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College life,组员: 陈味味 沈花蕾 宋欣欣 杨澜 刘洁 焦磊,Last week ,we got a homework-sth. about our college life . Ohcollege life our college life Its so hard to act,exespecially in E. All right ! let me see,上周我们得到了一项新任务“校园一角”,表演我们的校园生活。 噢校园生活我们的校园生活 这也太难了吧,尤其是用我们这不精通的英格雷氏 好吧!让我想想,这是要闹咋样啊,busy 忙碌,dieuloser 屌丝,friendship 友情,love 爱情,youth 青春,what is the college life?,“屌丝”指那些自命不凡却被抛弃在体制之外,无经济保障、无精神寄托的苦B一族。,OK! Maybe we can just be ourselives .And we can find all of them in our dorm. Oh it is crazy, funny , chaos and real! Hehe Now lets get it started.Everybody moves on ,好吧!或许,我们可以表现真实的自己。忙碌的青春,爱情,友情,各种吊死级别人物的碰撞 哦疯狂、滑稽、混乱又真实! 呵呵!大家准备就绪,好戏开始咯!,Its a dark and stormy night, there are two groups of people taking the water.,月黑风高夜,有这样两拨打水的童鞋,xj:Give it to me ,dear! xl:No ,i can.It is not heavy. xj:No ! No ! No ! Im your bf.Let me do it . xl:All right ! Give U!,小焦:亲爱的,把它给我吧! 小澜:不用了,我可以的,它又不重。 小焦:不不不!我是你男朋友,让我来。 小澜:好吧!给你!,At the same time 与此同时,Xh:its so cold,dear. Xj:im so tired.They are so heavey.The road is so long that I cant see the destination. Xh:Look!Xiaolan and xiaojiao! Xl and xj:Hello! Xh and xj :Hello! Xj:AhaIt is so late,U are still here.Dont you cold? Xh:No! Love is powerful. Xl:Bad friends U are!,小花:亲爱的,好冷哦! 小洁:我好累呢!它们好重,路好长,我都看不到尽头! 小花:看!小澜和小焦! 小澜和小焦:嗨! 小花和小洁:嗨! 小洁:呦呵这么晚了,还在这儿呢!不冷啊你们? 小花:不啊!爱情的力量是很大的。 小澜:一群损友!,Xl:Dear,give it to me.Have a goodnight. Xj:En!Have a goodnight ,too! Bye! xl、xh、xj:Bye! Xj:Oh!So,it is the benefit to have a bf.Look at her and look at us.,They walks along the road.And it is time to leave. (他们一直走,到了分开的时候。),小澜:亲爱的,把它给我吧。早点休息。 小焦:嗯!晚安啊,再见! 小澜、小花、小洁:再见! 小洁:所以说这就是有男朋友的好处么!看看人家,再看看我们,Then they go into dorm.XX is outsiade having her parttime job.XW is doing PPT.And xh is going to do washing. (她们进了宿舍。此时小欣在外面打工,小味在做ppt,小花准备去洗洗了),xl:Im hungry. Xj :Theres no food outside. XX:Dear,i come back.Oh,U cant imagine that Im so tired and I havent eat anything all day.Do U think I lost? Xl:come on !U say it hunder times a day ! Xx:All right.But I think I must have sth. To eat.,小澜:我饿了。 小洁:可是外面没吃的了。 小欣:亲爱的们,我回来了。你们都无法想象我也多累。这还一天没吃饭呢,你们觉得我瘦了没? 小澜:算了吧!你这话一天说几百次啊 小欣:好吧,但我真觉得我该吃点什么了!,Xx takes out a packet of instant noodles from the bag .xl walks towards her quietly.And xj is playing her telephone. (小欣从包里拿出了一包泡面,小澜悄悄地走了过去。小洁在玩手机),Xl:Good stuff should be shared with good friends ,dear ! Xx:No!its not enough . Xl:xx, Eating too much you will be fatter,They begin to get the instant noodles.(她们开始抢泡面。),小澜:好东西要和好朋友一起分享,亲爱的。 小欣:不!我还不够呢! 小澜:吃太多会发胖的啊,小欣!,Xj :Ladies and gentlemen,now you are watching two guys getting the instant noodles.look! Xx used her strong body prevented xl. Xx:xl,U are so bad ,stop quickly. Xl:No! I will not give up. Xx: its mine. Xl: Give it to me!,小洁:ladies 俺的相亲们,您正在收看的是两个粗鲁大汉抢泡面.看!小欣用她强壮的身躯阻挡住了小澜。 小欣:小澜你太坏了,快放开 小澜:不!我不会放弃的 小欣:它是我的 小澜:把它给我,Xj:hello,moximoxi,#*#*&*,WH,wait for a minute,This confusion has lasted for a long time .At last both of them are tired and eat it together.if U are free ,come to our dorm. Almost everyday sth. Like this will happen.Maybe U will ask where is xw .OK!she is standing here and share the story with U all.And wheres xh?Ohshe is in bed ,watching this funny show. How cunning .OhWhose telephone is ranging? (这种混乱的场景持续了一段时间,最后两个人都没有了力气,一起吃了泡面。如果你有时间可以来我们宿舍。这种情况几乎每天都会发生。也许你会问,那小味呢?她就站在这里,和你们一起分享她们的宿舍大学生活。而小花则一直在床上看好戏,真狡猾。哦谁的电话响了?),小洁:hello,moximoxi,#*#*&*,吴华,你等一下啊,Goodnight,guys! I love you all.,The lights went out !,谢谢观看,THANKS,
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