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Section Lesson 4原文呈现Survival of the Fittest“Between now and the 21st century, citizens of the worlds richest and most advanced nations will find it more and more difficult to keep up with the demand for change. For them, the future will arrive too soon.” So begins Alvin Tofflers book Future Shock, written back in 1970.Now people are beginning to pay attention to Tofflers ideas because the speed of change is becoming increasingly fast. It is sometimes difficult to work out the patterns of change .What should you do? (1)_. Take a deep breath and try to get a sense of the good things the future has to offer.You dont need to be Einstein to predict the job areas which will be most affected by such change. Jobs in farming, coal mining and heavy industry are decreasing rapidly. (2)_读文清障keep up with 跟上,赶上catch up with 赶上keep pace with 与步调一致written back in 1970为过去分词短语作后置定语。pay attention to关注,注意(to是介词)work out 解决;制订出;弄清楚在It is sometimes difficult to work out . 中,it作形式主语,真正的主语是其后的动词不定式短语to work out .。take a deep breath 深吸一口气decrease dIkris v减少,降低increase v增加,提高适者生存第13段译文阿尔文托夫勒在1970年写的未来的冲击一书是这样开头的:“从现在起到21世纪,这个世界最富有和最先进的国家的公民将会感到越来越难以跟上变化的需要。对于他们来讲,未来会降临得太快。”现在,由于变化的速度变得越来越快,人们开始关注托夫勒的预言。有时很难搞清变化的规律,你该如何应对呢?(1)_。深吸一口气,努力设想一下未来会发生的好事情。即使你不是爱因斯坦,也能推测出哪些工作领域受这些变化的影响最大。农业、煤矿业和重工业的工作职位会迅速减少。(2)_。Without doubt, the number of jobs in information technology will multiply. There are currently over 100,000,000 computers in the world and by 2020 there will be 10 times more. (3)_There are also many other important changes taking place. First, fewer and fewer people will have a “job for life”. (4)_. According to Mark Hastings of the Institute of Management, in the future, people will organise their working life around a variety of jobs, instead of working just for one division or branch of a company.without doubt 毫无疑问the number of . 的数量“the number ofn.”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。multiply mltIplaI v大量增加;乘taking place为现在分词短语作定语。according to 依据,按照a variety of (varieties of)各种各样的instead of 代替,而不是division dIvIn n部门;分割divide v分开branch brnt n分支,部门第45段译文毫无疑问,信息技术领域的工作职位将会大幅度地增加。目前全世界有一亿多台计算机,到2020年,这个数字将增加十倍。(3)。还有很多其他重要的变化发生。首先,那种有“终身职业”想法的人将越来越少。(4)。管理学院的马克黑斯廷斯指出,未来人们将围绕各种工作组织自己的职业生涯,而不会只服务于一家公司的一个部门或分支机构。Similarly, companies will operate in different ways. People will move around to do different jobs, rather than moving up in the company as before. Many more people will work for small, dynamic companies which can respond quickly to changes in the market. Other people will give up working for a boss and start their own businesses. All this means that companies will require people who are flexible and can work on their own. (5)_Good communication skills will be extremely important. According to Dr Laurence Lyons of Future Work, women will be envied because they have an advantage in this area. James Traeger, spokesman of a government training organisation, explains that many men will have to be retrained. “Its not about making men more like women, but helping men to communicate as well.”Businesses will certainly become more international. English will probably remain the international business language, so dont bother learning Russian or Spanish. (6)_. Above all, a manager will need to feel comfortable working with people from other countries and continents.similarly adv.类似地,在句中常作状语。operate preIt vi.运转,运作vt.操作rather than 而不是dynamic daInmIk adj.精力充沛的respond rIspnd vi.反应;回复,回答respond to 对作出反应/答复who引导定语从句,修饰people。flexible fleksIbl adj.灵活的,柔韧的on ones own 独立地of ones own 属于某人自己的envy envi vt.羡慕,妒忌have an advantage 占优势spokesman of a government training organisation是James Traeger的同位语。not .but . 不是而是,连接并列结构。bother b vt.烦扰;打扰above all 最重要的是,首先现在分词短语作伴随状语。continent kntInnt n大陆,洲第68段译文类似地,公司也将以不同的方式运转。人们不会像以前那样在同一个公司寻求提升,他们会多方寻找不同的工作。更多人将会供职于小型且具有活力的公司,这样的公司能对市场变化作出快速反应。还有些人将放弃给老板打工,而开始做自己的生意。所有这些都意味着公司需要的将是富有灵活性和能够独立工作的员工。(5)_。良好的沟通技巧至关重要。“未来工作论坛”的劳伦斯莱昂斯博士指出,女性将受人羡慕,因为她们在这一领域占有优势。一家政府培训机构的发言人詹姆士泰瑞格解释说,很多男性将不得不接受再次培训,“其目的不是令男人更像女人,而是帮助男人也能更好地沟通。”商业必定将变得更加国际化。英语可能还会是国际商务语言,所以不必费心去学习俄语或西班牙语。(6)_。首先,一位经理需要能够轻松自如地同来自其他国家和大洲的人共同工作。New technology is the driving force behind these rapid changes, so dont get left behind. You dont need to become a computer expert, but you must consider improving your computer skills. Work with more than one program in case you have to use them at work, and try to read about new technology.There is no doubt that all this new technology is changing the way we work and offering many other ways of working. Rather than going into an office, a lot of people are connected to the Internet and now work from home. Working like this allows you to live where you want, to continu
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