some _(tomato / tomatoes). 15.Here _(is / are)a birthday cake for you! 16.Lets go _(shopping / shop)together. 五、补全对话(共1题;共5分)17.从所给出的句子中选出合适的完成对话。A. We often play football after school.B. We are in different classes.C. I like white and Teddy likes black. D. Do you like the same sport?E. Who is this boy?David: Hi, John._John: Hes my friend. His name is Teddy. Hes eight. Hes clever.David: Are you in the same class?John: No._But we are in the same school. We both like sport.David: _John: Yes. We both like playing football._David: Do you like the same colour?John: No. We like different colours._六、连词成句(共5题;共5分)18.reads / always / before / Kitty / books / bedtime (.)_ 19.often / Peter / to / friends / emails / writes / his (.)_ 20.do / usually / what / with / you / do / mother / your (?)_ 21.dinner / in / Mr Li / is / kitchen / cooking / the (.)_ 22.like / both / football / we / playing (.)_ 七、阅读理解(共2题;共18分)23.下面是Lisa一周的活动,认真看表格,判断句子正误(1)Lisa never watches TV. ( )(2)Lisa always reads books. ( )(3)Lisa usually plays chess. ( ) (4)Lisa often sings songs( )(5)Lisa sometimes plays football with her friends. ( )24.判断下列句子是否与短文相符。A The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional (传统的)Chinese festival. It usually comes in October or November. On this day,people always wear the zhuyu (茱萸)plant. They usually climb mountains. Sometimes they go to see flower shows. The Double Ninth Festival is a festival for old people. People usually visit their parents and grandparents on this day. They often eat Double Ninth cakes together.(1)The Double Ninth Festival usually comes in October or November. ( )(2)People usually climb mountains on this festival. ( )(3)The Double Ninth Festival is not a festival for old people. ( )(4)People dont eat Double Ninth cakes on Double Ninth Festival. ( ) 八、书面表达(共1题;共5分)25.你通常和家人做些什么呢?想一想,写一写always / usually / often / sometimes / never go shopping / play chess / go to the park 答案解析部分一、音标题1.【答案】T;T;T;F 【考点】音标 【解析】【分析】(1)ship, wash和fish的划线部分都发/sh/, 发音相同. 故答案为: T.(2)dress, draw和driver的划线部分都发/dr/, 发音相同. 故答案为: T.(3)price, proud和prawn的划线部分都发/pr/,发音相同. 故答案为: T.(4)break的划线部分是/br/,cross 和ice cream的划线部分是/kr/. 发音不同. 故答案为: F.【点评】这是考查字母和字母组合发音的题目. 要掌握辅音字母组合的发音.二、单选题2.【答案】 C 【考点】疑问词辨析 【解析】【分析】句意: 你.起床? 在6点半。根据答语这是问时间,用What time“什么时间”,Where“哪里”问地点,How“如何”问状况,都不合适。故答案为:C.【点评】这是考查疑问词的题目。要掌握常用疑问词的用法。3.【答案】 B 【考点】介词辨析 【解析】【分析】句意: 你什么时间上床睡觉? .9点半。表示在具体的几点几分用介词at, 这是用在句首,首字母大写。in+年、月、星期,泛指的早中晚。故答案为:B.【点评】这是考查介词的题目。要掌握介词at的用法。4.【答案】 A 【考点】介词短语 【解析】【分析】句意:我.早上6点去上学。这里是短语in the morning“在早上”。这是固定短语。故答案为:A. 【点评】这是考查介词短语的题目。要掌握所学的常用介词短语。5.【答案】 B 【考点】一般现在时,动词单三式 【解析】【分析】句意:迈克在9点半看电视。句子陈述事实用一般
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