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第一课:1.法官的权利由法律规定。(define)The powers of a judge are defined by law.2.商业电视是有效的广告宣传工具。(medium)Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising.3.伦敦纽约是主要的金融中心。(financial)London and New York are major financial centers.4.他们向她表示热烈欢迎。(extend)They extended a warm welcome to her.5.我把参考书放在书桌旁以便使用。(convenience)I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience.6.学校里是否教授商业函件?(correspondence)Is commercial correspondence taught at the school.7.我们处在历史的紧要关头。(critical)We are at a critical time in our history.8.在那一瞬间。我以为他要拒绝了。(instant)Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.9.该作者与编辑之间工作关系很融洽。(relationship)The author had a good working relationship with his editor.10.对这份工作,我们接到了400份申请。(application)We received 400 applications for the job.第二课:1.报告中有一段谈到工作中的事故问题。(section)The report has a section on accidents at work.2.这辆汽车很废汽油。(consume)The car consumes a lot of fuel.3.提高了生产力理应增加工资。(justify)Improved productivity justifies an increase in wages.4.只要买了保险就不会遭受损失。(secure)When youre insured, youre secure against loss.5.该公司宣布利润增加。(profit)The company has declared an increase in profits/increased profits.6.健康欠佳可能成为取得成功的障碍。(barrier)Poor health may be a barrier to success.7.他悉心好学弥补了经验不足。(balance)His lack of experience was balanced by his willingness to learn.8.我们扼要说明了我们对建议的反对意见。(outline)We outlined our major objections to the proposal.9. 这项新税收将迫使公司采用节省能源的措施。(adopt)The new tax will force companies to adopt energy-saving measures.10.你可以把不重要的细节删除。(cut out)You can cut out the unimportant details.第三课:1.我们要尽快做出决定。(imperative)It is imperative that we make a quick decision.2.旅行可开阔人的眼界。(horizon)Travel broadens ones horizons.3.按照你的建议去做是行不通的。(feasible)Its not feasible to follow your proposals.4.我们有够十个人吃的食物吗?(sufficient)Do we have sufficient food for ten people.5.不太可能有雨/下雨。(unlikely)There is unlikely to be rain/It is unlikely to rain/It is unlikely that it will rain. 6.她对这消息的反应如何?(reaction)What was her reaction to the news? 7.在多数情况下,这种疼痛很快就会消失。(instance)In most instances the pain soon goes away.8.他的写作方法别具一格。(individual)He writes in a very individual way.9.你有能力把着工作做好。(capability)You have the capability to do /of doing this job well.10.儿童的鞋并不便宜反而更贵。(reverse)Childrens shoes arent cheapquite the reverse.11.税收增加已经影响了我们所有人。(affect)The tax increases have affected us all.12.我们很可能得到这笔钱。(feasible)Its quite feasible (that) well get the money.第四课:1.你能确保我们订了房间吗?(make sure)Can you make sure that we have a room reservation?2.那些商人都向我们拉生意。(solicit)The tradesmen are all soliciting us for custom.3.欧洲服饰被世界很多地方的人采用。(adopt)People in many parts of our world have adopted European dress.4.现代火车都有自动门。(automatic)Modern trains have automatic doors.5.她没有提到她母亲没来。(mention)She did not mention her mothers absence.6.如果我们对美无动于衷,我们就会在生命中有好多缺憾。(responsive)。If we are not responsive to beauty, we will miss a lot in life.7.他们今天发现证据不能用来解释这个案件。(account for)The evidence they discovered today doesnt account for the case.8.一个公司的老字号并不一定能保证其质量。(guarantee)A famous old name on the firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality.9.她给艾琳打了电话但没和她约去看她。(arrangements)She telephoned Ellen but made no arrangements to see her.第五课:1.当说到他父亲时,他就一言不发了。(when it comes to)When it comes to his father, he keeps silent.2.我有时感到区分西班牙语和葡萄牙语很困难。(distinguish from)I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.3.如果资金缩减的话,我们将无法提供同等水平的教学。(provide)We will not be able to provide the same standard of teaching if there are funding cuts4.我们正在制定新的策略提高我们市场的占有量。(Strategy)Were working on new strategies to improve our share of the market.5.虽然我比珍妮出门晚,但我比她提早到达晚会现场。(ahead of)Although I left home later than Jane, I arrived at the party ahead of her.6.我们花了一整天的时间开车回家。(it takes time for someone to do sth)It took all day for us to drive home.7.你把担搁归咎于什么呢?(attribute to) To what do you attribute this delay?8.他们施压让她接受轿车的较低的价格。(put pressure on)They put pressure on her to accept a lower price for the car.9.邮件一天两次送达到我们办公室。(deliver)Mail is delivered to our office twice a day.10.刘易斯创了新的世界记录。(set up)Lewis has set up a new world record.第六课:1.那是个令人尴尬的境地,需要技巧。(call for)It was an embarrassing situation that called for tact.2.我觉得她是在利用他的良好品质。(take advantage of)I think she is taking advantage of his good nature3.灾害使公众的注意力集中到了化学废料问题上。(focus on)The disaster focused public attention on the problem of chemical waste.4.你的广告有人反馈吗?(have answer to)Did you have any answer to your advertisement yet?5.让自己溶入一个文化背景完全不同的社会很难。(integrate)Its very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own. 6.很多公司声称他们需要有经验的雇员。(experienced)Many companies claim that they need experienced employees.7.总裁说我们需要实施一个新的计划。(launch)The chief executive said we needed to launch a new project.8.你将负责全企业的协调工作。(coordination)You will be respons
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