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Character Writing 人物写作,基础写作指导,George Bernard Shawa famous playwright,他是一位著名的剧作家,于1856年出生于 爱尔兰的都柏林; 他的第一部戏剧鳏夫的房产 (Widowers House)创作于1892年; 3. 卖花女(Pygmalion)是他最著名 的戏剧之一,此剧的电影剧本使他获得 了奥斯卡奖; 4. 1925年他荣获诺贝尔文学奖, 他是唯一一个 荣获奥斯卡奖和诺贝尔奖的人; 5. 1950年,他逝世于英国家中,享年94;,学生作品鉴赏,(梁晓燕),the,in,The Magical Wands (魔法棒) of Character Writing,the infinite verbs(非谓语) with结构 clauses (the attributive clause, the object clause) 同位语(appositive) 固定句式(fixed sentences),同位语appositive,1.徐悲鸿是一位著名的画家,他从9岁起开始从父学 画。 Xu Beihong is a famous painter. He began to learn drawing from his father at the age of 9. 2. 博尔特是一位著名的运动员,他于1986年8月21日 出生在牙买加(Jamaica). Usain Bolt is a famous athlete. He was born on August 21st,1986 in Jamaica.,Xu Beihong, a famous painter, began to learn drawing from his father at the age of 9.,Usain Bolt, a famous athlete, was born on August 21st,1986 in Jamaica.,Practice,The Mid-Autumn Day falls on the fifteenth day of August of the lunar calendar every year. It is a traditional festival with a long history in China. The Mid-Autumn day,_ _,falls on the fifteenth day of August of the lunar calendar every year.,a traditional festival with a long,history in China,Practice,2. The Spring Festival falls on the first day of the first lunar month every year. It is the most energetic and traditional festival in China. The Spring Festival,_ _, falls on the first day of the first lunar month every year.,the most energetic and traditional,festival in China,with 结构,我的历史老师是一位漂亮的女人, 长着一头长发和一对大眼睛。 My history teacher is a beautiful woman. She has long hair and big eyes.,My history teacher is a beautiful woman, with long hair and big eyes.,Practice,1.这是一个漂亮小女孩,长着一对智慧的眼睛和长长的浓密 的睫毛。 This is a beautiful child,_ and_. 2.这个罪犯是看起来很老,宽宽的下巴,额头上还 有一道疤痕。 This criminal appeared to be old, _ and_. 3. 在我眼里,科比是最棒的篮球员,长着强壮的 肌肉。 In my eyes, Colby is the best basketball player with strong muscles.,with a pair of intelligent eyes,long and thick eyelashes,with a square jaw,a scar on his forehead,从句定语从句(the Attributive Clause),他是世界跳水冠军(champion),出生于1986年8月 21日。 Bolt was a world champion in diving He was born on August 21, 1986. 2. 刘翔是110米跨栏(110-meter hurdle)的世界冠军, 身高1.89米,体重87公斤。 Liu Xiang is a world champion in the 110-meter hurdle . Liu Xiang is 1.89 meters tall and 87 kg in weight.,Step one 找相同的名词性的成分 Bolt was a world champion in diving He was born on August 21, 1986. Step Two 确定被修饰成分 Bolt he was born on August 21, 1986 was a world champion in diving. Step Three 将从句中的相同成分去掉,用关系词 代替 Bolt was born on August 21, 1986 was a world champion in diving.,who,Liu Xiang is a world champion in the 110-meter hurdle . Liu Xiang is 1.89 meters tall and 87 kg in weight. Liu Xiang who is a world champion in the 110 meter hurdle is 1.89 meters tall and 87 kg in weight. Liu Xiang who is 1.89 meters tall and 87kg in weight is a world champion in the 110-meter hurdle.,Practice,我们的英语老师叫Bruce,他对学生很严格。 Our English teacher is called Bruce, who is strict with his students.,Non Clauses名词性从句,值得一提的是, 他是第一位在世锦赛(世锦赛)上 拿到冠军的中国人。 Whats worth mentioning is that he is the first Chinese to win the first prize in the world championship.,Whats worth mentioning is that 值得一提的是 Whats worth noticing is that 值得注意的是 It means that 这意味着,The subject clause(主语从句),The predictive clause表语从句,非谓语nonfinite verbspast participle 过去分词,Born in August, 1958, Michael began to perform with his four brothers as a member of “The Jackson 5” in his childhood. Born in/on , 主语+谓语 Considered as the hero of the nation, Liu Xiang is admired and respected by many people. Considered as,主语+谓语,Practice,李 时珍出生于1518年,是一位中国历史上著名的医学家(medical scientist)。 Born in 1518, Li Shizhen was a famous medical scientist in Chinese history. 2. 宫崎骏(Hayao Miyazaki)被认为是世界上最伟大 的卡通片绘制者(animator),他绘制了很多非常好 的动画片。 Considered the worlds greatest animator, he drew many good cartoons.,Usain Bolt was born on August 21, 1986. Usain Bolt was a world champion in diving.,用非谓语(infinite verbs)美化 Born on August 21, 1986, Usain Bolt was a world champion in diving. B. 用同位语(appositive)美化 Usain Bolt, a world champion in diving, was born on August 21, 1986. B. 用定语从句(the attributive clause)美化 Usain Bolt was a world champion who was born on August 21, 1986.,美化句子,Practice,同位语 定语从句 with结构 非谓语,Bruce,我们的英语老师,出生于1982年,是位英国人, 又高又瘦,戴着一副眼镜。 Bruce, our English teacher, who was born in 1982, is a tall and thin Englishman with a pair of glasses. Born in 1982, Bruce , our English teacher, who is tall and thin person with a pair of glasses.,Character Writing,How many parts should the writing include? What kind of information should we write in each part?,the birthplace the time of birth Appearance Personality(性格),general introduction,education great events in his/her life,Evaluation and the date of death,教育背景(education) be admitted to univer
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