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Colin Luther Powel Colin Luther Powell is an American dream, as a descendant of immigrants, he leaned on the honesty and hard work, became the first black, the United States of America, the first black chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, is also the first black Secretary of state. Unlike some empty talk of politicians, as a veteran of the Vietnam War, deeply know the tears, know the military must obey the political, know the final mission of the army is waging peace rather than the pursuit of victory, so the Vulcans members become quite offbeat Hawk dove. The two Iraq war success makes people more understanding of his personality and noble and strategic vision, his secretary of state, when the support rate was as high as 80%, far higher than that of Albright, Rice and Hilary. He is like a bottle of wine, the longer the more precious. 科林卢瑟鲍威尔是一个美国梦的实现者,作为一个移民的后代,他靠着诚实和努力,成为了美国第一个黑人上将,第一个黑人参谋长联席会议主席,也是第一个黑人国务卿。不同于一些纸上谈兵的政客,作为一个越战老兵,深知士兵的血泪,军事必须服从政治,军队的最终使命是缔造和平而不是一味追求胜利,因此在火神派成员中成为相当另类的“鹰爪黑鸽”。两次伊拉克战争的成败使人越发认识了他的人品高贵和战略远见,他任国务卿时支持率曾高达80%以上,远高于奥尔布赖特、赖斯和希拉里。他就像一瓶老酒,时间越长越显得珍贵。George WashingtonGeorge Washington from 1732 to 1799, was the first president of the United States, the commander in chief of the Continental Army American War of independence. In 1789, was elected the first president of the United States of America, re-election in 1793, in the two term came to an end, he gave up power voluntarily not to renew, seclusion in Mount Vernon estate. Because he played the most important war of independence and the founding of the United States of Americas role, it is known as the father of the United States, scholars will he and Abraham Lincoln, Franklin I as the greatest presidents in the history of the United States of america. All his life he did not go to the University, but pay attention to study, he had great ability. In 1752, became the master of Mount Vernon manor. In seven years of war, the commander and Colonel, accumulated experience of military command. In the farm, the manual workshop, Washington suffered the British colonial authorities to limit, the pain. In 1775, Washington became the commander in chief of the continental army. Through the Trenton, Princeton and Okd battle, defeated the British North America, achieved the victory of the war of independence. 1783 Paris treaty signed, Britain was obliged to admit the independence of the United states. In December 23rd the same year submitted his resignation, to retire from office. A federal constitution, to eradicate the monarchy, the formulation and approval of their democratic rights constitution safeguard to make unremitting efforts. 乔治华盛顿(George Washington)17321799年,是美国首任总统,美国独立战争大陆军总司令。1789 年,当选为美国第一任总统,1793年连任,在两届任期结束后,他自愿放弃权力不再续任,隐退于弗农山庄园。由于他扮演了美国独立战争和建国中最重要的角色,故被尊称为美国国父,学者们则将他和亚伯拉罕林肯、富兰克林罗斯福并列为美国历史上最伟大的总统。 他毕生未进大学学习,但注意自学,使自己具备了突出的才干。1752 年,成为维农山庄园的主人。曾参加七年战争,获中校和上校衔,积累了军事指挥的经验。在经营农场、手工作坊的过程中,华盛顿饱尝了英国殖民当局限制、盘剥之苦。1775年,华盛顿就任大陆军总司令。通过特伦顿、普林斯顿和约克德等战役,击败英军,取得了北美独立战争的胜利。1783年巴黎和约签订,英国被迫承认美国独立。1787年他主持召开费城制宪会议。制定联邦宪法,为根除君主制,制订和批准维护有产者民主权利的宪法作出不懈的努力。Ellizabeth TaylorEnglish Name: Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor birthday: February 27, 1932 ,Education: high school “atra big man suddenly last summer conspirators Jane love. National velvet Life American actress, Born in London, was learning to dance, to return to the United States in 1939 before the outbreak of World War ii. The 10 year old was scouted, became a Hollywood star. After the Raintree county, cat on a hot tin roof and suddenly last summer won three Oscar nominations, Shes been married 7 times, and her most loving partner two times Richard Burton had walked the red carpet. 人生简介:伊莉莎白.泰勒 英文名 Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor 生日:1932 年2月27 日 出生地:英国伦敦 学历:高中 2作品介绍埃及艳后大人物夏日痴魂阴谋者小妇人简爱 3.生平:美国女演员,在伦敦出生,自幼习舞,1939年二战爆发前返回美国。10 岁获星探发掘,成为好莱坞童星。以战国佳人朱门巧妇夏日痴魂三度获得奥斯卡提名。她结过7次婚,与她最喜欢的伴侣理查德伯顿两次走过红地毯。 Ellizabeth Taylor is known as a rare treasure of world cinema. She was regarded as the film with Hollywood color the United States on the figures, and 60 years of Hollywood, Hollywood and Hollywood used evergreen tree unbeaten flowers and the worlds leading beauty said, especially in a pair of beautiful purple blue eyes is well known in the world. She is the first history of pay millions of dollars actor, won two Oscar awards. In 1999, the American Film Institute named one hundred to the great actress seventh. Has 80 year old Taylor in 2000 was knighted by the queen of England, in recognition of her contribution. 2004 was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, died on March 23, 2011, aged 79. 伊丽莎白泰勒被誉为是世界影坛上不可多得的瑰宝。她被看做是美国电影史上最具有好莱坞色彩的人物,纵横好莱坞60年,惯有好莱坞常青树和好莱坞不败花及世界头号美人之称,尤其以一双漂亮的蓝紫色眼睛闻名于世。她是史上第一个薪水百万美元的演员,两获奥斯卡金像奖。 1999年,被美国电影协会选为百年来最伟大的女演员第7名。已80岁高龄的泰勒在2000年被英国女王封为爵士,表彰她的贡献。2004年被诊断出有充血性心脏衰竭,2011 年3 月23 日去世,享年79 岁。 Elvis PresleyBrief introduction of Elvis Presley was born in a poor family in the United S
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