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2010年南京师范大学翻译硕士MTI考研辅导班真题答案解析各位考研的同学们,大家好!我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上研究生,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。基础英语答案详解 Part 1: Grammar and Vocabulary. 0l. Although the pay is not good, people usually find social work rewarding in other way.句义:尽管社会服务的报酬不多,但是人们普遍认为它在其他方面有价值。答案:D考点:词义辨析分析:A. payable应付的,可付的B. respectful有礼貌的,恭敬的C. interested有趣的D. rewarding值得做的,有益的02. He lost his temper when the policeman stopped him.句义:警察拦下他的时候,他发了脾气。答案:A考点:固定搭配分析:A. temperLoose ones temper: 发脾气,是固定搭配。B. mood情绪C. spirit精神D. emotion情感03. Last week I ran into an old friend of mine in the shopping mall.句义:上星期我在购物中心遇到一个老朋友。答案:C考点:固定搭配分析:A. ran off逃跑B. ran away with携物潜逃C. ran into碰到,偶遇D. ran over碾过04. The movie “2012” has been blamed for causing panic around the world.句义:人们指责电影2012在全世界引起了恐慌。答案:D考点:词义辨析分析:A. charged控告,指控B. awarded奖励C. accused指责,谴责;控告D. blamed指责,责怪05. I hear you subscribe to China Daily. Which section are you particularly fond of?句义:我听说你订了中国日报,你最喜欢它哪一部分?答案:A考点:固定搭配分析:Subscribe to意思为订阅;be fond of 意为“喜欢”A. to, ofB. in, ofC. to, offD. from, at06. These rare birds are captured illegally and exported for big profits.句义:在巨大利润的诱惑下,人们非法捕捉并出口这些稀有鸟类。答案:C考点:词义辨析分析:A. arrested逮捕B. made做C. captured捕捉D. caught捉住,抓住07. Even if we can reduce our birth rate to l %, it still means 13 million new babies every year.句义:即使我们能将出生率减少到1%,每年仍会有1300万新生儿。答案:B考点:固定搭配分析:birth rate 表示出生率A. speedB. rateC. paceD. population08. It was incredibly noisy outside that we could not concentrate on our work.句义:外面很吵闹,导致我们无法专心工作。答案:A考点:词义辨析分析:A. incredibly很,极为B. ridiculously可笑地,荒谬地C. hardly几乎没有D. suspiciously猜疑地09. Things are looking up in China. The economy has jumped back to an annual increase of 8%.句义:中国的经济状况在改善,经济已经复苏到年增长率8%。答案:B考点:固定搭配分析:A. for寻找B. up好转,改善C. out小心D. back回顾,追忆10. Camping equipments include a tent, a sleeping bag, a rucksack, a stove, and so on.句义:野营用具包括帐篷、睡袋、旅行背包、炉子等。答案:A考点:固定搭配分析:A. equipmentsCamping equipments 为固定搭配,意为野营用具B. materials材料C. instruments乐器D. devices设备,器具11. It is a game in which neither Bill or Kate deserves to win.句义:比尔和凯特都不配赢得这场比赛。答案:B考点:分析:C和D选项的搭配错误,deserves为第三人称单数,故排除A选项A. both Bill and KateB. neither Bill or KateC. neither Bill nor KateD. either Bill and Kate12. The government has promised to do whatever lies in its power to narrow the income gap.句义:政府承诺竭尽全力缩小收入差距。答案:B考点:宾语从句分析:To do后面应加一个宾语从句,此处只有whatever能引导宾语从句。A. whicheverB. whateverC. whereverD. however13. Not having been invited to the party, the couple tried to get a chance to be seen there.句义:尽管没有收到聚会邀请,这对夫妻仍试图找机会露脸。答案:D考点:非谓语动词表伴随分析:“没有收到邀请”是被动,故排除BC选项。非谓语动词的否定形式应在非谓语动词前否定,故排除A选项A. Invited notB. Not having invitedC. Not invitingD. Not having been invited14. She woke up to find herself late for work. She could have turned the alarm clock on last night.句义:她早上起床发现迟到了。昨晚她本可以设闹钟的。答案:B考点:句意理解分析:could+have+done是虚拟语气,表示对过去事情的假设,意为“本来能够做某事而没有做”A. should haveB. could haveC. must haveD. might have15. While living in big cities has its problems, more and more people are moving to urban areas all over the world.句义:尽管在大城市生活存在诸多问题,但全世界仍有越来越多的人搬到城市居住。答案:C考点:句意理解分析:D意为“因为”,与句意不符,故排除。In spite of 后加名词,even though后加句子,故排除AB选项A. In spite ofB. Even thoughC. WhileD. Since16. The boy admitted picking up the purse. But he denied having killed the woman.句义:这个男孩承认捡起了钱包,但是否认杀了那个女人。答案:A考点:固定搭配分析:Admit doing承认做了某事,deny doing 否认做了某事A. picking up, having killedB. to pick up, to killC. picking up, to killD. to pick up, having killed17. You are an adult now. Dont you think its time you became independent from your parents?句义:你现在是大人了。你不觉得自己不该继续依赖父母了吗?答案:B考点:时态用法分析:It is time that从句必须用一般过去时(be动词用were),或从句的谓语动词由should + 动词原形构成。A. becomeB. becameC. have becomeD. must become18. We came to the conclusion at the end of the meeting that developed countries rather than developing countries should reduce the use of energy.句义:我们在会议最后得出结论:应该减少能源消耗的是发达国家,而不是发展中国家。答案:A考点:句子结构分析:that后的内容是对conclusion的解释补充A. thatB. in whichC. whetherD. what19. The songs of Vitas are very popular among young people, who regarded him as superior to other musicians.句义:维塔斯的歌曲在年轻人中很流行,年轻人认为他比其他音乐家更优秀。答案:D考点:固定搭配分析:Superior to 是固定搭配,意为“比好,优越于”A. as more thanB. as superior asC. as more superior thanD. as superior to20. Busy as he is, he always finds time to work as a volunteer in the local church.句义:尽管他很忙,但他总是能挤出时间在当地教堂当义工。答案:D考点:as的倒装分析:Busy as he is=Although he is busyA. thoughB. ifC. forD. asPart 2: Cloze Test. The task of being accepted and enrolled in a university begins early for some students, long before th
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