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Unit 11 Shall we go to the theatre?习题一、选择( )1. She always _her face at 6:05am.A. wash B. washes C. washing.( )2. Katie always get up _ six oclock.A. on B.at C. on ( )3. Sally often makes _ bed in the morning.A. she B. his C. her ( )4.They tried _ each other when there is a full moon.A. saw B. to see C. sees( )15._you make the cake? Yes, I can.A. Are B. Is C. Can二、根据情景,正确搭配1. ( ) Nice to meet you A. Lets go to the cafe.2. ( ) Dont throw stones at the dog. B. I went to the zoo.3. ( ) I want to drink coffee. C. Im doing my homework.4. ( ) What are you doing? D. Nice to meet you,too5. ( ) Where did you go yesterday? E Im sorry.三、选择适当的词填空1. I am 150 _ tall.(am, cm)2. My friend is shorter _ me. (than, then)3. _ tall are you? (How, What)4 Im 12. Lily is 11. Im _ than her. (shorter, older)5. Rome is ,but London is .(big, bigger)6. Alice is ,but Mary is than Alice.(nice, nicer)7. This line is , but that line is than the first line.(short, shorter)8. The right house is , but the left house than that one. (small, smaller)四、选择( ) 1. Youre taller than _. A. you B.I C.me( ) 2. The boy is six _ tall. A. foot B. feet C. m( ) 3. -_? -I wear size 17.A. How big are your feet? B. How long are your feet? C. How heavy are your feet?( ) 4 .Line up _ shorter _taller.A. go, to B. come, to C. from, to( ) 5.-_ do you watch TV? -I watch TV once a week.A. How soon B. How long C. How tall2
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