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1,先进生产计划及调度 (APS) 在半导体制造业中面临的挑战和机遇 张涛(亚太,江苏) 郑力(星航,奉贤) 刘丛龙(星航,奉贤)史学东(江苏,亚太) 12.2003,03 IE&EM Advanced Planning / Scheduling (APS) in Semiconductor Manufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities Mike ZHANG (Intel, Shanghai) / Li ZHENG (Tsinghua Univ., Beijing),2,Supply Chain 供应链 Advanced Planning/Scheduling (APS) 先进生产计划及调度 Advanced Planning System Case Study 先进生产计划系统实例,Agenda 提纲,3,Supply Chain 供应链 Advanced Planning/Scheduling (APS) 先进生产计划及调度 Advanced Planning System Case Study 先进生产计划系统实例,Agenda 提纲,4,Supply Chain in Semiconductor Manufacturing 半导体制造企业的供应链,5,Reduce inventories 减少库存 Move to build-to-order 按订货制造 Reduce planning cycle time 缩短计划制订时间 Improve delivery performance 提高计划制订水平 Focus on total Supply Chain Management (SCM) 专注于供应链整体优化 Collaborative planning and execution 整合计划和执行,SCM Trend in Semiconductor Manufacturing 半导体制造企业供应链管理趋势,6,Supply Chain 供应链 Advanced Planning/Scheduling (APS) 先进生产计划及调度 Advanced Planning System Case Study 先进生产计划系统实例,Agenda 提纲,7,Purchasing,Supply Plan,Scheduling,Logistics,Planning,Order Mgmt,Demand Plan,Supply,Distribution,Production,Process Control,Manufacturing Execution System,Infrastructures,SCM Strategic Plan,Real-time Dispatching,Virtual Factory Planning,Sales,Frequency Month/Quarter Week/Month Day/Hour Minute,SCM Architecture 供应链管理构架,Strategy,Plan,Execution,Supply Chain Management,8,Semiconductor Industry: Challenges 产业现状:挑战,Marketing environment changes dramatically. 半导体产业市场变化剧烈。企业必须缩短市场反应时间,特别是生产计划的制定周期。 The cost of equipments is very high. 半导体装备成本极高。主要设备使用率的提高,能为公司节省巨额开支。 Semiconductor manufacturing is among the most complex production problems encountered today. 半导体制造的复杂性和专业性,使其生产管理成为最具挑战的课题。 Many enterprises lack expertise in IE/OR to apply APS. 优秀的生产管理系统需要先进工业工程(运筹)学成果支持。,In China 中国国情: No domestic APS provider 无国内APS提供者。国外APS提供者产品价格高,服务尚未本地化 Production Management: guesswork, manual work 生产管理:主观臆断、手工计算,9,Lack of supply chain visibility 企业供应链透明度低 Inefficient production/distribution planning and execution 低效率生产/派送计划和执行 Long responsiveness TPT 客户响应速度慢 Lack of flexibility 生产计划柔性差 Lack of optimization 生产计划优化程度差 Poor on-time delivery 低及时交货率 High inventory, low turnover 高库存、低周转率 Competing management objectives 相互矛盾的生产管理目标,Production Management: Current Status 生产管理现状,10,Solution (Resource: ITRS*) 解决方案(源自ITRS*),Significant improvements in factory planning/scheduling are required. 必须通过先进生产计划和调度系统来提高半导体制造的生产率 Improvements in factory forecasting and flexible factory information/control systems that can change with business conditions must be developed and implemented. 必须改进工厂的需求预测,建立柔性的工厂信息和管理软件系统,使得工厂产能可以随着市场环境的改变而改变 scheduling and dispatching must be developed to improve equipment OEE and extendibility. 必须探索和发展生产调度和分派技术,以改进装备的利用率,提高工厂的可扩展性,* International Technology Roadmap of Semiconductor 国际半导体技术路线图 - 半导体技术权威资料,11,Data Storage (ROR),APS Solver,APS Systems,Plan,Long-Range,Mid-Range,Daily/Weekly Change,Schedule,Dispatch,APS Architecture 先进生产计划及调度之构架,12,Unified Data Model (UDM) 统一数据模型 Fast Solve Speed 快速求解 Multiple Levels of Optimization 多层次优化 Rapid Implementation 易于实施 High Reliability 高可靠性 Customer-Oriented Solution 面向用户的解决方案 Strength of “What-if” Capability 强大假设分析能力,Advantage of APS 先进生产计划及调度之优势,13,Supply Chain 供应链 Advanced Planning/Scheduling (APS) 先进生产计划及调度 Advanced Planning System Case Study 先进生产计划系统实例,Agenda 提纲,14,APS Planning System “X” 先进生产计划系统“X”,Assembly & Test Manufacturing Capacity Planning Tool used in mid-range horizon (next half year) 芯片封装生产计划决策支持软件系统 Modeling Supply Chain from Assy to Test with inventory control 决定工厂的设备投资和库存水平,是半导体生产控制及管理软件中最核心的部分 Optimizing Virtual Factory / subcontractors capacity with one demand signal 整合优化工厂内部和外包商的生产能力,15,Industry Benchmark 行业对比,Resource: PricewaterhouseCoopers. Surveyed companies include: Intel, Texas Instruments, Motorola, NEC, Fujitsu, National Semiconductor, Conexant, and Fairchild Semiconductor,16,Benefits of “X” System Application “X”系统的优势,Faster: Shorten Capacity Planning TPT; Improve responsiveness 更快:生产计划周期;客户响应速度 Better: Optimize Virtual Factory resource utilization; Minimize material inventory 更好:提高设备利用率;减少库存量 Cheaper: Save huge amount of man hours 更便宜:节约大量用于制定生产计划的人力成本,17,Summary 总结,Production Management in semiconductor manufacturing faces serious challenges nowadays目前半导体生产管理面临严重挑战 Many great opportunities for APS!
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