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Module 2 The Renaissance 单元小结The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci, a gifted, and skilled painter in the Renaissance. He is reckoned one of the greatest painters in history. He had great passion for art and other things and never got tired of them. When he was young, he took up painting as his profession.There are also many anecdotes about the Mona Lisa. One night, a burglar in debt stole the painting, but left the antique frame and the glass behind. The theft led to the publics anger. The police sought it in a confidential way and appealed to the witnesses to catch the suspect. News about the loss of the Mona Lisa was circulated in all newspapers. After some time, several superb substitutes appeared on the market. Two years later, Perugia, who stole the Mona Lisa on behalf of the chief organiser of the crime, sold the authentic and was caught. He was severely punished but the organiser was still at liberty.蒙娜丽莎是由莱奥纳多达芬奇所画,他是文艺复兴时期的一位有才华的、有技巧的画家。他被认为是历史上最伟大的画家之一。他对艺术以及其他事情有着极大的激情,而且从未厌倦过。他年轻时从事绘画并以此作为职业。关于蒙娜丽莎也有很多趣闻。一天晚上,一个负有债务的盗贼把画偷走了,但留下了古董框架和玻璃。这个盗贼引起了公众的愤怒。警察用一种秘密的方式寻找它,同时呼吁目击者出来抓住嫌疑犯。有关蒙娜丽莎丢失的消息在所有报纸上流传。一段时间以后,有几幅极好的替代品在市场上出现了。两年以后,这起偷了蒙娜丽莎的犯罪组织的主犯佩鲁贾在卖真品时被抓住了。他受到了严厉的惩罚,而那个组织者却依旧是自由的。加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空The Mona Lisa is the most famous work of Leonardo da Vinci.The portrait full of mystery and secrets is _1_on a 7753cmlarge polar wood.Leonardo _2_ to work at this painting in 1503.It is said that one of the noblest citizens of Florence _3_ the painting from Leonardo._4_Leonardo left Florence in 1507, he did not sell it to the nobleman._5_,he kept it for himself.Several believe that Leonardo did not _6_ the painting because he did not finish the work, _7_ others believe that Leonardo loved the painting too much.Leonardo da Vinci _8_ in France with the painting in 1516.He sold the painting to the King of France, who _9_ it for the castle in Amboise.After the French Revolution the painting got a new _10_ in the Louvre.However, Napoleon took it away from there and_11_ it up in his bedroom.When Napoleon was banished (流放), the Mona Lisa_12_ into the great Louvre again._13_ August 21, 1911 the Mona Lisa was stolen.In this _14_ the two columns, one on the left and the other on the right side, had been cut.So today the painting is _15_ than the _16_ one.Its also the reason why it is not easy to recognise that Mona Lisa is sitting on a terrace (露台). Two years later, it turned _17_ in Florence.After some exhibitions the Mona Lisa returned again to Paris.An acid (酸) attempt _18_ the lower half of the painting in 1956.The restoration took several years.In the 1960s and 1970s the Mona Lisa was _19_ in New York, Tokyo and Moscow.Today the painting is _20_ bulletproof (防弹的) glass in the Louvre in Paris.语篇解读:本文讲述的是关于达芬奇最著名的作品蒙娜丽莎曲折的历史。现在它被收藏在巴黎卢浮宫里。1A.paintedBmadeCcarved Dsculptured解析:选A本文讲述的是名画蒙娜丽莎的历史。第一段告诉我们这幅画是画在什么材料上的,所以选择painted。2A.managed BtriedCstarted Dintended解析:选C第二段讲述这幅画的起源,所以是从达芬奇开始创作该作品讲起。3A.bought BorderedCsaw Dstole解析:选B从本段可以看出达芬奇画这幅画的原因是有人向他订购了一幅画,所以选择ordered。4A.While BDuringCWhen DSince解析:选C从下文可知,在达芬奇离开佛罗伦萨的时候并没有把这幅画交给订购的人。表示“在的时候”,只能选择when。5A.Then BButCInstead DFinally解析:选C达芬奇没有把这幅画交给订购的人,而是自己保存了起来,所以用instead。6A.hand out Bhand upChand over Dhand down解析:选C从第二段可知,人们推测达芬奇当时没有把画交给订购者的原因有两种可能。hand over意为“把交给”。7A.and BsoCthough Dbut解析:选D从上文看出,有人认为达芬奇没有交画的原因是由于没完成,而另外一些人认为是达芬奇太爱这幅画了。这两句之间是转折关系,所以选择but。8A.reached BarrivedCdealt Ddid解析:选B下文说达芬奇把画卖给了法国国王,所以此处是说他带着画到达了法国。9A.bought BgotCtook Drobbed解析:选A上文说达芬奇把画卖给了法国国王,所以国王应该是买了这幅画。10A.site BhomeCcupboard Ddesk解析:选B本句说明的是这幅画接下来的归属是到了卢浮宫,也就是在卢浮宫找到了一个新家。11A.put BheldChung Dpicked解析:选C后来拿破仑拿走了这幅画,把它挂在了自己的卧室里。12A.went BcameCleft Dreturned解析:选D拿破仑被流放后,这幅画又回到了卢浮宫。13A.On BInCAs DAt解析:选A表示具体在哪一天,要用介词on。14A.thing BaffairCmatter Dbusiness解析:选C上文说这幅画被偷了,所以是一件麻烦事,用matter表示。15A.bigger BsmallerClonger Dshorter解析:选B上文说“.the two columns .had been cut”,所以这幅画是变小了。16A.original BolderCprevious Dlatter解析:选A这幅画变小应该是与原来相比,所以用original表示“原来的”,也就是改变前的。17A.out BinCover Dup解析:选D两年后这幅画又出现在佛罗伦萨。18A.ruined BkilledCinjured Ddamaged解析:选D这幅画又被硫酸破坏。damage意为“部分损坏”;ruin意为“完全毁坏,不可修复”。19A.exhibited BbrokenCseen Dnoticed解析:选A从最后一段看出这幅画在20世纪60和70年代在各地展出,所以选择exhibited。20A.after BbeforeCbeyond Dbehind解析:选D为了保护这幅画,人们把它放在防弹玻璃后面。.阅读理解The medieval (中世纪的) artists didnt know about perspective; they didnt want to make their people look like real individual people in a real individual scene.They wanted to show the truth, the eternal (永恒的) quality of their religious stories.So these artists didnt need to know about perspective.In the European Renaissance period, artists wanted
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