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11、I cant stand . Ill leave if he doesnt come in another ten minutes. (keep)我不堪久等。如果再过十分钟他还不来,我就离开。2、Honestly speaking, I have no idea the driving test at the first attempt. (pass)说实话,我不知道我是否能够在第一次驾照考试中就过关。3、 it used to be! Now there are so many factories and so much pollution. (beautiful)这座小镇过去多么美丽啊!现在工厂很多,污染很严重。4、Because of many mistakes she had made in these letters, she them again. (make)由于出了很多错误,她被要求重新打那些信。5、 ones home is large or small because as the saying goes, “Love can turn a cottage into a golden palace.” (natter)家的大小无关紧要,因为俗话说, “只要有爱,茅草屋也可变皇宫。 ”6、He was quite pleased by the teacher and determined to make greater progress. (praise)他受到老师的表扬心里乐滋滋的,决心争取更大的进步。7、The fire was reported on Oct 11,2013,causing two firefighters to lose their lives. (break)据报道这次火灾发生在 2013 年 10 月 11 日,造成两名消防队员丧生。8、Mr. song gets on well with his students. He behaves towards them . (like)宋老师和学生相片融洽。与其说他像老师倒不如说像朋友一样对待学生。9、With many trees, flowers and grass , our newly-built school will look even more beautiful. (plant)种上许多、花和草后,我们新建的学校将看上去更美。210、I wont at your age. As you know, smoking is harmful to your health. (have)我不允许你这样的年纪就抽烟。你知道,吸烟有害健康。11、Although we have made some progress so far, many problems remain . (solve)虽然到目前为止我们取得了一些进步,但是仍有好多问题尚待解决。12、I am going home this Saturday. Do you have anything to your mother? (take)星期六我回家,你有什么东西带给你母亲吗?13、When she heard the news that she won first prize, she was a word. (say)听到自己得了一等奖的消息,她激动得说不出话来。14、As well as our lessons, we take part in all kinds of after-school activities. (work)我们不仅努力学习功课,还参加各种课外活动。15、You can hardly imagine what great difficulty I have had smoking. (persuade) 你想象不到我说服他戒烟有多么困难。16、As children , they become more and more interested in the things around them. (get)随着年龄的增长,孩子们对周围的事物越来越感兴趣。17、If Henry is to the party with you tonight, take me instead. (enough)如果亨利今晚不舒服不能跟你去参加聚会,那就带我去吧。18、Tom is as your son. We all like him very much. (clever)汤姆是跟你儿子一样聪明的男孩。我们都非常喜欢他。19、Seeing the front door ,he had to enter the room 3through the back door. (paint)看见前门正在粉刷,他只好从后门进了房间。20、Im reading an article about Charlie chaplin, one several years ago. (see)我正在读一篇关于查理卓别林的文章,几年前我看见他的一部电影。21、When we arrived. Tombes mother in the field. (pull)当我们到达时,Tombe 的母亲一直在地里拔草。22、Before they could say anything. She ran out of the room with . (fill)他们还没来得及说什么,她跑出了房间,眼里含着泪。23、Helen the other day, saying that she would try her best to help them. (donate)海伦几乎前捐了一些钱给那些需要帮助的人,说她将尽力帮助他们。24、Dont get close to the house . (repair)不要靠近屋顶正在修理的那座房子。25、This is such a difficult problem . (figure)这是如此难的没有人能计算出的问题。26、The girl was really beautiful.他依恋的女孩的确漂亮。27、The house, 400,000 yuan last year, is now worth 800,000 yuan. (pay)他去年花四十万买的房子现在值八十万。28、Tom could do nothing but that he was wrong. (admit)汤姆别无他法只好向老师承认他错了。29、The patient was warned oily food after the operation. (eat)4那位病人得到警告说手术后不要吃油腻的食物。30、Tom asked for some advice from his teacher on . (adapt)汤姆向老师询问如何快捷适应新学校生活的建议。31、His book is said many different languages in the past two years. (translate)据说他的书在最近两年已被翻译成多种语言。32、I for several years. All three of my children are living lives of their own now. (divorle)我离婚好几年了。我的三个孩子现在都过着自己的生活。33、 ,the air in the room is fresher. (open)所有的窗户都开着,屋子里的空气更清新了。34、 , health issues your kid faces today is one of the many challenges of being a parent. (aware)意识到你孩子如今面临的健康问题是当父母的挑战之一。35、My mother was so proud of all that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do)我妈妈对我所做的一切感到非常自豪,所以她奖赏我去北京旅游一次。36、Learning strategies, to importance, have not yet drawn enough attention of students. (attach)老师们认为重要的学习策略还没有引起学生们足够的重视。37、 , he had been in the army for five years. (before)不知不觉地,他已经当兵五年了。38、The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employer . (provide)这个计划不是为了帮助雇主,而是为了给年轻人提供工作机会。539、Afterwards we climbed up to the top of a hill, the city. (overlook)后来,我们爬到了山顶,从那儿我们能够俯视全市。40、He , they walked slowly across the street. (guide)他领着那个盲人女孩,他慢慢地穿过街道。41、The meeting is very important. (hold)现在正在召开的会议非常重要。42、The meeting is very important. (hold)下个月召开的会议非常重要。43、What made Alice so angry?
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