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最新2017中考英语语法总复习讲义 基础铺垫 1.词性概述词类英语名称意 义例 词名词The Noun (缩写为n)表示人或事物的名称Basket, mouth, hospital, year, train冠词The Article (art)用在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物a, an, the 代词The Pronoun (pron)用来代替名词、形容词或数词They, his, him, mine, which, all 形容词The Adjective (adj)用以修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征Long, empty, heavy, different, cheap, hungry 数词The Numeral (num)表示数量或顺序Three, thirteen, twenty, second 动词The Verb (v)表示动作或状态Hear, write, swim, eat, borrow, sing 副词The Adverb (adv)修饰动词、形容词或其他副词Quickly, early, out, soon, then, sometimes 介词The Preposition (prep)表示名词、代词等和句中其他词的关系From, with, at, into, behind, between, for 连词The Conjunction (conj)用来连接词与词、短语与短语或句与句And, or, but, so, because 感叹词The Interjection (interj)表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感Oh, hey, ouch, well, there, dear 2.句子成分WARM-UP:1)The teacher in the classroom. 2)Sang many songs and danced happily. 3)She attracts. 4)Many people living in the country. 5)All the books on the desk over there.以上这些形式都不能构成英语句子。英语句子(sentence)=主语+谓语(核心:主动词)I八大成分的概念和构成1主语(名词代词形):句子的主体,是谓语陈述,说明的对象。If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。The secret of success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching.成功的秘诀在于从磨练开始,并要坚持不断磨练。充当主语的形式:1)名词2)代词3)名词短语4)名词从句5)数词6)不定式7)-ing形式8)介词短语(少见) 形式主语(名词从句,不定式,动名词)(见第六讲主语和宾语)2谓语:表示主语的行为或进行的活动。I have a dream.You dont always want what you need, or need what you want.所需之物未必皆所欲,所欲未必皆所需。谓语形式:动词(英语句子的灵魂)3宾语:行为或活动的对象,接受者或受影响者。You dont find opportunitiesyou make them.你找不到机会。你得去创造机会。You probably wont hear opportunity knock if your television is always on.如果你常开着电视,你就可能听不到机会的敲门声。充当宾语形式:1)名词2)代词3)名词短语4)名词从句5)数词6)不定式7)-ing形式 形式宾语(名词从句,不定式,动名词)(见第六讲主语和宾语)4表语:说明主语的身份和情况。(跟在系动词后)Time is money.Three oclock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.你想做什么事,三点钟总是太早或太迟。构成形式:1)名词2)形容词3)代词4)数词5)不定式6)ing形式7)过去分词8)副词9)介词短语10)小品词11)名词从句5补语:补充说明。(由动词类别来决定)构成形式:1)名词2)代词3)形容词4)数词5)不定式6)-ing形式7)过去分词8)介词短语9)副词小品词10)名词从句主语补语Tom was made monitor.宾语补语I made Tom monitor.表语补语I am sure to succeed.6. 定语:对名词性形式进行范围限定。7. This is beautiful music.There are only two kinds of musicgood and bad.自古音乐分两种,好的和坏的。构成形式:1)限定词2)形容词3)名词4)数词5)不定式6)-ing形式7)过去分词8)介词短语9)副词10)关系从句8. 同位语:对被修饰对象进行补充说明或进一步解释。Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea.构成形式:1)名词2)代词3)名词短语4)数词5)不定式6)-ing形式7)名词从句9. 状语:修饰词,短语,从句和整句。位置:自由自在。1)修饰性状语:修饰动词,形容词,副词等(时间,地点,肯定,否定,程度,频度,方式,伴随,原因,目的,比较等)。Can you feel the love tonight?Home never looks so good as when you come back from getting away from it.只有出走又回家时,家才最感亲切。2)连接性状语:连接上下文(顺序,递进,转折,让步,结果,推论,比较)。First comes spring, then summer.Ive never been to America, therefore I dont know much about it.3)评述性状语:修饰整个句子,表示说话人的看法或态度。Frankly speaking, the food is not very good. 3.句子的种类1英语中按使用目的或功用分为四类:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。 A陈述句。 陈述句说明一个事实或陈述一个人的看法。陈述句分为肯定陈述句和否定陈述句两种。 a陈述句的肯定式。I have already posted the photos. / They are students. / I must go now . / He was reading a book at 8:00 last night. b陈述句的否定形式。 (1)谓语动词是系动词be, 助动词have, will, shall, be或情态动词,只须在其后面加not构成否定句。 She isnt a student . / He hasnt been to the Great Wall . / I can not swim . / You will not go there tomorrow. / They arent sleeping . (2)若谓语动词是实义动词,在实义动词前加上do not,第三人称单数现在时用does not,过去时用did not。 He didnt send me an invitation . (3)由具有否定含义的词never, nobody, hardly, little, dislike, seldom, few, tooto等构成的否定句。 Not all the books in our school library can be renewed .B. 疑问句。 疑问句提出问题。英语中有四种疑问句:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。 a一般疑问句:以一个助动词、情态动词、动词be或have开始,语调为升调,通常要求以yes或no回答的疑问句。 (1)一般疑问句的基本结构: Be动词(is, am, are, was, were)+主语+表语? Have动词(表示“有”:have, has, had)+主语+宾语? 情态动词(can, may, must等)+主语+行为动词或be? 助动词(do, does, did)+主语+行为动词? 助动词(shall, will, have, has)+主语+行为动词? (2)否定形式的疑问句,通常把助动词与not缩写,放在句首。构成回答: Arent you a student? Yes, I am .(不,我是) No, I am not .(对,我不是) b特殊疑问句:以疑问代词who, what, whom, whose, which或疑问副词when, where, why, how开头。 (1)如果疑问词在句中作主语或其修饰主语时,其语序如陈述句。Who is on duty today ? / Which book is yours . (2)如果疑问词在句中不作主语或其修饰主语,用“疑问词一般疑问句”形式。Where have you been ? c选择疑问句:提出两种或两种以上的情况,供回答者选择,并由or连用,但不能用Yes或no 来回答。 (1)疑问句选择成分1or选择成分2?Do you want coffee or cocoa ? / Are you an Englishman or an American ? (2)特殊问句选择答案1or选择答案2?who runs fast, Tom , Mary or Li lei . d反意疑问句:陈述部分提问部分。 (1)前肯后否,前否后肯。 前后人称、数和时态要一致,疑问部分要用代词。事实回答用Yes, 非事实回答用No
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