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Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业(一)对应学生用书P39.完形填空 Back in 1959, when I was 13, I attended a school in Brooklyn. Because of the Sabbath on Friday, we had an early _1_ from school. Most of the students would go to local parks to play basketball or baseball. I always _2_ myself instead in a small public library, _3_ for hours before sundown, the beginning of the Sabbath. There was a kind of _4_ in that library that led me to worlds that I thought Id never see. I was _5_ to the Green Mountain Boys, to Isaac Asimov robots, to the swashbuckling novels of Thomas B. Costain and to a whole host of _6_ of the mind. I found a paradise (乐园) of silence where I could _7_ my inner self and find the treasures of other worlds. _8_, after watching the current generation of teens _9_ in the troubled waters of technology, I had little confidence in the _10_ of the book. I felt sure that the physical object would be a thing of the past which the Twitter (推特) world had already _11_, limiting the imagination of this _12_ to the few characters that they could _13_ in the shortest period. But on a Saturday in August, I was shocked into the _14_ that my fears might be unnecessary. Stony Brook University _15_ a competition for teens representing local public libraries. The participation of my granddaughter, Kayla, brought it to my _16_. In the Student Activities Center, hundreds of young people came in character costumes, _17_ ready to respond to a multitude of questions about books they had read. They had spent the summer in _18_. Imagine, an entire summer reading when they could have lazed with their smartphones and followed the president into the Twitter universe. _19_, they followed their imaginations and _20_ themselves to the books. Perhaps there is hope for the word.1A.start Brelease Creply Dwarning答案:B根据上文中的“Because of the Sabbath on Friday”可知,周五是安息日,故此处表示我们放学很早。release “释放,放出,放走”,符合语境。2A.found Bimagined Camused Dnoticed答案:A根据上文中的“Most of the students would go to local parks to play basketball or baseball.”并结合语境可知,大多数同学会去当地公园打篮球或棒球,而“我”总是发现(found)自己在一个小公共图书馆里。3A.dreaming Bdiscussing Creading Dstruggling答案:C根据上文中的“in a small public library”可知,“我”在一个小公共图书馆里,故此处指在太阳下山之前阅读(reading)几个小时。4A.book Bquiet Cguide Dlight答案:B根据下文中的“my inner self and find the treasures of other worlds”可知,“我”可以在图书馆里探索内在自我,找到其他世界的珍宝。所以此处表示在这个图书馆里有一种宁静(quiet),它能带“我”抵达“我”认为“我”永远都见不到的世界。下文中的“a paradise (乐园) of silence”也是提示。5A.introduced Bbound Cpersuaded Dforced答案:A根据语境可知,此处指“我”被引见(introduced)给了很多书中的人物。6A.fights Banalyses Cimages Dadventures答案:D根据语境可知,此处指给“我”带来了精神上的冒险(adventures)。7A.lose Bexplore Cignore Ddesert答案:B根据语境可知,在这片安静的乐园里,“我”可以探索(explore)内在自我,找到其他世界的珍宝。8A.However BMoreover CTherefore DFurthermore答案:A根据下文的描述可知,上下文存在转折关系,故选However “然而”。9A.ruined Bdrawn Cstuck Dabused答案:C根据“the troubled waters of technology”可知,此处表示如今陷入技术混乱的一代青少年。stuck “陷入,困于”。10A.publication Bsurvival Csubstitute Dcontent答案:B根据下文尤其是下文中的“I felt sure that the physical object would be a thing of the past”可知,“我”感觉这个有形的物质实体(书)将会成为过去,故此处指“我”对书的存活(survival)抱有很少的信心。11A.destroyed Breached Cattracted Dovertaken答案:D根据语境可知,此处表示推特世界已经超越了(overtaken)这个有形的物质实体。12A.librarian Bgeneration Cuniversity Dneighborhood答案:B根据上文中的“after watching the current generation of teens”可知,此处指把这一代(generation)青少年的想象力限制在少数几个人物身上。13A.consume Bplay Crecognize Ddefeat答案:A此处表示这一代青少年关于这几个人物的想象力可以在最短的时间内消耗掉(consume)。14A.hope Bpromise Cawareness Dinspiration答案:C根据上文中的“But on a Saturday in August”及下文中的“Stony Brook University _15_ a competition for teens representing local public libraries.”的描述可知,此处指“我”震惊地意识(awareness)到“我”的恐惧可能是不必要的。15A.proposed Babandoned Cdelayed Dhosted答案:D此处表示Stony Brook大学为代表当地公共图书馆的青少年举办了(hosted)一场比赛。16A.attention Bmemory Chome Dchildhood答案:A此处表示“我”的孙女Kayla的参与引起了“我”的注意(attention)。bring . to ones attention “引起某人的注意”。17A.hopefully Benthusiastically Cnever Dphysically答案:B根据上文可知,成百上千的学生来参加比赛,所以空处表示他们热情地(enthusiastically)准备回答与他们所读的书相关的问题。18A.advance Bvain Cpreparation Dpresentation答案:C根据上文中的“respond to a multitude of questions about books they had read”及下文中的“an entire summer reading”可知,此处指他们用暑假的时间进行准备(preparation)。19A.Instead BSomehow CAnyhow DUnfortunately答案:A上文提到想象一下,他们整个夏天都在阅读,他们本可以懒散地玩智能手机,这与下文中的“他们跟随了他们的想象”形成转折,故选Instead “相反”。20A.delivered Bbetrayed Cdevoted Dleft答案:C上文提到他们整个夏天都在阅读,所以选C。d
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