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20102011学年高一英语第二学期教学方案设计民族中学 桂端饶课题名称:主语从句主语从句的两种结构和三类连接词科目:英 语年级:高 一 年 级教学时间:2 个 课 时一、教学重点Students learn to understand and use noun clauses as the subject.二、教学难点1. Students try to summarize the rules of noun clauses as the subject.2. Students learn how to use noun clauses as the subject correctly. 三、教学目标 1. 知识目标 Students know more about noun clauses. Students learn noun clauses as the subject. 2. 能力目标 Students learn how to use noun clauses as the subject correctly. 3. 情感目标 Students become more interested in grammar learning.四、教学方法:任务型教学法。使用辅助教师讲课的PowerPoint演示型课件。五、教学步骤:步骤一:导入步骤二: 主语从句:做主语用的名词性从句,因其在复合句中做主语,又称主语从句,引导主语从句的有连词that ,whether, 连接代词who ,what ,which, 连接副词when,where, how, why等。一、英语中的主语从句(the subject clause)在句中作主语,有以下两种结构:1主语从句位于句首。Eg. What he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the worldWho kept the door open all night was unknown 2主语从句位于句尾,使用先行词it作形 式主语。Eg. It was right that the temple was rescuedIts a pity that you have to go so soon 在下列情况下,一般使用先行主语it,将主语从句放在句尾。1)谓语是seem,appear,be(im)possible, be a pity,be a wonder,be likely等。例如:It seemed certain that this would win the prizeIt appeared to scientists on earth that the stars had movedIts a wonder you recognized me 2)在It is known ;It is said;It is hoped;It is believed 等惯用的被动结构中。例如:It is known now why the earth moves round the sun It is believed that before writing was developed,people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together需要注意的是:当主语从句放在句尾而用形式主语时,形式主语只能用it,而不能使用this,that等代词。比较下列高考试题:(1)Does _matter if he cant finish the job on time?(MET91) Athis Bthat Che Dit(2) _is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language(NMET95) AThere BThis CThat DIt 二、主语从句的连接词可以分为以下三类:1that,whether(if)连接词that本身没有意义,不作句子成分,只表示从句的开始,位于句首时,that不能省略;whether(if)尽管不充当句子成分,但是含有“是否”的意思,可以加上“or not”,其语义不变。whether和if也有不同的用法:如果主语从句位于句首则必须用连接词 whether,不用if。 (1) _B_fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect(2002春上海题) AWhat BThat CThis DWhich(2) _C_you dont like him is none of my business(92上海题) AWhat BWho CThat DWhether(3)It worried her a bit _B_her hair was turning grey(MET92) Awhile Bthat Cif Dfor(4) _B_well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather(NMET96)AIf BWhether CThatDWhere2what,who(m),which,whose,when,where,why,how在这一类连接词中,除了引导主语从句之外,在从句中又分别起代词、副词或形容词的作用,在从句中分别作主语、宾语、表语、状语和定语。因此,what,who(m),which又称为连接代词;when,where,why,how又称为连接副词;whose,which,what又称为连接形容词。试比较:Who will do it doesnt matter(连接代词 who在从句中作主语)What we need is more water(连接代词 what在从句中作need的宾语)Which of the two is better remains to be seen(连接代词which在从句中作主语)When we start the work is an important question(连接副词when在从句中作时间状语)Where the library is to be built has not been decided yet(连接副词where在从句中作地点状语)Why she was late for school is quite clear now(连接副词why在从句中作原因状语)Which plan is better will be announced later(连接形容词which在从句中作名词 plan的定语) 比较下列高考试题:(1) _A_caused the accident is still a complete mystery(98上海题) AWhat BThat CHow DWhere(2) _A_she couldnt understand was _fewer and fewer students showed interests in her lessons(2000上海题) AWhat;why BThat;what CWhat;because DWhy;that(3) _A_he said at the meeting astonished everybody present(NMET93) AWhat BThat CThe fact DThe matter(4)I read about it in some book or other,does it matter _D_it was?(2001年春京蒙皖题) Awhere Bwhat Chow Dwhich 3whatever,whoever,whomever, whichever whatever等连接词与what等连接代词的用法一样,只是具有较强的语义,有“凡是”,“不管”,“无论”等意思。例如:Whatever he said wasnt true他说的任何事情都不是事实。Whoever guesses what I have in my hand may have it不管谁猜对了我手里拿的东西,这东西就给他(她)。Whichever book you choose is yours无论你选中哪本书都归你。 比较下列高考试题:(1) _D_has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising(99上海题)AWho BThe one CAnyone DWhoever此题的句意是:凡是帮助救这位落水姑娘的人都该得到表彰。主语从句的连接词 whoever anyone who;the person who。比较:Whoever told you that was lying不管这话是谁对你讲的,他都是在撒谎。Anyone who told you that was lyingThe person who told you that was lying又如(2) _C_leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights(MET88) AAnyone BThe person CWhoever DWho(3) It is generally considered unwise to get a child _B_he or she wants(NMET97) Ahowever Bwhatever Cwhichever Dwhenever步骤三:作业Finish off the Workbook exercises.观察,旨在自然条件下,人们为一定
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