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1,第10章战略实施与控制,一 战略实施 目标与组织结构 战略领导 二 战略控制 建立战略控制系统的步骤 控制方法及工具,2,一 战略实施 The Mckinsey 7-s framework,structure,Shared values,staff,systems,style,strategy,skills,3,The Mckinsey 7-s framework,硬件 Strategy, structure, systems 软件 Style, shared values, staffs, skills,4,The Mckinsey 7-s framework,Strategy: a set of decisions and actions aimed at gaining a sustainable competitive advantage Structure: the organization chart and associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integrated,5,The Mckinsey 7-s framework,Systems: the flow of activities involved in the daily operation of a business, including its core process and its support systems. Style: how managers collectively spend their time and attention, and how they use symbolic behavior. How management acts is more important than what management says.,6,The Mckinsey 7-s framework,Staff: how companies develop employees and shape basic values Shared values: commonly held beliefs, mindsets, and assumptions that shape how an organization behavesits corporate culture Skills: an organizations dominant capabilities and competence,7,战略实施,战略实施-变革 战略实施-按图施工? 战略实施-组织结构(组织服务于战略?) 战略实施-高阶领导的作用,8,战略实施与变革,组织/业务/流程重组 管理人员调整 制度、文化、观念变革 Evolutionary adaptive changes? Revolutionary generative changes?,9,目标分解,使命,目标,组织战略,职能战略,运作策略,财务策略,营销策略,幸福生活,满意职业,高级文凭,学校/专业,选课,10,目标分解,使命,目标,组织战略,职能战略,运作策略,财务策略,营销策略,生存、发展,市场份额,低成本,产品、选址,产品选择,11,如何设定目标-SMART原则,具体Specific 不要用行动表达目标 可测量Measurable 定量化 达成共识Agreed 不是强加于人 实事求是Realistic 难度、资源 时限Time-bound 长中短结合起来,12,目标分解:DELL,1986年,6000万美元 会议:今后6年要成为重要的跨国公司 两个战略目标:大型公司客户,全球化 具体行动:产品质量、直销创新、技术支持 最后制定了131项涉及营销、生产、管理、技术、融资等方面的具体策略 1992年,20亿美元 YGXX20030415,逆向思维驱动超速成长,13,战略与组织结构,Proper match between strategy and structure Must be flexible, innovative and creative to exploit the core competence in the pursuit of market opportunities Also require a certain degree of stability in their structures so that day-to-day tasks can be completed efficiently,14,战略与组织结构,Stability = = Rigidity,15,Strategy and structure growth pattern,Simple structure,Sales growthcoordination and control problems,functional structure,Sales growthcoordination and control problems,Multi-divisional structure,Efficient implementation of formulated strategy,16,Strategy and structure,制定新战略,出现新的管理问题,组织绩效下降,建立新组织结构,组织绩效得到改进,17,组织形式-单一结构,Simple structure The owner-manager makes all major decisions directly and monitors all activities.,18,组织形式-职能制,Functional structure Consists of a chief executive officer and a limited corporate staff, with functional line managers in dominant organization areas such as production, accounting, marketing, R&D, engineering, and human resources.,19,组织形式-事业部制,Multidivisional structure Composed of operating divisions, each representing a separate business or profit center in which the top corporate officers delegate responsibilities for day-to-day operations and business-unit strategy to division managers.,20,Multidivisional structureM -model,Multidivisional structure,Corporative form,SBU form,Competitive form,21,Functional structurecost leadership,Office of the president,Centralized staff,engineering,marketing,operation,accounting,accounting,personnel,Operation is the main function Process engineering is emphasized, rather than R job roles are highly structured.,22,Functional structuredifferentiation,President & limited staff,R & D,marketing,operation,accounting,personnel,Marketing is the main function New product R&D is emphasized Only market and R&D have centralized staff Formalized procedures are limited Overall structure is organic,R & D,marketing,23,Strategic leadership,The ability to implement strategies is one of the most valuable of all managerial skills. US managers now spend an estimated $10 billion annually on strategic analysis and strategy formulation. Managers themselves report that less than half are ever implemented. However, outside observers put the success rate even lower: less than 10 percent.,24,Strategic leadership,The ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, and empower others to create strategic change as necessary.,25,Strategic leadership,Effective strategic leadership,Strategic intent,Strategic mission,Successful Strategic actions,Formulation Of strategies,Implementation Of strategies,Strategic competitiveness,26,Strategic leadership,Effective strategic leadership,Determining strategic direction,Exploiting/ maintaining Core competence,Developing human capital,Establishing balanced controls,Sustaining An effective Organizational culture,27,高管的角色职责战略领导,Ship captain? Social activities director? 组织者-要组织“活动” 沟通者-交流 仲裁着-明确是非标准 决策者-选择方案 激励者-传达战略意图,赋予工作以意义 Peter Senge designer,28,战略控制系统,1.建立绩效评估标准:多源自公司的策略,目的是达到当代绩效标准 2.建立管理或监控系统來看看标准和目标是否达成 3.比较实际的与预期的绩效目标 未必一定要有什么行动,29,五大控制体系,基础控制组织、责任、权力 文化价值观和行为规范 沟通正式和非正式 协调横向联系 评价与奖惩,30,控制方法点和信息,1.财务控制:成长率、市场占有率、现金流 2.产出控制:效率、品质、创新、顾
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