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2008学年第一学期四年级英语期中练习(一)Class_ Name _ Mark _I. Listening: 40%一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词 10%( ) 1). A. swim B. swing C. sing( ) 2). A. super B. supper C. soup( ) 3). A. Mr B. Miss C. Mrs( ) 4). A. How B. Who C. What( ) 5). A. you B. your C. his( ) 6). A. birthday B. brother C. breakfast( ) 7). A. waiter B. wait C. waitress ( ) 8). A. ride B. read C. red( ) 9). A. 119 B. 911 C. 110( )10). A. firemen B. fireman C. fire二、选出你听到的单词的反义词:5( ) 1). A. brave B. happy C. afraid( ) 2). A. sad B. happy C. tired( ) 3). A. thirsty B. full C. hungry( ) 4). A. go out B. come in C. come here( ) 5). A. empty B. hungry C. full三、听录音,选出适当的应答句: 5%( ) 1). A. She is nine years old. B. Im five. C. Hes eleven.( ) 2). A. Thank you. B. OK. C. Yes.( ) 3). A. Im Kally. B. Hes Ben. C. Shes Alice.( ) 4). A. Yes, it is. B. No, its my bicycle. C. Yes, its his bicycle.( ) 5). A. Im fine. B. Im eight. C. Ten.四、根据听到内容,填入所缺单词:10There are four people in my _. My father, my mother, sister and me. My father is a _. He works in a _. My mother is a _. She teaches _. Her students like her very much. My big sister is a _. She works in a restaurant. Every day they _ up _ in the _ and go to work at 7:30. They work very _五 根据你听到的内容,选出适当的答句 5%( ) 1). Whats the girls name? _ A. Lingling. B. Kitty. C. Windy.( ) 2). How old is she? _ A. Shes eight. B. Shes seven. C. Shes nine.( ) 3). Has she got a sister? _ A. Yes, she has. B. No, she hasnt. C. No, she is not.( ) 4). Can her father cook? _ A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, she can. C. No, he cant.( ) 5). What can her mother do? _ A. She can draw. B. She can dive. C. She can dance.六、听录音,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用“T”,不正确的用“F”5( ) 1). Kitty is very fat.( ) 2). Kittys father is a taxi-driver.( ) 3). Kittys father can drive a car.( ) 4). He goes to work at 6:00 in the morning and comes back at 11:00 at night.( ) 5). Kitty loves her father very much.五、 Writing: 60%I. Read and write(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号)5%are you thirsty eric yes please have some juice thank you grandma II. Read and judge(判断下列句子中两个单词的划线部分发音是否相同,相同的用“”表示,不同的用“”表示) 5%( )1. Lets go to school and watch TV.( )2. The apple is on the plate.( )3. Look at the green glass. Its so beautiful!( )4. Who is in white?( )5. This photo is for you.III.Read think and write ( 用所给单词的适当形式填空): 10%1. Are these _(Winnie) pink _(dress)? Yes, they are. She _(like) _(they). She _(have) many skirts, too.2. There is _(a) ambulance woman in the office. She is _(I) mother. She cant _(dance). We dont like _(dance).3. There _(be) a pen and a ruler on the desk.Read and write(根据英语提示写单词或词组)5%1. My father can catch the thief. He makes our city safe(安全).He is a _.2. Im a runner. I can run with my _.3. She works in a restaurant. There is a plate in her hands. She is a _.4. I like to _ the pictures with paints.5. Your fathers mother is your _ .Choose the right words.(选择填空) 10% ( )1. The lions teeth are big, _ the mouses teeth are small. A. tooB. andC. but( )2. The policewomen _ like red shoes. A. doesntB. dontC. arent( )3. The birds are standing _ the branches. A. offB. ofC. on( )4. This is _ bedroom. A. Marys and her sistersB. Mary and her sister C. Mary and her sisters( )5. The rabbits are afraid _ the wolves. A. toB. ofC. on( )6. How does Ben _? He _ sad. A. feeldoesB. feelfeelC. feelfeels ( )7. Linda and I _ a new English teacher. A. areB haveC. has( )8. Her father is _ engineer. A. anB. aC. /( )9. My _ are big. A. footB. legsC. feet( )10.Her eyes _ round. Her hair _ brown.A. areareB. isareC. areis VI. Read and write:(按要求改写下列句子)5%1. My sister Kitty can speak English well.( 一般疑问句 )
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