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Section Other Parts of the Module原文呈现The Wrong Kind of Small TalkEsther Greenbaum was a saleswoman for a firm of fax machines and business supplies. But she was also the most outspoken human being in the world well, Westchester County, at least. Her motto was “Every time I open my mouth, I put my foot in it.”Esther Greenbaums major shortcoming was that she had a complete absence of small talk. No, thats not quite true. She had small talk, but it was the wrong kind. In fact, she had never learnt the basic rules of social communication, and as a consequence, she made systematic mistakes every time she opened her mouth. It was no coincidence either that she wasnt a very good saleswoman.读文清障saleswoman /seIlzwmn/ n女推销员,女销售员firm /fm/ n公司fax /fks/ n传真(机)outspoken /atspkn/ adj.直言不讳的,坦率的human being 人类,其复数形式是human beings。at least 至少motto /mt/ n座右铭,格言every time “每次”,是名词短语用作连词,引导时间状语从句。put ones foot in ones mouth 犯使人难堪的错误,说错话major adj.主要的shortcoming /tkmI/ n缺点,短处absence /bsns/ n缺乏,不存在that she had .是表语从句。in fact 实际上, as a matter of fact 事实上as a consequence 因此,结果systematic /sIstmtIk/ adj.非偶然的,经常的coincidence /kInsIdns/ n巧合It is/was no coincidence that . 不是巧合。it是形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语。不合时宜的闲谈埃斯特戈林鲍姆是一家传真及商务用品公司的女推销员。但她也是世界上最口无遮拦的人当然,至少在韦切斯特县是这样的。她的座右铭是“每当我张口,就会讲错话。”埃斯特戈林鲍姆的主要缺点是她根本不会闲谈。不,也不完全如此。她也闲谈,只是不合时宜。实际上,她从来就没有认识到社交的基本规则,因此每次张嘴说话她都会犯经常性的错误。她成不了一名优秀的推销员也就不是巧合了。One day during a meeting, Esther was introduced to an important customer, a mature woman.“Nice to meet you,” she said. “How old are you?” The customer looked awkward.“Forty? Fortyfive?” said Esther. “You look much older. And your friend . shes older than you, but she looks much younger!”On another occasion, Esther teased a typist,“Hey! Whens your baby due?”The typist went red and contradicted Esther. “Actually, Im not pregnant,”she said.“Oh, sorry,” said Esther without any apology.“Just putting on a little weight, huh?”Esther was never cautious about other peoples feelings. One of her acquaintances, a salesman in the firm, was going through a very messy divorce and was very depressed. She tried to cheer him up.“Forget her! She was a complete fool. No one liked her anyway.”be introduced to sb.被介绍给某人customer /kstm/ n顾客,客户mature /mt/ adj.成熟的awkward /kwd/ adj.尴尬的tease /tiz/ v戏弄,嘲弄,揶揄typist /taIpIst/ n打字员go red 变红contradict /kntrdIkt/ v反驳pregnant /pregnnt/ adj.怀孕的apology /pldi/ n道歉,致歉put on weight 长胖,增肥lose weight 减肥cautious /ks/ adj.谨慎的,慎重的be cautious about ( be careful of/about)对谨慎小心acquaintance /kweIntns/ n熟人go through 遭受,经历messy /mesi/ adj.棘手的,难办的divorce /dIvs/ n离婚,离异cheer sb. up 使某人高兴/振作起来fool /ful/ n傻瓜,笨蛋一天在一次会议期间,埃斯特被介绍给一位重要的客户,一位成熟的女士。她说:“很高兴见到你。你多大年纪啦?”这位客户看起来很尴尬。,埃斯特说道:“四十?四十五?你看起来更老。而你的朋友她年龄比你大,但看起来年轻得多!”还有一次,埃斯特打趣一位打字员说:“嗨!你什么时候生宝宝啊?”那位打字员一下子变得面红耳赤,并反驳埃斯特说:“实际上, 我还没怀孕呢。”,埃斯特毫无歉意地说:“噢,对不起。只是略微发福,是吗?”,埃斯特从来不注意他人的感受。和她在同一家公司做推销员的一个熟人正陷入离婚窘境,并为此非常沮丧。她试图让他高兴起来。“忘掉她!她是一个十足的傻瓜。没有人喜欢她。”Much of the time, Esther said the first thing to come into her head. One day at work, a clerk came into the office with a new hairstyle.“Nice haircut,” said Esther.“How much did it cost?”The woman replied, “Id rather not say.”Esther replied, “Well, anyhow, either you paid too much or you paid too little.”She met a very famous writer once. “Hey, what a coincidence!” she said. “Youre writing a book and Im reading one!”to come into her head 作后置定语,修饰the first thing。clerk /klk/ n职员,办事员haircut /hekt/ n发型,发式would rather “宁愿”,后接动词原形,还可接that从句(从句用一般过去时或过去完成时表示虚拟语气)。anyhow /eniha/ adv.不管怎么说,无论如何either . or . 或者或者大多数时候,埃斯特想到什么就说什么。有一天工作时,一位刚换了新发型的职员走进办公室。埃斯特说:“发型很漂亮,花了多少钱?”,这位女士回答道:“我宁愿不说。”埃斯特答道:“哦,不管怎样,要么你花了太多,要么你花了太少。”有一次她遇见一位非常著名的作家。她说:“嗨,多么巧啊!你正在写一本书,我正在看一本书!”The trouble with Esther was she said what she thought, and didnt think about what she said. A young man was trying to be modest about his new job many miles away.“I guess the company chose me so theyd get some peace in the office,” he smiled.“No, I guess they chose you to discourage you from spending your whole career with us,” Esther replied sweetly.Once, Esther went to a brunch party to meet some old school friends on the anniversary of their graduation.She greeted the hostess.“Do you remember that guy you were dating? What happened to him?” she asked. “You know, the ugly one.”At that moment, a man came up and stood by her friend. “Esther, Id like you to meet my husband,” she said. “Charles, this is .”Esther interrupted her,“Hey, so you married him!”was 后省略了表语从句引导词that,表语从句中含有并列谓语said和didnt think about,它们分别后接了宾语从句what she thought和what she said。modest /mdIst/ adj.谦虚的,谦逊的be modest about 对谦虚discourage sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事sweetly adj.令人愉快地;甜美地brunch /brnt/ n
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