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Unit6 单元目标一、单元总目标本单元谈论和学习的话题是日常生活中的购物,关于这个话题在本单元所涉及的主要四会词汇有:shirt, T-shirt, a pair of shorts, a pair of trousers, a pair of glasses, a pair of shoes, two pairs of socks;本单元的功能结构有三个:一、学习如何在日常生活中主动提供服务或帮助:What can I do for you? 二、学习正确询问物品的价格:How much is it / are they?并能根据其单复数准确作答:Its / Theyre . yuan. 三、学习 How about.? It looks / They look . Well take it / them.等购物用语。第6单元的教学设计共分为4个课时。第一课时以Part A中Lets learn部分为主,并结合Part C中Look and write部分进行巩固和检测;第二课时以Part A中Lets talk 部分的句型学习为主要内容;第三课时主要是对Part B中Lets learn more部分的处理,是对Part A中所学词汇和句型的巩固和拓展,可结合Part B中Lets play进行巩固练习;第四课时主要是处理Part B的语音部分Read the words以及Part B和Part C中的其余检测活动。具体课时分配情况见下表:Unit6 课时分配课时数所包含的内容第一课时Part ALets learnPart CLook and write第二课时Part AWarming-up: Point out the money you knowWarming-up: Put the things in the right placesLets talk第三课时Part BLets learn moreLets play第四课时Part BRead and actRead the wordsPart CListen and writeChoose, complete and talkRead and answer二、单元具体目标在本单元的教学中,教师可以结合教学挂图、卡片、教学实物、多媒体等引导学生学习、认知所教授的内容,并且能达到以下知识目标和情感目标:知识目标一、能听、说、读、写以下词汇:shirt, T-shirt, a pair of shorts, a pair of trousers, a pair of glasses, a pair of shoes, two pairs of socks二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:1. What can I do for you? / Can I help you?I want to buy / Yes. I would like 2. How much is it / are they?Its/ They are yuan.3. How about this / these ?It looks / They look.4. Well take it / them.情感目标一、培养学生和他人用英语进行交流的意愿。二、鼓励学生和他人进行小组合作,培养学生的合作能力。3
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