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1新视野英语第四册习题汇编I Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.Upright lap farewell sheer porter fabricDepart trunk tender mill nuisanceSleeve waist plantation nonsense wit1. Bard protects the _ and branches of trees from extremes of temperature.2. She stroked the cat _ behind the ears.3. His sharp _ comes through strongly in his writing.4. Stand _ when you are being spoken to .5.I wore that black mini-dress with short _.6.The trousers are a bit tight around my _.7. We saw people moving behind the _.8. Our _ was delayed because of bad weather.9. We must in vest in the _ of our hospitals and start rebuilding them. 10. _ I shall never see you again.II Translate the following into English.1. 我们需要就我们在办公室做事的方式建立某种秩序。(imposeon , order)2. 通道你不认为我们很快就会识破他的伪装吗?(penetrate, disguise)3. 在任何紧急情况下你总是可以依靠彼得。(count on 0)4. 自从他接了那项额外工作以来,他真的把自己累垮了。(extra, run down)5. 你反对吸烟吗?不,我一点也不反对。(object to )6. 在学校时他说表现出了在科学方面的天赋。(reveal, gift )7. 她把一段红色绸带在腰上扭起了秧歌。(a length of )8. 十月份举行的那次选举根本不公平。(in no sense)9. 他们绝不向敌人投降,并决心继续战斗下去。(yield to, fight on )10. 她工作干得那么好,每一分钱都受之无愧。(deserve, penny)III. Essay writing Can Man Triumph Over Nature.I Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.Coarse stocking beggar comic comedy scout ankleClap heel rag cop script applause clumsy2Rumor sunset1. When I hurriedly got off the bus, I fill over and twisted my _.2. I dont like the _ play which is on at the theater this week. It isnt funny at all.3. Crippled(瘸腿的) _ lined the road which led to the temple.4. He was a _ man whose manner made him unpopular with other people. 5. The fishermen set out at _ for a nights fishing.6. She has just spent $15 for a pair of silk _.7. _ are going around about why the teacher left her previous school.8. She is a director well known for serious films but her latest work is a _. 9. The young lady had a _ caught in a crack in the concrete.10. The Manchester United chief _ spotted him when he was playing for his school football team.II Translate the following into English1. 找个星期六晚上看小孩的人真是件麻烦事。babysitter, be a headache恐怖分子袭击的次数已经增加到了骇人听闻的程度。terrorist attacks, to a degree经过几个月的努力,她最终在意大利和他取得了联系。make contact with一定要提醒我下次会议的时间,因为我有可能忘记。remind of , be likely to 在我们班里的许多年轻人身上,竞争并获得成功的欲望很强烈。the urge to如果你要来的话,请事先证我知道。in advance她的父母一直认为她是他们最聪明的孩子。regardas 这很糟糕,但是我看见她掉进水里的时候还是忍不住大笑起来。cant help doing她的婴儿死后,她就不再信奉上帝了。lose ones faith in这个国家的一些河流直接流入太平洋。find ones way toEssay writing An English Resume.I Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.Sticky pension raw brake champion rentbid donation governor spine profile practicallyliberal receipt appliance roast1. The government has raised the old-age _ by 50%in the last three years.2. Hes been in a bit of trouble recently so hes trying to keep a low _.3. I Pay a higher _ than the other tenants because my room is bigger.4. She made a _ of $69,000for the flat, which was accepted.5. There were a few _ moments during th3e meeting, but everything turned out all right in 3the end.6. I pressed my foot down hard on the _ but to my horror the car did not slow down.7. Oil is an important _ material which can be processed in to many different products, including plastics. 8. Theoretically, its a good idea to live without a car, but _ speaking, it would be difficult to manage without one.9. Is the _ of food to the hungry more helpful than giving money?10. His attitude on this point struck me as strangely _ in a man of his age.II Translate the following into English.1. 你不应该把车停在这儿。就把车停在马路对面吧。(be supposed to park)2. 该电脑适合于多种用途,它们已经售出几千台了。(lend itself to , by the thousand)3. 我不想被人愚弄。我觉得我有权知道我自己的钱是怎样花的。(make a fool of , entitle to )4. 你即使乖出租车也还是赶不上火车。你要遇到麻烦了。(even if, sticky situation)5. 他们正面临着财政困难,但很快靠那笔买卖赚了钱。(face with, made money on)6. 为了获取政府对我们扩建房屋计划的批准,我们得等上几个月。 (approve )7. 与其将家里的垃圾扔掉,为什么不将其再利用呢?(instead of ,recycle)8. 她是学校发展委员会的成员,对工作有足够的责任心。(sit on the committee)9. 她不是想在电话中长时间争论,因此把电话挂了。(get involved in )10. 我姐姐总是不停地告诉我怎样抚养孩子。我倒想看看她是怎样对付他们的。(lecture about, cope with)III Essay writing A Job Application letterI Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.dumb utility intensive parade desperate antiquerecession provincial peak stake infrastructureridge web nowhere disposal revenue1. He claims that the _ is much deeper than the government is prepared to admit.2. Bombing was _in the city center, and has destroyed most of the major buildings.3. It is most expensive to advertise at _ viewing times.4. She was struck _ by what she had seen.5. Government _ have fallen dramatically with four million people out of wor
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