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Unit 1 School lifeI. 难点剖析词汇点击Part AA1词语剖析1excitingexciting : adj. 令人兴奋的, 使人激动的excited: adj. 兴奋的:处于激动状态的;兴奋的;激昂的excite: v. 刺激, 使兴奋, 使激动1. Its so to skate in Pairs. Everyone skates so fast and shouts at the top of his voice在巴黎溜冰确实激动人心。每个人都在疾速运转,拼命尖叫。2she has many new ways to make her students _. 她总有很多新奇的方式使孩子激动不已。3. A successful speaker knows how to _ the crowd.一个成功的演讲者懂得如何打动人群。Key: exciting; excited; excite2experienceexperience: C 经历,阅历U 经验v. .经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历1. Experience teaches; experience does it.经验给人教训;经验给人智慧。2. Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. 昨天下午,弗兰克.霍金斯给我讲述他年轻时的经历。3. Some of the students had experienced what hardships meant before they entered the university.有些大学生在进入大学之前体验过艰苦的生活。即刻点击1. Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience. (NMET 2002, 26)A. /; the B. /; an C. an ;an D. the ;the2. Some of the passengers told the reporters about their _ in the burning train.A. details B. trips C. events D. experiencesKey: C; D3. earnearn v. 挣得,博得earnings: n. 所得收入earn ones living 自行谋生1 The workers earned less money because they had to pay medical insurance.因为工人要交医疗保险,所以他们赚得的钱就少了。2 The old man earned his living as a fisherman. 这老人以捕鱼为生。3As we know, its his honesty that earned the admiration of his friends.正如我们所知,正是他的诚实得到了朋友们的赞扬。4Its said that a persons intelligence and abilities have a direct effect on his or her earnings.一个人的收入与其智商及能力直接有关。注意:earn , gain , winearn 指为钱(或任何其他报酬)而工作,含有报酬是应得的含义。win 指在竞争、战争、比赛中获胜,并可能由此得到奖赏。gain指获得有用和需要的东西,常用于与钱没关系的场合。1. He has_ a lot of money by working part-time job.他通过做兼职,已经挣了好多钱。2. He wants to a trip to Europe in that competition, but he will be happy if he gets a new bicycle.他想在那场比赛中得到一个去欧洲的旅游奖,但是如果他能得到一辆新自行车,他会非常高兴。3. She _ enough experience while working for the newspaper. 她在为那家报社工作期间取得了足够的经常。Key: earned; win;gained4. respect n.(与of,for 连用)尊敬, 敬重;方面 respectful adj. 恭敬的, 尊敬的, 尊重人的, 有礼貌的 (pl.)敬意;问候 respectfully adv. 尊敬地, 谦恭地in some/all/few/respects在一些/所有/极少方面vt. 尊敬, 尊重, 不防碍1. We should show respect to those who are older. 我们应该尊敬长者。2. The students have great respect for their history teacher. 学生们非常尊敬他们的历史教师。3. Please give me respects to your wife.请代我向你太太问好。4. Respect yourself, or no one else will. 人必自敬,然后人敬之。5. The words such as “ Respectfully,yours” can often be seen at the end of the letter. 信的末尾经常写上类似“Respectfully,yours”的字眼以表尊敬。6. In what respect do you think he is worth praising? 在哪些方面你觉得他值得表扬?即刻点击Im sure she will do as she promised; Ive got great _ her. A. respect for B. respects of C. honor of D. faith inKey: A5. achievev. 完成, 达到 achievement: U 完成,达到;C成就, 功绩 make achievements 获得成绩,取得成就1 We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English。当我们可以说点儿简单的英语交谈时,我们就可以从英语学习中得到满足感和成就感。2 The success of the experiment proves that we have made great achievements in the study of rocket. 那个实验的成功证明我们在火箭方面的研究取得很大成就。3The university has achieved all its goals this year. 这个大学今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。即学即用Jack London worked very hard and finally he _ his goal. A. made B. found C. developed D. achievedKey: D6used to do used to do 过去常常做某事be used to do 被用来做。be/get used to doing sth./ sth. 习惯于/开始习惯于做。there used to be 某地过去有某物 即刻点击1There _ a swimming pool in our town. 我们镇上过去有一个游泳池。2In our school, candles give light when electricity is cut off. 在我们学校,停电时,就用蜡烛来照亮。3I _ traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.我习惯了乘飞机旅行,只有一次我可给吓怕了。Key: used to be; are used to;am used to7. challengechallenge n./v. 挑战 challenging adj. 引起挑战性兴趣的1. He challenged me to play another tennis game. 他向我挑战要我跟他再打一场网球。2. The present world is full of challenges as well as opportunities. 当今社会充满了机遇与挑战。8. free adj. 免费的;空闲的a free meal. 免费的一餐 for free 免费的 free time 空闲时间1The girl gave her mother a free dress once a week! 这个姑娘每周给她妈妈一件免费的衣服。2All the books were given away free. 所有的书都免费赠送。9prepareprepare: v准备, 预备, 有能力而且愿意 preparation: n. 准备, 预备 prepare for/preparefor make preparations for be prepared for 1. Working on a part-time job can prepare them for a future career.打工为大学生将来的工作作好准备。2. Will you help me prepare for the get-together of the old classmates?你能否帮我为这次老同学聚会做好准备工作? 3. Preparations for the top government officers visit are almost complete.迎接政府高级官员来访的准备工作差不多已全部完成。即刻点击1. He was _ to do anything to save the local people.他已经做好一切准备来抢救当地群众。2. The
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