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题型七书面表达,贵阳五年中考命题规律及趋势写作技能是指学生运用所学语言知识,以书面的形式进行信息沟通、描述周围事物、生活经历,或就某事发表意见、阐明观点的能力。主要考查学生能否用英语与他人进行书面交流,如信息交流;描述生活经历;描述人物、事物、活动;发表自己见解的能力等。贵阳市中考书面表达部分的具体题型及赋分如下:题号题型内容题数小题分值分值小计赋分书面表达过程性写作、半控制作文A部分要求考生分别用一个完整的句子完成相应的五个问题。B 部分要求考生运用A 部分五个问题的信息,结合提示完成相应的写作任务。52102011010,解题方法与技巧A用完整的句子回答问题1看清问题的关键词,并用完整句子回答。2句子不要过于复杂,简明扼要表明观点即可。3答案与问题的人称、时态、数保持一致。4不要忘记标点符号。B话题作文书面表达答题“五部曲”:第一步:认真审题,确定文章体裁、主题。第二步:以A部分的答案为基础,结合B部分的要求进行写作。第三步:将所列语言材料组合写成连贯通顺的文章。注意使用合适的连词和承上启下的句子。注意开头点题,结尾要有合适的结束语。第四步:仔细读一遍草稿,挑出错误,对拿不准的句子或词语进行修改或删减。(宁缺勿滥)注意控制词数(若要求6080词,则75词左右最佳)。第五步:将修改无误的短文工整地誊抄在卷面上。(2016贵阳适应性考试)熊猫已在地球上生存了至少800万年,被誉为“活化石”和“中国国宝”。请根据下列要求完成A、B两部分写作任务。A请用完整的句子回答下列问题:1What colors are pandas?2What are they like?3Where do they live?4What do they like eating?5Why do they have to be protected?B某英语报正在举办学生征文比赛,请以熊猫为素材,写一篇不少于80词的英语征文,题目自拟。要点:1请根据A部分的信息对熊猫进行基本描述;2你认为应该如何保护大熊猫;3文中不得出现真实的个人信息。【参考范例】1They are black and white.2They are cute.3They live in the reserve in Sichuan.4They like eating bamboo.5Because they are in danger of dying out.PandaThe giant panda is one of the survivors of the ancient animals.It is always regarded as a symbol of China.Different from other bears,pandas are white with black patches around their eyes.They are so cute that no one can escape from their irresistible charm.Pandas mostly eat bamboo,of course they have eggs and fruits sometimes.Now most of the giant pandas live in the reserve in Sichuan Province.However,the survival rate of panda cubs is so low that pandas are in danger of dying out.It seems that the best way to protect them is setting up more reserves,which provide them with suitable habitats.Protecting bamboo forests is necessary,too.Also we can help panda mothers to take care of their cubs.I believe these lovely animals will live happier with our help.百善孝为先。孝顺父母是中国传统文化美德的精髓。在我们成长的过程中,父母任劳任怨地为我们付出。我们的每一次生日,父母都为我们精心准备,尤其是妈妈不辞辛劳地为我们做丰盛的生日大餐。作为子女,你打算怎样为你妈妈过生日?请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分写作任务。A请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1When is your mothers birthday?2Where will you celebrate your mothers birthday?3Who will you celebrate your mothers birthday with?4What will you do to celebrate your mothers birthday?5How will your mother feel on that day?B请以“My Mothers Birthday”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。要点如下:1短文应包含A部分的所有信息;2你为什么以这种方式为你妈妈过生日;3文中不得出现考生的真实个人信息。注意:照抄试卷上的材料以及文中出现考生姓名、学校等真实信息将被扣分。【参考范例】1My mothers birthday is on December 18th.2I will celebrate my mothers birthday at home.3I will celebrate my mothers birthday with my father.4I will buy a birthday cake and some flowers to celebrate my mothers birthday.5My mother will feel very happy on that day.My Mothers BirthdayI have a great mother.Her birthday is on December 18th.On that day,in order to give a surprise to her,I will come back home earlier than usual.I will buy a birthday cake and some flowers to celebrate her birthday at home,because my mother loves cakes and lilies very much.At the same time,my father will make a special dinner.We will sing Happy Birthday song for my mother as soon as she gets home.She must be very happy at that moment.I love my mother.,2018备考猜押校园暴力现如今经常出现在全世界各地的校园里。这些暴力因素威胁和恐吓着学生们,给他们的日常学习和生活造成了极大的伤害。你听说过校园暴力吗?又或者你和你周围的朋友们经受过校园暴力吗?对此你怎么看?请根据你的实际情况完成A、B两项写作任务。A请用完整的句子回答下列问题,每个问题限用一句话。1What do you think of the school violence(暴力事件)?2Where did you know about the school violence?3What did you or your friend do when you met the school violence?4Why are students afraid of the bad guys(坏人)?5What shall we do to stop the school violence in the future?B中学生英语法制周刊正在征集一篇渗透法制的英文篇目,请以“Stop the School Violence”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语征文。要点如下:1征文要包含A部分的所有信息;2请尽可能详细地阐述你对校园暴力的看法,并且在防止校园暴力事件发生的方面给出意见和方法;3文中不得出现考生真实姓名。【参考范例】1I think the school violence is harmful.2I can always read about it from the newspaper.3I met the school violence once,and after that,I told my teachers about it.4Because the bad guys are strong and powerful.5The more we learn about the antischoolviolence rules,the safer we will be in the future.Stop the School ViolenceNowadays,many students are suffering from the school violence,so we should stop the school violence.As a student,I think the school violence is harmful and I can always read about it from the newspaper.I met the school violence once,and after that,I told my teachers about it.Ive found that the bad guys are strong and powerful,so were afraid of them and are threatened by the violence.However,we must spread the related laws to protect ourselves and we can ask teachers to give us some tips on preventing the school violence in class.All in all,the more we learn about the antischoolviolence rules,the safer we will be in the future.观察,旨在自然条件下,人们为一定目的而对事物所进行的有计划的知觉过程。观察法就是以感官活动为先决条件,与积极的思维相结合,系统地运用感官对客观事物进行感知、考察和描述的一种研究方法。3
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