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期末检测卷(三)第卷(机读卷共78分) 第一部分听力(24分)一、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(每个对话和对话后的问题朗读两遍)(共6分,每小题1分)1. A. His watch is too slow. B. His watch is too fast. C. His watch doesn t work.2. A. At half past seven. B. At ten past seven. C. At twenty past seven.3. A. The bank is quite far away. B. The bank is by the post office. C. The bank is behind the post office.4. A. Its Mary s.B. No, it doesn t. C. Yes, it does.5. A. May 7th, 1982. B. May 7th, 1978. C. May 7th, 1986.6. A. The man and Ken. B. Linda.C. Ken. 二、听对话和短文,根据对话和短文的内容,选择正确答案。(对话和短文朗读两遍)(共18分,每小题1.5分) 请听第七段材料,回答第7、8、9小题。7. When did the woman borrow the VCD?A. Last week. B. On Sunday. C. Two weeks ago.8. Why did the woman borrow the VCD?A. To spend her weekend. B. To learn English. C. To make friends with the man.9. The woman didnt return the VCD, did she?A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didnt. C. We dont know.请听第八段材料,回答第10、11、12小题。10. How many ice creams has the woman already had today?A. 2. B. 3. C. 4 or 5.11. What does the man think of ice cream?A. Its his favorite.B. Its not good for health.C. It has lots of sugar and tastes delicious.12What can we know from the dialogue?AThe woman doesnt know ice cream is bad for herBThe woman hasnt taken the doctors adviceCThe woman doesnt want to give up ice cream请听第九段材料,回答第13、14、15小题。13.What do you know about Lucy?AShes the manager of the companyBShe has been ill for some timeCShe is MrBrowns wife14. Who sent fruit to Lucy?AJack BSomebody Lucy doesnt knowCMrBrown15.Who will come to see Lucy tomorrow?AJack and MrBrown BLucys workmates CJack请听第十段材料,回答第16、17、18小题。16. Whats this passage about?A. Its about how to pay for the meal.B. Its about who pays for the meal.C. Its about how to invite a friend to a meal.17. If a person says that he wants you to try the Chinese dumplings. He meansA. he doesnt want to pay for the mealB. hed like to pay for the mealC. each person pays for himself18. According to this passage, what have you learned?A. American customs about eating out.B. Its polite for men to pay for the meal.C. Its better to make clear who will pay for the meal before eating.第二部分笔试(54分)三、语言知识运用(1)(一)单项填空(共20分,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择可以填人空白处的最佳选项。19. There will be an important exam _ June 24th. A. in B. to C. at D. on20. -Is that your car?-No, it isnt_. But I am going to buy one like that. A. hers B. her C. mine D. my21. -You look tired, Sue.-Yes. I _ last night.A. didnt sleep well B. haven t slept wellC. hadnt slept well D. dont sleep well22. -Coffee is ready.-How nice it _!A. looks B. feels C. sounds D. smells23. -How much do those shoes_?-Only 150 yuan.A. take B. costC. spend D. use24. David often gets first in exams, but this time he_ some of his classmates.A. fell behind B. fell down C. fell over D. fell off25. -I don t like milk, but my mother always made me _ it.-Your mum is right. Its good for you.A. to eat B. eat C. to drink D. drink26. -Im sorry. I didnt win the race yesterday.-Thats OK. You _ win every time.A. cant B. must C. can D. mustnt27. -I called you at about seven fifty last night, but nobody answered.-Oh, I_ dinner with my friends outside at that time.A. would have B. was having C. could have D. had had28. -I really hope well see the famous singer.-Maybe, if we areA. enough lucky B. lucky enoughC. unlucky enough D. enough unlucky29. Mr. Smith enjoys reading. He thinks he reads, _ knowledge he will get.A. the lessthe more B. the morethe lessC. the less the lessD. the more the more30. -Have you decided _ to go or not?-Not yet.A. how B. when C. what D. whether31. -Yesterday all of us _ to visit the new museum.-Really? I can t believe it.A. were invitedB. have invitedC. are invited D. will be invited32. -Where is Lucy, do you know?-No. But I heard her _ with someone in her room just now.A. to talk B. talked C. talks D. talk33. -Please tell me _ before she moved here.-Sorry, I don t know. But I have her phone number, you may ask her.A. where does she liveB. where did she liveC. where she livesD. where she lived34. -There is
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