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2015-2016学年度七年级英语下册期中考试试题 班级_ 学号_ 姓名_一、单项选择(20分)( )1. - Whattime_heusually_to school every day? A.does,gettingB.isgetC.does,getD.is,getting.( )2. Lindaoften herhomeworkintheevening,butthiseveningshe TVnow.A.does, watches B.isdoing, watchesC.does, iswatching D.isdoing, iswatching ( )3. your sister doing the housework now? A. Does B. Is C. Do D. Are( )4. -Do you play piano in free time? -No. I like sports, so I often play soccer with my friends. A. /; the B. the; / C. the; the D. a; a ( )5. Jim often gets_ school at eight and gets _ home at fiveA. to; B. to; to C. ; to D.; ( )6. What do you usually do_ Sunday morning.A. in . B. at . C. on. D. for.( )7.It takes one hour his homework. A. he; do B. him; do C. him; to do D. his; to do ( )8.- How do you usually go to school? -I usually go to school _.A. by my bike B. by bikes C. by bike D. by a bike( )9.- _are you staying there? - For two weeks.A How long B. How far C. How often D. How many( )10. Can you play the violin?_. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do . C. Yes, I can. D. Yes, I play( )11. _youwatchingTV?Yes,I_. A.Do,doB.Are,doC.Are,doD.Are,am( )12. _play computer games after school.A. Cant B. No C. Not D .Dont( )13.Lets_footballafterschool.A.playB.playingC.toplay D.plays( )14. Kate wants _the English club. A. joins B. join C. to join D. joining( )15. _do you like pandas. _they are cute.AWhy; Because B. Why; So C. What; because D. What; So( )16. There is elephant in the zoo. elephant comes from Africa. A. an; An B. the; The C. a ; The D. an; The ( )17. The monkey is animal. Its cute. A. a kind of ; a kind of B. kind of ; kind of C. kind of ; a kind of D. a kind of ; kind of ( )18. Listen! The bird in the tree. A. sing B. sings C. is singing D. is sing( )19. Is Nancy doing her homework? - . She is watching TV. A. Yes, she is B. No, she isnt C. Yes, she does D. No, she doesnt( )20.- Do you like newspapers? - Yes. I newspapers these days. A. looking at; read B. reading; am reading C. seeing; am reading D. reading; read二、完形填空(10分)Mr.Smithisagoodteacher.HeteachesEnglishverywell.Heis21tohisstudents,sotheylikehimalot.Therearefiftystudentsin22class.Mr.Smithalways23Englishinclass.Heandhisstudentsare24friends,too.Nowsomeofthestudents25ontheplayground.BillandMike26.TomandJohnarejumping.MaryandLucyare27akite.AreLilyandMariaflyingakite,28?No,theyareplaying29.WhatsMr.Smithdoing?Look!Heisalsoplaying30them.Howhappytheyare! ( )21.A.beautifulB.happy C.friendly D.intreseting ( )22.A.their B.her C.its D.his ( )23.A.spesk B.speaks C.tell D.talk ( )24.A.good B.fine C.nice D.new ( )25.A.play B.isplaying C.areplaying D.plays ( )26.A.running B.arerunning C.run D.notrun ( )27.A.flyingB.doing C.playing D.sitting ( )28.A.also B.or C.and D.too ( )29.A.thefootballB.afootball C.games D.thegames( )30.A.and B.with C.for D.to三、阅读理解(共30分) A 从右栏中找出与左栏中问题相匹配的答案。(10分)。( )1.Nancywantstobuyacamera(照相机)forhersummervacation.Whichfloorissheon?A.TheFirstFloor(楼). Insummer,therearebeautifulskirts,T-shirts,shorts;Inwinter, hereyoucanbuypants,sweaters,coatsB.TheSecondFloorSomestorybooksareonsale.Youcantakeyourkidstohavealook.C.TheThirdFloor.Allkindsofelectrical(电子的)thingsareatgoodpriceshere.D.TheFourthFloor.Therearedifferentkindsofshoes.Youcanbuyanyoneyoulike.E.TheFifthFloor.Ifyouneedanyhelp,youcancallatorgotoRoom705toaskourassistantsinthisfloor.
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