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专题十三 完形填空,高考英语 (天津市专用),五年高考,A组 自主命题天津卷题组 Group 1,Cloze 1(2019天津夏)词数:378 I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night, when fear seized me. My wallet was gone. I could only have left it on the G9 bus, which was now speeding in the dark to some 1 station. The 2 moment was quickly followed by mental math. How much time and money would it cost to replace the 3 of that little wallet?The credit cards, the drivers license, the cash, all lost to the bus. Two hours later, back at my house, I heard a knock on the door. My husband 4 it while I was on the phone in the dining room. “Does Jennifer live here?”I heard a lady say. In my husbands hand was my wallet, with not a penny 5 . She left before I could 6 make it to the door to offer my thanks.,After sharing the story online, I heard from someone, who 7 the lady as Erin Smith. Without 8 , I called to thank her. She said she 9 my wallet on a bus seat. She 10 that going to a strangers house was a 11 move, but she decided to take the chance. “If I were in that 12 , I would want someone to try to find me,” she said. This one stranger responded beautifully to my small 13 , but she actually wasnt the only one. Right after Erin 14 my wallet on the bus, she posted a picture of my drivers license to an on- line forum(论坛), trying to see 15 anyone knew me. No sooner did she leave my doorstep than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my sons nursery and who recognized my face. Ive never 16 words with those moms beyond small talk, but they wanted to help. I read that people are more divided than ever, but thats not how the people I 17 tend to act. 18 , I feel blessed someone had wanted to help a stranger. Erin had gone 19 what almost anyone would have done, finding my house on a bitterly cold night, and for that I was extremely 20 . 1.A.accessible B.hidden C.unknown D.convenient,2.A.face-saving B.brain-washing C.eye-catching D.heart-stopping 3.A.parts B.contents C.details D.ingredients 4.A.ignored B.answered C.examined D.interrupted 5.A.missing B.returned C.remaining D.abandoned 6.A.still B.ever C.yet D.even 7.A.selected B.appointed C.identified D.defined 8.A.delay B.alarm C.regret D.invitation 9.A.moved B.placed C.opened D.spotted 10.A.disagreed B.complained C.calculated D.recommended 11.A.selfless B.risky C.slow D.personal 12.A.site B.direction C.situation D.atmosphere 13.A.crisis B.danger C.threat D.failure 14.A.got rid of B.made use of C.had control of D.took possession of,15.A.if B.where C.how D.when 16.A.recalled B.exchanged C.repeated D.whispered 17.A.encounter B.follow C.consult D.accompany 18.A.Going away B.Turning around C.Looking back D.Coming along 19.A.into B.against C.over D.beyond 20.A.longing B.enthusiastic C.concerned D.grateful,答案 语篇解读 本文是记叙文。主题语境是人与社会。主题语境内容是良好的人际关系和社会 交往。文章讲述了我将钱包丢失以后,一位陌生人费尽周折将钱包归还给我的感人故事。文 章提到了一个又一个好心人生活在我们周围,所以这个世界是如此令人感动。文章有助于帮 学生树立人类命运共同体意识,并学会做人做事,成长为有文明素养和社会责任感的人。 1.C 考查形容词。现在G9巴士正在黑暗中高速前往某个未知的车站。由语境和设空处前面 的单词some(某个)可知,G9巴士正前往某个未知的(unknown)车站,因此很难找到我丢在车上 的钱包。A:易接近的,可进入的;B:隐藏的;D:方便的。 2.D 考查形容词。由第一段第一句中的fear seized me可知,钱包丢了,我很担心,故此处表示 这是个令人十分担忧的时刻(heart-stopping moment)。A:保全面子的;B:洗脑的;C:引人注目 的。 3.B 考查名词。句意:要花多少时间和金钱来更换那个小钱包里的东西? 根据设空处下一句 “The credit cards, the drivers license, the cash.”可知,此处指的是钱包里装的东西(con- tents)。A:零件,部件;C:细节;D:原料,要素。,4.B 考查动词。句意:当我在餐厅打电话的时候,我丈夫过去开了门。设空处前面说有人敲 门,故此处表示“去开门”(answered the door)。设空后的代词it指代前面的the door。A:忽略, 不顾;C:检查;D:打断,中断。 5.A 考查非谓语动词。句意:我的钱包就在我丈夫的手里,一分钱都没少。根据句意可知,设 空处表示丢失(missing),故选A项。B:返回,退还;C:剩下,剩余;D:抛弃。 6.D 考查副词。句意:她离开了,我甚至没有机会可以到门口来说声谢谢。根据句意和主从 句之间的逻辑关系可知,设空处表达程度:甚至(even)没有机会说声谢谢。A:仍然;B:曾经;C: 还。 7.C 考查动词。句意:在网上分享了这个故事之后,有人发邮件告诉我说他认出这位女士是 埃琳史密斯。根据句意和设空处后面的as可知,此处表示认出(identified)这位女士。A:挑 选;B:任命,约定;D:使明确,给下定义。 8.A 考查名词。上句话说有人认出了这位女士,此处表示我马上(without delay)给她打电话 致谢。B:惊恐;C:遗憾;D:邀请。,9.D 考查动词。句意:她说她在一个公共汽车座位上看到了我的钱包。根据句意可知,此处 表示她在车上看到了(spotted)我的钱包。A:移动;B:放置;C:打开,开启。 10.C 考查动词。句意:她推测去一个陌生人的家是一个有危险的举动,但她决定碰碰运气。 A:不同意,不一致,争执;B:抱怨,控诉;D:推荐,介绍,建议。 11.B 考查形容词。根据句意和下文中的but she decided to take the chance(碰碰运气)可知,此 处表示贸然去陌生人家里是一个有危险的(risky)行动。A:无私的;C:慢的;D:个人的。 12.C 考查名词。上文说埃琳捡到钱包,此处表示她的内心想法:如果换成我丢了钱包(if I were in that situation),我也会希望能有好心人设法来找我。故选C项。A:地点,位置;B:方向,指 导;D:气氛,大气。 13.A 考查名词。句意:这个陌生人对我的小危机做了一个很漂亮的回应,但实际上她并不是 唯一这样做的。根据上文的语境“我丢了钱包很着急”可知,这个陌生人针对我的危机(cri- sis)的反应太棒了。B:危险;C:威胁;D:失败。 14.D 考查动词短语。在公共汽车上拿到我的钱包之后,埃琳把我驾照的照片发到了一个网 上论坛。设空处下文提到她将我的驾照的照片放到了网上,这里跟在连词after后面作时间状 语,表示拿到(took possession of)钱包以后,故选D项。A:摆脱;B:利用;C:控制。,15.A 考查连接词。她把我驾照的照片贴在网上论坛,试图看看是否有人认识我。设空处前 面的内容提到埃琳将照片放到网上,当然是看看是否(if)有人认识我。 16.B 考查动词。句意:尽管除了闲聊我从来没有和那些母亲们交谈过,但她们还是想要帮 我。根据后面的意思“但是她们想帮我”可知,前面表示尽管我们没怎么交谈过(exchanged words),故选B项。A:回想,回忆;C:重复;D:窃窃私语。 17.A 考查动词。句意:我知道,现在人们比以往更有分歧,但是我遇到的人往往不会这样做。 设空处上句话提到我遇到的那些孩子的母亲都想帮我,此处表示我遇到(encounter)的这些 人。故选A项。B:跟随;C:商量,请教;D:陪伴,伴随,为伴奏。 18.C 考查动词短语。设空处在文章最后一段的开头,表示对前面发生的故事的总结。当回 首往昔时(Looking back),我感到高兴。故选C项。A:走开;B:好转;D:进步,出现。 19.D 考查介词。设空处表示她的行为超越了(beyond)几乎任何人会做的事情。 20.D 考查形容词。根据设空处前面的for that可知,下面表达我非常感激(extremely grateful), 故选D项。A:渴望的;B
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