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Unit 4,Then and now,Introduce,A:There was no library in my old school. B:Tell us about your school, please. A:How do you know that? B:There were no computers or Internet in my time.,Words,star st:(r),作名词,意为“星,恒星,明星”。 eg: My star will be just one of the stars, for you. 我的星星对你而言,只不过是众星中的一颗。 I want my hair like this star. 我想要和这个明星一样的发型。 小练习:根据首字母填空:He is the s_ of our school. 拓展:movie star 电影明星; pop star 歌星,流行歌手; five star 五星级的,第一流的 red star 红星; new star 天新星(等于nova);double star 双星(紧密相连的二颗星, 借望远镜始可分辨者);rock star 摇滚歌星; bright star 明亮的星,灿烂的星; rising star 后起之秀,明日之星; lucky star 福星; shooting star 流星;,tar,Words,easy i:zi,作形容词,意为“容易的。 eg:This is no easy job. 这不是轻而易举的事。 But he concedes that this is not an easy task. 但是他也承认,这不是一项容易的任务 小练习:单项选择: Its easy _to that place. A. get B. gets C. to get 拓展:easy to use 使用方便,易用性,C,Words,Internet ntnet,作名词,意为“互联网”。 eg:The Internet is a very convenient way to communicate and share information with people all over the world. 因特网是一种方便的与世界各地的人们进行交流和分享信息的方式。 小练习:单项选择: I have many_. A. Internet friends B. Internet friend C. a Internet friend,A,Expressions,Could you see star at night? 您在晚上能看到星星吗?,could是can的过去式,用来表示过去的能力、可能性或允许。 eg:I could do it, he mused. 我能做这件事,他沉思着。 小练习:单项选择:He said he _ follow me. A.cant B.couldnt,B,Expressions,Could you see star at night? 您在晚上能看到星星吗?,拓展:could的其他用法: (1)表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等情绪。在这种情况下,could和can是可以换用的,用could时口气较缓和,用can时不相信的程度更强一些,两者在时间上没有差别。 (2)比较委婉客气地提出问题或陈述看法。,Expressions,There were no computers or Internet in my time. 我那时候没有电脑也没有互联网。,or作连词,译为“或,或者,还是”。 eg:You should come or send a representative at least. 你应该来,或者说,至少派一位代表来。 小练习:单项选择:Answer yes_ no. A. and B.or,B,Dialogue,Grandpa: Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school. Grandpa:哇,一个图书馆!我以前的学校没有图书馆。 Sarah: Tell me about your school,please. Sarah:请给我们讲讲您的学校吧。 Grandpa: There was only one small building on a hill. Grandpa:只有一个小房子在山上。 Wu Yifan: Could you see star at night? Wu Yifan: 您在晚上能看到星星吗? Grandpa: Yes,I liked the stars. Grandpa:是的,我很喜欢星星。,Dialogue,Sarah: Me too. One day Im going to visit the moon. Sarah:我也是。将来有一天我要去参观月球。 Wu Yifan: The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. Wu Yifan: 在1969年,美国人花费了大概五天的时间才达到月球。 Sarah: How do you know that? Sarah:你怎么知道的? Wu Yifan: Easy, I looked it up on the Internet. Wu Yifan:很简单,我在互联网上查到的。 Grandpa: Ah!There were no computers or Internet in my time. Grandpa:啊!我那时候没有电脑也没有互联网。,Expand,中国古代书院之岳麓书院。 岳麓山上,清溪茂林之间,隐存着一座雅致的千年庭院,青舍密密,屋宇麻麻,大门前悬挂有一副楹联,上曰“惟楚有才,于斯为盛”。这就是北宋开宝九年,潭州太守朱洞在僧人办学的基础上,正式创立的岳麓书院。这块令湖南人骄傲了几百年的金底文化招牌,外人未免会觉得太过洋洋自得,可如果查看史料,你会默然承认,这座静静的庭院实在是有这样的资本。单就清季以来,书院便培养出17000余名学生,其中如陶澍、魏源、曾国藩、左宗棠、郭嵩焘、唐才常、沈荩、杨昌济、程潜等,那一个不是一等一的杰出人物?,Expand,中国古代四大书院白鹿洞书院 唐贞元年间,洛阳人李渤与其兄李涉在此隐居读书,养一白鹿自娱。此鹿通人性,常跟随左右,且能跋涉数十里到星子县城将主人要买的书、纸、笔、墨等如数购回,故时人称李渤为白鹿先生,其所居为白鹿洞。后李渤任江州刺史,便在读书台旧址创建台榭。到南唐升元中,在此办起学校,称“庐山国学”,也就是白鹿洞书院的前身。白鹿洞书院最盛时,有360余间建筑,屡经兴废,今尚存礼圣殿、御书阁、朱子祠等。书院内,大小院落,交叉有序;亭台楼阁,古朴典雅;佳花名木,姿态各异;碑额诗联,比比皆是。这充分体现了古书院攻读经史、求索问道、赋诗作联、舞文弄墨的特色。,Summary,star,easy,Internet,Could you see star at night?,Exercise,根据汉语意思填上正确的字母,1.libr _ ry 图书馆 2.st_ _ 星 3.e_ sy 容易的 4.Int_ _net 互联网 5.comp_ _er电脑,a,a r,a,e r,u t,Exercise,单项选择,( )1.Tell me_ your home, please. A. with B. about C. in ( )2.There was only one small building _ a hill. A. at B. in C. on ( )3.Could you _ star at night? A. see B. saw C. seeing ( )4.There _ no library in my old school. A. is B. are C. was ( )5.One day I_ the moon. A. visited B. am going to visit C. am visiting,B,C,A,C,B,Homework,Talk about your own school,
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