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00:00.00Chapter One Business Activities00:07.88第一章 商贸活动00:11.54expense00:13.80费用00:15.05We are taken for a meal at companys expense.00:18.81损失00:20.77These measures should reduce annual expenses by 2%.00:26.27expense claim 00:29.52报销单,报销费用00:33.80My expense claim for the business travel includes 00:36.441500 RMB for accommodation and tickets.00:40.92expenditure00:44.15开支,支出00:47.05Policy of tax reduction must lead to 00:50.85reduced public expenditure.00:53.16消耗00:54.33This project requires high 00:57.26expenditure of time and money.00:59.66advertisement01:02.14广告,布告01:05.45The Sunday papers are full of 01:08.16advertisements for cars.01:10.18advertise01:12.92做广告01:15.03They no longer advertise alcohol or 01:18.31cigarettes at sporting events.01:20.62招聘01:22.25Were currently advertising for a new sales manager.01:26.84公布,宣传01:29.84Dont advertise the fact that 01:32.82youre looking for another job.01:34.84advertising01:37.23广告业01:39.75Advertising is one of the biggest business in America.01:44.28engage01:47.25预订 01:49.36I have engaged a single room for you at this hotel.01:53.58雇佣,使从事于 01:57.25He is currently engaged as a consultant.02:01.41担保,保证 02:04.79Can you engage that he can pay back the money in due time?02:09.37与建立密切关系 02:12.92The company is trying to engage further02:16.70 with its potential clients, 02:18.98which may be helpful to the next investment program.02:22.36reserve02:25.34储备金02:26.89Russias gold and foreign currency reserves 02:30.74were 84.6 billion.02:34.04预订,预约02:37.12Do you have reserved tickets in advance?02:40.63储备,保存02:43.99The company reserves the right to check the way 02:47.88employees use the internet and email.02:50.34reservation02:53.77预订,预约 02:56.46Ill call the restaurant and make a reservation.03:00.33overbook03:03.21超额预订,预订过多03:06.99These flights are usually overbooked by 10 to 15 passengers.03:12.36accommodation03:15.63住处,膳宿03:18.90The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation.03:23.22迁就,融合03:26.40We hope to reach an accommodation with the trade unions.03:30.74贷款 03:32.81We are going to request a short-term accommodation 03:36.85from the bank until we can find other funds.03:40.08motel03:42.69汽车旅馆03:45.06Motel is a kind of hotel intended for people 03:49.09who are travelling by car.03:51.06entertain03:53.49招待,款待03:56.36Do you get an allowance for entertaining clients?04:00.03entertainment04:03.22招待,款待04:06.16There are specialists in cooperate entertainment in our company.04:11.03client04:13.63顾客,客户,委托人04:17.56We try to build good relations with our clients.04:21.26clientele04:24.78客户,委托人04:27.53The restaurants regular clientele 04:30.58were mostly young business people.04:33.22purchase04:35.72购买04:38.60The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.04:42.09The guarantee is valid for one year from the date of purchase.04:47.82purchasing04:50.74购买;采购04:53.67She is mainly responsible for purchasing nationwide in the company.04:59.35shop05:02.65商店,商铺05:05.79Our price are up to 50% lower than high-street shops.05:10.67车间05:12.81Shop floor is a place where goods are produced in a factory.05:17.20购物05:19.28He always shops at co-op.05:21.89abuse05:25.01滥用05:26.47They were accused of abusing their dominant market 05:30.67position by overcharging for software.05:33.42The authority has the power to investigate accounting abuses.05:39.69reimburse05:42.66报销,偿还05:46.58The company will reimburse you for travel expenses.05:50.42agent05:53.62代理人,代理机构05:57.10You can hire an agent to negotiate on your behalf.06:01.37经纪人06:04.80The housing market is slowing down, 06:06.92according to the survey of estate agents.06:09.18travel agency06:12.53旅行社06:14.95The travel agency has booked a single room and round-trip ticket for me.06:20.36airline06:22.78定期航线,航空公司06:26.69It is difficult for some private airlines 06:30.24to survive under the violent price competition.06:33.11aviation06:36.22飞行,航空06:39.70The business expenses cover everything 06:43.14from aviation to entertainment.06:45.54flight06:47.93飞行,航程06:51.44He immediately booked a flight to London.06:55.16confirmation06:58.40证实,确认07:01.43I have received confirmation that the payment has been made.07:06.26check07:09.26支票07:12.12Who shall I make the check out to?07:14.39账单07:15.78Can I have the check, please?07:17.93检查07:19.90We arrived at the airport, checked our baggage 07:23.56and wandered around the gift shops.07:25.79核对07:27.56Please check the accuracy of ever
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