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课时提能练(二十二).阅读理解A(2019长春检测)I attended a writers group to get feedback(反馈) on my book.But there were so many people there that the discussion was limited.After getting home,my 13yearold son asked me to read one chapter to him.So I read the chapter about spending my pocket money as a nineyearold child.The story took place at a lunch counter,where I dreamed of ordering a banana split.Colorful balloons were hung above the counter and a sign said,“Pop(使爆裂) a balloon and pay 1 cent to 63 cents for a banana split!”As I was given only 50 cents for cleaning the doghouse,I didnt dare to ask my parents for any more pocket money without doing more work.So I kept my wish to myself.Frankie listened carefully,as I read the final sentences of the chapter,“I watched as others selected a balloon to pop and dreamed about the opportunity to take my chance.But it never happened.”The next morning,Frankie led me to the kitchen.I couldnt believe my eyes.The table was covered in a pile of balloons.Frankie handed me 50 cents and a fork.“Pop one!”he urged.With tears in my eyes.I broke one.A piece of paper fell out of the balloon.“What does it say,Mom?”Frankie asked.“Fifty cents,”I whispered,too choked to speak loudly.Frankie asked,“Well,do you have 50 cents?”I handed him the money.“OK!”Then Frankie pulled out a banana split from the refrigerator.I hugged Frankie hard.We took turns popping the other balloons until I finally got the 1cent balloon.It was a longtime coming,but worth the wait.It hit me that the first step in making any wish come true is to give it a voice.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了作者的儿子帮助作者实现童年愿望的温情故事。1The author read the chapter to Frankie because Ashe wanted to get feedback from FrankieBFrankie asked the author to read it to himCshe was used to telling a bedtime story to himDFrankie had a strong desire for knowledgeB细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“After getting home,my 13yearold son asked me to read one chapter to him”可知,作者给儿子读书是应儿子的要求,故选B。2What can we infer about the author from the second paragraph?AShe spent money wisely when she was a kid.BShe had enough money to do whatever she liked.CShe earned her pocket money by doing housework.DShe had no close friends to share her secret wish.C推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“As I was given only 50 cents for cleaning the doghouse,I didnt dare to ask my parents for any more pocket money without doing more work”可推知,作者的零花钱都是通过做家务挣来的,故选C。3Seeing what Frankie did for her,the author felt Acomfortable and happy Bpuzzled and excitedCawkward and satisfied Dsurprised and movedD推理判断题。根据第四段第二句“I couldnt believe my eyes”和第五段中的“I whispered,too choked to speak loudly”可推知,作者当时既惊讶又感动,故选D。4The author learned that Ait is important to express ones wishesBit is comforting to have a kid aroundCexperiences in childhood affect us later in lifeDwishes can come true by just voicing themA推理判断题。根据最后一段“It hit me that the first step in making any wish come true is to give it a voice”可推知,作者最后感悟,让任何愿望成真的第一步是要把愿望说出来,故选A。B(2019西安检测)Its easy to keep your aging brain as quick as it was in college.Use a website full of brain games or download the right apps,and within 20 minutes youll be doing your part to sharpen your memory and slow the decline of your mental functions.At least thats what the companies behind this booming industry would have you believe.But is it true?Concrete proof about the benefits of brain games is hard to come by,experts say,when it comes to measurably improving aspects of mental fitness,like having a good memory.“People would really love to believe they could do something like this and make their brain better,but theres just no solid evidence,”says Randall WEngle,a primary investigator at the Attention & Working Memory Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology.Thats not to say brain games are without benefits.Experts say these kinds of mental exercises can change your brain.The brain changes with just about everything you do,including mental training exercises.But numerous studies have shown that brain games lack what researchers call“transfer”In other words,repeating a game over and over again teaches you how to play the game and get better at it but your brain aging wont necessarily come to a stop.“Its like,you walk through fresh snow,and you leave a trace.If you walk the same route again,the trace gets deeper and deeper,”says Ursula Staudinger,director of the Butler Columbia Aging Center at Columbia University.The fact that structural changes occur does not imply that in general this brain has become more capable.It has become more capable of doing exactly the tasks it was practicing.【语篇解读】本文是一篇科普说明文。据说脑力游戏可以提高记忆力和延缓大脑功能的衰退,但是研究表明,脑力游戏仅能提高玩家对游戏技巧的掌握,并不能真正阻止大脑的老化;其作用还有待证明。5We can infer from the first paragraph that Abrain games improve the memoryBbrain aging actually can be quittedCpeople dont believe brain gamesDthe author doub
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