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CRANE 起重机,ALHZ HSE_training 009a. rev.1 Based on C-GS-17-0-2-A JHA(2010.06) & HSE plan rev.A,2,Table of content,3,Background 背景,Description 描述 On July 13th, MCC is unloading the weight of 80t crane from truck. Due to space limit, the working position of 25t crane can not fulfill this mission. The distance between 3t weight and crane is 18m, which is beyond the 25t cranes working radius 16m. To save time, the cranes driver decided to slanting lift this weight to the ground to release the truck, When he pulled the weight from the truck which fell on to the ground. This dangerous act of lifting cause the back supporting leg of crane get off the ground about 50mm. 7月13日,MCC将80吨的起重机从卡车上卸载下来。由于空间的限制,25吨起重机工作的位置无法完成吊装任务。因为当时货物与起重机的距离为18米,超过了25吨起重机16米的工作半径。但是为了节省时间,吊车司机决定倾斜的将货物从卡车吊装到地面上。这个危险的吊装行为导致起重机的后方支撑腿离开地面50毫米。,4,Background 背景,Description 描述 One PSSI happened in ALHZ site - The 630t crane fell down after lift jobs finished when they removed its small support and beam 发生在ALHZ现场的一个PSSI:完成吊装工作后,当他们移除起重机的支撑时,这个630吨的起重机发生了侧翻。,5,Background 背景,Description 描述 Inspection to tower crane equipment acted on July 06 and defects are noted as below: 7月6日对塔吊进行检查,其缺点如下: Parts of tower crane platform and strutting structure deformed and damaged. 塔吊的部分平台以及钢结构发生变形和损害。 No screw bolt fastened for meeting stile joint, only binding by iron wire. 平台阶梯结合处的螺栓没有拧紧,且仅仅通过铁丝来固定。,6,Background 背景,Description 描述 Because the 2nd stage cooler core had leakage, so the client used the travelling crane to lift the core, but when they intended to put down the core to floor at about 5 meters, the core slide from slings to earth on sealing head side, then the other side of core hit the ground again. This incident made the flanges and nozzles on the sealing head bend, and the frame with blocks bent like wave. 由于2级冷却器内部存在渗漏,客户便使用移动式起重机将冷却器内核吊起。但是,当他们试图在距离地面5米的高度将冷却器内核放下时,内核的封头侧发生滑落,从而导致内核的另一侧撞击到地面。此次事故导致封头侧的法兰以及管口撞弯,同时导致整个换热器框架弯曲成波浪状。,stile joint,7,Background 背景,8,Unsafe foundation can result in the tipping of the crane 不安全的地基会导致起重机的侧翻。,Background 背景,9,Improper loads or speeds can result in the tipping of the crane 不合理的载重或者速度会导致起重机侧翻。,Background 背景,10,Improper Load不合理的载重,Background 背景,11,Improper Load不合理的载重,Background 背景,12,Background 背景,Movie Show视频,13,Objective目的,This training material is intend to tell you: 此培训材料为了告诉我们: The safety use of crane on site现场起重机的安全使用 The risks of the crane lifting existed吊装过程中存在的风险 What kinds of rules you need to take in advance 吊装之前需要遵守的标准 The safety inspection and record for crane using 使用的起重机的安全检查和记录,14,Definition of crane 起重机的定义,Crane Consists of a rotating structure for lifting and lowering horizontally on rubber tires or crawler treads 由一个在橡胶轮胎上,在水平方向可以上升和下降的旋转结构组成,These following forms of lifting equipments may be used on site: 现场可能使用的吊装设备的类型: Conventional lattice boom crawler cranes传统的桁架起重臂履带吊 Conventional lattice boom truck cranes, (friction / hydraulic) 传统的桁架起重臂式汽车吊(摩擦/液压驱动) Tower cranes (all types)塔吊(所有类型) Piling equipment打桩设备,15,Risk analysis风险分析,There are many risks existed while using the crane improperly: 不正确的使用起重机会存在以下危险: Poor condition of the lifting equipments (Including hook and sling) 起重设备质量问题(吊钩和吊索) Boom or crane contact with energized power lines 吊杆或起重机碰到带电的电源线 Work under the hook lifting device (co-activity), 在吊钩提升设备下方工作(同时作业) Overturned cranes,倾覆 Dropping loads,货物脱钩 Boom collapse,吊杆断裂 Counter weight uncontrolled movement,配重失去控制 Outrigger use,吊车支腿的使用 Poor weather conditions,恶劣天气状况 Rigging failures索具失效,16,Risk analysis 风险分析,Improper using of the crane 不合理的使用吊车,17,Risks precautions风险预防,Lifting plan起重计划 Before executing a lifting job in construction or commissioning site, if the weight of the lifting equipments equal or more than 10t, the sub-contractor shall develop a lifting plan and submit to ALHZ site HSE lead engineer for approval. 在施工或调试现场实施起重作业前, 假如起重设备重量等于或超过10吨,分包商需在作业前制订起重计划,并交由ALHZ现场HSE 主管确认 Before executing a lifting job in MF, if the weight of the lifting equipments equal or more than 30t, the lifting team shall develop a lifting plan and submit to ALHZ MF HSE manager for approval. 在制造部实施起重作业前, 假如起重设备的重量等于或超过30吨,起重小组需在作业前制订起重计划,并交由ALHZ现场HSE 主管确认,18,Risks precautions 风险预防,The lifting plan shall cover:起重计划包括: Route that transport will take to position of the load to lifting 装载到起重地点的路线 Initial lifting of the load including radius 货物的初步起吊(包括半径 ) Final placement position of the load including radius 最后卸载地点(包括半径) Location of the crane起重机的位置 Obstruction/equipment/facilities in the vicinity of lifting operation 起重作业附近的阻碍物/设备/设施 Safety measures/precaution to ensure safe lifting 为确保起重安全的安全措施/预防措施,19,Risks precautions 风险预防,Lifting equipment selection 起重装备的选择 Make sure the crane selection can satisfy the: 确保选择的起重机满足: Rated Load Capacities额定装载量 Operating Speeds运行速度 Location of center of gravity 重心位置 Special handling requirements特殊操作要求,Load Rating Chart,20,Risks precautions 风险预防,All crane and lift equipment operators on the ALHZ site shall be qualified in accordance with GB codes and related
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