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Module 4 Music Born in America 单元小结Tom tried out special approaches and techniques to touch fans heart. But recently fans were a bit bored with Toms songs and the number of them was in decline rather than on the increase. He didnt know what problems had arisen. Tom was disappointed but it was in vain. So he decided to quit singing. He was blessed with a talent for writing and was devoted to it. When his first book came out, many people bought it. His humorous language made a deep impression on the readers, which was far from his expectation. At the same time, Tom took advantage of a new kind of music, making his singing boom. And he was more and more in harmony with her fans. You cannot beg for success, otherwise you will never succeed. 汤姆尝试了许多独特的方法和技巧去打动歌迷们的心。但最近歌迷们有点讨厌汤姆的歌曲,歌迷们的数量在减少而不是上升。他不知道出现了什么问题。汤姆很失望,但是徒劳无益。于是他决定放弃演唱。汤姆有幸有写作天赋,他专注于写书。当他的第一本书出版时,很多人购买。他幽默的语言给读者留下了深刻的印象,这远远超出了他的预期。与此同时,汤姆利用一种新风格的音乐使他的演唱事业迅速发展起来,而且他和歌迷们的关系越来越融洽。你不能乞求成功,否则你永远不会成功。加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. 1 the turn of the century when jazz was born, America had no prominent 2 of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was 3 , or by whom. But it began to be 4 in the early 1900s. Jazz is an American contribution to 5 music.In contrast to classical music, which 6 formal European traditions, jazz is a spontaneous and free form. It bubbles with energy, 7 the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s, jazz 8 like America, 9 it does today. The 10 of this music are as interesting as the music 11 . American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz 12 . They were brought to southern states 13 slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long 14 .When a Negro died, his friends and relatives 15 a procession to carry the body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the 16 . On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion. 17 on the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Death had removed one of their 18 , but the living were glad to be alive. The band played 19 music, improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes 20 at the funeral. That music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form of jazz.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了美国爵士乐的相关情况。1A.ByBAtCIn DOn解析:选B这里at the turn of the century表示的是在“世纪初”这一具体时间。2A.music BsongCmelody Dstyle解析:选D根据上文所说的大多数国家都有自己的音乐风格(style),可知后面也应该是风格,故选style。3A.discovered BactedCinvented Ddesigned解析:选C本句意为“没有人确切地知道爵士乐是什么时候发明的或由谁发明的”。discover意为“发现”;act意为“行动,扮演”;invent意为“发明”;design意为“设计”。故选C。4A.noticed BfoundClistened Dheard解析:选D这里是说爵士乐被听到,所以用heard。listen的意思是“听”,而且须接介词to,A、B两项与语境不符。5A.classical BsacredCpopular Dlight解析:选Cpopular music指“流行音乐”,与classical music(古典音乐)相对。爵士乐(jazz)是流行音乐的一种,故选C。6A.forms BfollowsCapproaches Dintroduces解析:选B此处意为“古典音乐遵循正规的欧洲传统”。form意为“形成”;follow意为“遵循”;approach意为“接近,靠近”;introduce意为“引进,介绍”。7A.expressing BexplainingCexposing Dillustrating解析:选Aexpress意为“表达”,与后面的宾语moods(情绪)、interests(爱好)以及emotions(感情)相搭配。explain意为“解释,说明”;expose意为“揭露,使暴露”;illustrate意为“阐明”。8A.appeared BfeltCseemed Dsounded解析:选D此处意为“在20世纪20年代,爵士乐听起来像是美国风格”。只有sound有“听起来”的意思,其他三个词都无此意。9A.as BsoCeither Dneither解析:选A此处意为“就像爵士乐今天的样子”。as意为“正如,就像”,后面接一个句子。10A.origins BoriginalsCdiscoveries Dresources解析:选A此处意为“爵士乐的起源”。origin意为“起源,起始”;original意为“原作,原件”;discovery意为“发现”;resource意为“资源”。故选A。11A.himself BitselfCthemselves Doneself解析:选B本句意为“这种音乐的起源和音乐本身一样有趣”。故此处应选择反身代词itself。12A.players BfollowersCfans Dpioneers解析:选D本句意为“美国的黑人是爵士乐的先锋”。player意为“演奏者”;follower意为“追随者”;fan意为“(爵士乐)迷”;pioneer意为“先锋,开拓者”。13A.for BasCwith Dby解析:选B本句意为“他们被作为奴隶带到南部各州”。只有介词as意为“作为”,符合此意。14A.months BweeksChours Dtimes解析:选C本句意为“他们被卖给南方种植园主们而且被迫长时间劳动”。long一般不与month和week搭配;hour此处指工作时间;time此处指次数或倍数,当一段时间讲时是不可数名词,故选C。15A.demonstrated BcomposedChosted Dformed解析:选Ddemonstrate意为“论证,说明,示威”;compose意为“组成,构成(一个整体)”;host意为“款待,主持”;form与procession搭配,意为“形成队列”。故选D。16A.demonstration BprocessionCbody Dmarch解析:选B上句提到形成队列,此处意为“这样的队列经常伴有一支乐队”,故选上文提到的procession。17A.Even BThereforeCFurthermore DBut解析:选D上句说在去墓地的路上,乐队演奏缓慢的、庄重的音乐以便和悲痛的场合相配合。而本句说在回来的路上,情绪变了。所以这两句之间应该是转折关系。故选D。18A.number BmembersCbody Drelations解析:选D本句意为“死神已经夺走了他们的一个亲人,但活着的人高兴他们还活着”。relation意为“亲戚”。并与前面的“friends and relatives”相照应。故选D。19A.sad BsolemnChappy Dfuneral解析:选C这里选择happy,以便和上文中提到的slow和solemn相对应。20A.whistled BsungCpresented Dshowed解析:选Cwhistle意为“吹口哨”;sing意为“唱”;present意为“表现,展现”;show意为“展示”。只有present才能和“the harmony and the melody”相搭配。.阅读理解Listening to music is considered a good thing for adults. Indeed it is. Scientific studies have proven it. Music has so many good effects on our body, mind and mood that this w
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