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2019/9/3,ICMIP-2009 南京,1,Present and Future of Medical Imaging Physics,包尚联 Shanglian Bao 北京大学医学物理和工程北京市重点实验室 Beijing Key Lab of Medical Physics & Engineering 北京大学肿瘤物理诊疗技术研究中心 The Research Center of Tumor Diagnosis and Therapeutical Physics baopku.edu.cn,Basic disciplines of health protection,Physics,Chemistry & informatics Safeguard human health Solve problem from original requirement,2019/9/3,ICMIP-2009 沈阳,2,Goal: get enough Vivo state information by Non-invasive medical imaging means including molecular,cell,organ and system for morphological, physiological and psychological information in precise, accuracy,2019/9/3,ICMIP-2013 沈阳,3,Physics & Engineering of Medical Imaging,Medical Imaging Physics Principle and prototype device Medical Imaging Engineering Industry device and production Both do application in clinical disease Diagnosis disease therapeutics Data treatment and analysis Verification and guarantee,4 Major Modalities,X-ray Imaging (animal Ultrasound I 3D, 4D imaging General and special,2019/9/3,ICMIP-2013 沈阳,4,Essential Task,All places & times need to extend the human eye capability,Accompanying human development After Macroscopic information,Microscopic information more important; After morphology,physiology more important; After eye visible information, eye invisible information is more important, including physiology and psychology.,2019/9/3,ICMIP-2013 沈阳,5,2019/9/3,6,Front Direction: Molecular Imaging,Permanent topic:New genetic material and proteins Accompanying the progress of mankind Revealing essential pathological reason Very earlier (sufficient time to adjust and treatment),ICMIP-2013 沈阳,2019/9/3,7,mRNA,DNA,RNA,酶的合成和 活性调控物,转运蛋白,RNA结合物,报告探针,报告基因,DNA,AAT,glut 4,代谢产物,MAb,激素,配体,缩氨酸,DNA合成物,+ other molecules All in dynamical and 3D distribution,ICMIP-2013 沈阳,Two most important molecules,New genetic material Human evolution faster than before (natural and artificial) Nature:changes on biodiversity, climatic conditions, food chain, speed of mixed race gene Artificial:New genetic modification of plants and animals,even human Proteins Human Progress rely on proteins and new proteins,2019/9/3,ICMIP-20139 沈阳,8,Gene Mutation,Good gene mutation Promoting human progress Bad gene mutation Cause diseases, such as cancer Various diseases, e.g. cancer,cardiovascular & brain diseases increasing Every Individual:progressive disease,which is genetically determined,2019/9/3,ICMIP-2013 沈阳,9,突变, 超量表达基因, 抗原,产生抗体,生物标志物,遗传,病毒感染,化学致癌物,辐射致癌物,老化,其他,血液中相应抗体,Cancer genetic material encoding the protein markers,用载体克隆基因,克隆表达, 基因和载体蛋白,克隆筛选得到癌症相关克隆,Other Molecules,Such as Metabolites,Hormones,Neurotransmitters Mainly determined by acquired environmental Which were worse than before in China, which dependence on health care new challenges for health workers Medical physicists & physicians Engineers and others,2019/9/3,ICMIP-2013 沈阳,11,Complexity & huge number,Molecules in vivo Huge numbers:constructor body, keep stable running, maintain vitality of cells and human Complexity Multiple Structures & multiple functions Different roles in different process Dynamical changes,2019/9/3,ICMIP-2013 沈阳,12,New Tasks on Devices and Probes,Devices Creative new measuring imaging devices Multiple modality integration Comprehensive data analysis and processing Probes Covering all kind of molecules Methodologies on Synthesis, labeling and testing Probes for new modalities,e.g. for MRI,2019/9/3,ICMIP-2013 沈阳,13,Molecular Nuclear Medical Imaging,Traditional molecular imaging PET,SPECT & their combination with CT, MRI Developed a sufficient number of biological probes Routine clinical diagnostic tool Disadvantage Poor space and time resolutions Take them as anatomic source only using their Weakness Why no dynamical analysis in China No time to satisfy so many patients No specialist to do the analysis No original creative research (including the drug D),2019/9/3,ICMIP-2013 沈阳,14,2001,first Inter. Conference in molecular imaging in Boston 2002, May, Nature: Vasilis Ntziachristos et al: Fluorescence molecular tomography resolves protease activity in vivo 2002, October Mr. Tang Xiaowei hold the Xiangshan Science Symposium in Hang Zhou, Title: Molecular medical imaging. End of 2002,Based imaging measurements (including optical imaging) of the dynamics of molecular and cellular events Visualization, Science: One of the top ten breakthroughs 2006, 973 subject on molecular iamging set up, Tian Jie, Bai Jing and Bao Shanglian 2011, continued,分子影像学国内外研究现状和发展趋势综述,Diagnosis in earlier stage, distinguish Benign and malignant tumors; Develop new drugs:Pharmacology, toxicity, and in vivo stability, including the probes Testing the dynamical analysis model Quantitative parameters in parameter imaging,Significant of Dynamical Molecular Imaging,”input”,”output”,Authentic tracer concentration available in arterial blood,Concentration in tissue measured by PET scanner,Perfusion Endothelial p
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