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单元加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空From the first week of high school, my best friend, Trisha, was always going out with the popular girls. _1_ I thought, “Its okay; shes just making new friends.” But soon I realized that Trisha wasnt interested in me anymore. Id _2_ my best friend. It really hurt.One day, I told Trisha that we should _3_ pretending (假装) to be friends when we really werent anymore. I wasnt trying to make her mad, _4_ she was. After that, Trisha started talking about me behind my back, telling people that I was _5_. Some of our friends _6_ with her. I felt like she was taking them away from me.The more I thought about it, the _7_ I got. Finally, I _8_ a picture of Trisha and drew lines on her face. I wrote, “I _9_ this person” across the bottom. And then I did something Ill always _10_: I put it on a website I thought was _11_. I thought people would see it, and it felt good to vent (发泄)A week later, Trishas mom saw the _12_. She called my mom, who made me take it off the website right away. However, it was already too _13_. Lots of people had seen it, and I was in a lot of _14_.That whole day, I felt _15_. I had to say sorry to Trisha face to face. She said she accepted my apology (道歉), but I felt she was _16_ angry with me.Posting that picture was one of the worst _17_ Ive ever made. I realize now I could have found a much better way to deal with my _18_. If Id just told Trisha how much I _19_ her, maybe things would have turned out _20_. Its too late for me to change things, but I hope youll learn from my mistake.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。作者最好的朋友上了高中后不断结交新朋友并开始冷落作者,作者因此感到不满,做了一件让她懊悔终生的事情。1A.At leastBAt firstCIn general DIn public解析:选B根据下文中的“But soon I realized that”可知,作者“一开始(At first)”觉得Trisha是在结交新朋友,可以接受。2A.lost BmetCfound Dmade解析:选A根据上一句中的“Trisha wasnt interested in me anymore”可知,作者的好朋友不再对她感兴趣,因此作者“失去了(lost)”这个好朋友。3A.enjoy BsuggestCstop Dcontinue解析:选C作者告诉Trisha,既然她们已经不再是朋友,因此也应该“不再继续(stop)”假装是朋友。4A.because BsoCbut Dand解析:选C根据该段接下来描述的事实可知,尽管作者不是有意要激怒Trisha,“但是(but)”Trisha却很生气。5A.busy BsadCcareless Dbad解析:选D根据该空前的“Trisha started talking about me behind my back”可知,Trisha开始在作者背后说三道四,告诉其他人她“不好(bad)”。6A.sided BtalkedCremained Dstudied解析:选A根据下一句中的“she was taking them away from me”可知,作者和Trisha共同的朋友开始“支持(sided)”Trisha。7A.less serious Bless proudCquieter Dangrier解析:选D根据该段接下来叙述作者的所作所为可知,作者越想“越生气(angrier)”。8A.gave back Btook upCcut Dreceived解析:选B根据该空后的“drew lines on her face”可知,作者“拿起(took up)”Trisha的一张照片。9A.need BfearChate Dprefer解析:选C根据上文描述作者和Trisha之间发生的事情可知,作者“恨(hate)”Trisha。10A.regret BcontrolCcorrect Dmention解析:选A根据作者在最后一段的悔恨可知,她做了一件让她永远“后悔(regret)”的事情。11A.strange BunknownCpopular Dprivate解析:选C根据下一句中的“I thought people would see it”可知,作者将照片发到了一个“受欢迎的(popular)”网站。12A.book BpictureCnews Dletter解析:选B根据上一段中的“a picture of Trisha”可知,Trisha的妈妈在网上看到那张“照片(picture)”。13A.dark BbigCold Dlate解析:选D根据该空后的“Lots of people had seen it”可知,一切已经“为时已晚(late)”。14A.trouble BpeaceCdanger Dhelp解析:选A根据该段的介绍可知,Trisha的妈妈看到了网上的照片并且告知了作者的妈妈,而且已经有许多人看到了照片,因此作者深陷“麻烦(trouble)”之中。15A.excited BfreeCterrible Dlucky解析:选C意识到了事情的严重性,作者那天感到很“糟糕(terrible)”。16A.just BstillConce Dsoon解析:选B根据转折连词but可知,Trisha虽然口头上说接受作者的道歉,然而作者觉得Trisha“仍然(still)”在生她的气。17A.excuses BexplanationsCchanges Ddecisions解析:选D根据接下来作者的悔悟可知,将照片传到网上是作者做过的最坏的“决定(decisions)”。18A.lessons BfeelingsCmistakes Dfriends解析:选B联系全文可知,作者觉得她本可以以一种更好的方式来处理自己的“情感(feelings)”。19A.missed BtrustedCpraised Dinfluenced解析:选A作者现在意识到如果她直接告诉Trisha她很“想念(missed)”她,那么事情可能就“不是这样的了(differently)”。20A.suddenly BclearlyCdifferently Dhopefully解析:选C参见上题解析。.阅读理解Roberto Clemente was born in Puerto Rico. When he was eight years old, he started working on a sugar farm. Clemente worked many hours. But he always found time to play baseball. Even when there were no games, Clemente would throw whatever he could find a bottle top or an old shoe.Years of practice made Clemente a skilled player. When he was 18 years old, he became a professional (职业的) baseball player. In 1954, the Pittsburgh Pirates asked Clemente to play for their team. However, playing for the Pirates was not easy at first. Many of the other players treated (对待) Clemente poorly. Most of the players were white, and Clemente was a black. But his attitude and skill helped him become the leader of the team.In 1971, Clementes team competed in the final game of the Baseball World Series. By this time, Clemente was one of the oldest players on the team. However, he was also still one of the best. Clemente had been hurt all season. But he believed in his skill and in his team. He promised his team that they would win. Clemente kept his promise and the Pirates won the World Series.After the World Series, Clemente became famous for more t
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