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胡乱的;任意的,同意;捐赠;订阅,燃料,资料;数据,趋势;倾向;走向,签署(文件);捐助,大灾难;浩劫,洪水;水灾,外部的;外面的,电的;与电有关的,随便的;漫不经心的;,发动机,容器;罐头,微波炉;微波,核的;核能的;,偶然的,原子核的,tend,quantity,glance,advocate,mild,range,tendency,widespread,average,pollution,circumstance,refresh,phenomenon,phenomena,oppose,opposed,consequence,consequently,state,statement,steady,steadily,existence,exist,contribution,contribute,consume,consumer,growth,grow,educator,educate,education,disagreement,disagree,consume,consumers,stated,statement,contributed,contributions,educators,educated,education,come about,subscribe to,quantities of,go up,result in,be opposed to,even if,keep on,on the whole,on behalf of,put up with,so long as,and so on,resulting in,going up,subscribes to,came about,put up with,on behalf of,compared to those,There was no doubt that it was the teachers encouragement,that,when,even if/though we all,as long as we do more listening,did our best to persuade him,is consumed,have been polluted,in,spent a large quantity of time in,preparing for,are strongly against,objected to,are strongly opposed to,as a result,as a consequence,ranging,within,a,and their,whose ages,with their,ages range from,range from,ages ranging from,above,On,at an average speed of,whose speed averages out at,should not give up,should you give up,broke out,happen,come about,have taken place,putting up,put down,put up with,put forward,rewarding,should set,As a result/consequence,resulting from,resulted in,so long as,as well as,As far as,as good as,As long as we try our,best, there is no need to feel regret for these failures,
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