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演示与沟通技巧,CONTENTS 内容,Programme 纲领 Introduction 介绍 Communication 沟通 Presentation 演示,PROGRAMMEa two day interactive course 纲领一个为期二日的参与的课程,Objectives 目标: Understand the elements of clear communication 了解在清晰的沟通中有关的因素 Develop different strategies for communicating with different types of people 用不同的策略与不同类型的人作沟通,Create interesting and attention getting presentations 创造一种使人感兴趣和令人注目的方式 Overcome fear and create right atmosphere 克服害怕和制造正确的气氛 Relate to the audience and get their conviction 紧密联系听众和取得他们的信任 Inspire their audiences to take action 感激听众们采取参与的行动,Day 1 0900 to 1715 hours 第一日 0900 至 1715,Course Introduction 课程介绍 0900 principles of communication 沟通的原理 0930 reality and perception 真实和领会 1045 types of communication 沟通和种类 1130 communication strategies 沟通策略 1200 Lunch 午餐 1230 Presentation - 1 展示1 1330 Presentation - 2 展示2 1545 Summary 摘要 1700,Day 2 0900 to 1700 hours 第一日 0900 至 1700,Presentation - 3 展示3 0900 Lunch 午餐 1230 Presentation - 4 展示4 1330 Review and close 回顾与总结 1700 There will be short breaks at mid-mornings and mid-afternoons 在早上和下午会期间会有短暂休息,INTRODUCTION 介绍,We spend almost all our lives communicating with and relating to others. A few people are naturally good communicators but most of us have to acquire and develop those skills. It requires extensive practice to become a good speaker and influence others. 我们生活的大部分时间都耗费在与其他人的沟通上,某些人天 生就有好的沟通能力,但大多数的人要去学得和建立那些技巧, 这需要多方面的练习才能成为一个好的演说家和具有影响力的 领导。,Many good ideas were never implemented because no one ever heard about them. Similarly, many good people have been overlooked during their careers because no one else knew about their ideas. Their ability to communicate ideas is important within business and can make a big difference and improvement to everyones lives. 有很多好主意而从来不会实施的原因,是没有人听取意见;很 多人在他们的事业上被忽视的原因,同样也是无人知道他们的意 见。沟通技能在商业上是十分重要的,它能使一个人 出类拔粹和改善每一个人的生活。,INTRODUCTION 介绍,Among the Captains of Industry and world leaders not all have had the benefits of extensive formal education and yet they have risen to the top e.g., Richard Branson(Virgin). Every leader must be able to communication well and get others to see their dreams and share their goals. Effective communication is powerful. 在著名企业的领导者和国际领导人之中,不是所有的人都经过 正统的教育而受益,现在他们得以升至最高权位,例 如理查德布莱森(维珍),每一个领导人要有良 好沟通能力才能使得他人去了解他们的梦想和分享 他们的目的。,INTRODUCTION 介绍,This course is designed to emphasize the principles, illustrate the tools and techniques and provide opportunity to practice the methods outlined. It addresses 慺ear?and shows how to overcome anxiety and become a better speaker. It is your chance to join in and through participation, improve your skills when talking to large audiences. 这个课程是设计用来研究出那些原则,例证,工具和科技及提供 机会去练习所讲述的方法。它说服忧虑和呈示如何去克服焦虑及 成为一个好的演说家,它给你一个好机会,使你来参加 和通过参与,改善你的技巧,在与大群观众面前讲话 时不怯场。,INTRODUCTION 介绍,COMMUNICATION 沟通,Dale Carnegie called the art of communicating 搕he fundamental expression of human personality.?Author Stephen Covey calls it 搕he most important skill in life. 戴尔卡内基称交流艺术为“个人性格的基本表达”。 史蒂芬科维称之为“生活中最重要的技巧”。 Poor internal communications and poor external communications, handicap growth the developing of people, and the positive evolution of a quality or continuous improvement process. 内外交流的不畅对组织的成长,个人的发展,质量的改 进和连续的进步产生了很大的影响。,BARRIERS To COMMUNICATION 沟通障碍,Not being fully aware of our own assumptions, viewpoints, feelings and constructs. 不完全清楚自己的设想、观点、感情和意图。 Not being fully aware of the assumptions, viewpoints, feelings and constructs of those with whom we seek to communicate. 不完全了解交流对象的设想、观点、感情和意图。 Not bringing into harmony the above. 未能成功地协调双方的设想、观点、感情和意图。,Lack of productive person-to-person contacts. 缺乏有效的人与人之间的接触。 Lack of a climate in which people feel to speak up and offer suggestion and ideas. 未能制造轻松的气氛,使双方能自由地发表自己的观点和意见。 Failure to listen carefully to what others have to say before offering comments or suggestions 在加以评价和提出建议之前没有仔细听取对方的意见。,BARRIERS To COMMUNICATION 沟通障碍,BARRIERS To COMMUNICATION 沟通障碍,Failure to listen to the emotional content of what others are saying 没有领会对方谈话中的感情因素。 Lack of mutual trusts, respect and confidence. 缺乏相互信赖和尊重,缺乏信任感。 Writing or speaking above the comprehension of the people with whom we are communicating. 书面和口头交流超出了对方的理解力。,Failure to evaluate the effectiveness of our communications. 对交流的有效性缺乏正确的评价。 Failure to involve associates in creative type conferences and motive them contribute their ideas. 没有刺激同伴发挥其创造力,没有鼓励他们发表自己的 意见。,BARRIERS To COMMUNICATION 沟通障碍,SOME COMMON MISTAKES IN COMMUNICATION 交流中常见的错误,We talk too much and listen too little. 说得太多,听得太少。(夸夸其谈) We fail to listen empathetically. 没有投入地听取对方意见。(设身处地) We are unaware of such non-verbal communication as facial expressions, mannerism, and the like. 未能捕捉到面部表情、眼神等非语言交流信息。 (过于自信),SOME COMMON MISTAKES IN COMMUNICATION 交流中常见的错误,We assume the rest problem is one thing, when it may be something quite difference. 自以为了解真正的问题,实际不然。(刚愎自用) We do not recognize the importance of the communication process. 没有认识到交流的重要性。(强权管理) We
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