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1小升初英语语法零基础:形容词比较级和最高级形容词是修饰名词、表示名词属性的词。学习形容词,很重要的一部分内容就是形容词的比较级、最高级。关于它们的构成,之前已经有所归纳,请看形容词比较级的构成方法。上一次我们讲了形容词原级的用法,今天就来说说比较级和最高级吧形容词比较级的用法一、在.than.句中:He is taller than I.(口语中常作:He is taller than me.)他比我高。He is two heads taller than I.他比我高出两个头。二、在which., .or.?句中,表示两者比较:Which is bigger, the sun or the moon?太阳和月亮,哪一个更大?三、比较级+and+比较级:Its getting darker and darker.天越来越黑了。2He is getting more and more interested in sports.他对体育越来越感兴趣。四、The more., the more.:The more you eat, the more you want.你越吃越想要。五、形容词比较级前可受 much, far, a lot, still, no, a little, even, any 修饰,表示超出的程度:We have a much better life now.我们现在的日子好得多了。The buildings look far uglier in London than here.伦敦的建筑比这儿的难看得多。This story is even more interesting than that one.这个故事比那个更有趣。I made a lot more mistakes than you (did).我犯的错误比你多多了。Your cake is a little larger than mine.3你的蛋糕比我的大一点儿。Its still colder today.今天更冷一些。-Have you any more? -Oh, sorry, no more.-你还有吗?-哦,对不起,没有了。Shes no better yet.
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