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签证,代替者;代用品,用代替,学校的;学术的,文章;散文,导师;助教;家庭教师,草稿;草案,草拟;起草,麻木的;失去知觉的,事业;事业心,(专题)研讨会,鸟笼;兽槛,电池(组);电瓶;炮台,钻(孔),钻;钻机,代理人;经纪人,反驳;驳斥,queue,lecture,acknowledge,routine,optional,destination,cafeteria,idiom,comfort,comfortable,comfortably,preparation,prepare,qualification,qualified,qualify,requirement,require,govern,government,apology,apologize,abundant,abundance,recommend,recommendation,occupy,occupation,preparing,preparations,required,requirement,occupies,occupied,occupation,recommended,recommendation,adjust to,keep it up,fit in,as far as one is concerned,be occupied with,day in and day out,out of the question,settle in,get/be used to,take up,adjusting to,As far as I am concerned,fit in,out of the question,settled in,took up,had seen a film,how to deal with/what to do with the problem,so well equipped that,(should) be,to think,limiting,(should) stay,checked,settled in,was recommended by,Having reached their destination,they settled in an inn recommended by the travel agent.,(should) make,(should) wait,My requirement is that,to be,being defeated,It is acknowledged that,As is acknowledged,Occupied,occupation,was occupied in doing,Occupied in doing housework all day,Occupying herself in doing housework all day,keep in touch with,keep up with,keeping up,keep it in mind,find it hard to fit in,find it is hard to adapt/adjust to,used to,am used to,be used to,preparations,in,prepared,a,comfortable,has been sent,had asked,should do/did,left,had participated in the exchange,study program,
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