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Unit 4 Innovation1. 教学目标及基本要求:Objectives:Students will be able to:1). grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2). master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3). be familiar with the writing skills of the text and let students write a composition related to the theme of the unit;4). let students master the reading skills: make out the meaning of unfamiliar words via context clues; comprehend the structure of the text and logical organization.2. 教学重点及难点:Teaching Emphasis & Difficulty: 1). Topic understanding and content understanding of texts;2). Improving the students reading ability: understand the words in context;3). Important language points in the text.3. 教学内容及学时分配:Time allotment:1st period: pre-reading; text organization2nd period: while-reading3rd period: while-reading4th period: post-reading activities5th period: Exercises checking6th period: writing4. 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:Teaching Approaches: Task-based teaching in while-reading procedure;Key words in context vocabulary teaching;A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.5. 教学内容的深化及拓宽:Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.6. 思考题和习题:21纪大学英语应用型综合教程4第四单元课后练习。21纪大学英语应用型自主练习4第四单元课后练习。大学英语快速阅读教程4第四单元练习。Writing Assignment7. 参考书目:Referencesin-class reading passage;after-class reading passages;audio-visual materials;simulated test of CET-4.Detailed Teaching Procedure1. Theme-related Information1) Introduction to Inventions of Ancient ChinaCompass, Gunpowder, Papermaking, Movable-type printing2) Introduction to Four Industrial Revolutions2. Warm-up1) Blank Filling Watch a video clip and fill in the blanks with the words or expressions being heard. 2) Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.-How did Edison get the idea of capturing sound?-How can you describe Edison in your own words?3. Intensive Study of Text Au Language and Cultural Points Brief introduction to the author, Michael Michalko.l buy into 1. to accept that an idea is right and allow it to influence you Examples: u The public didnt buy into the conservatism of that party.民众不认同那个政党的保守主义作风。u I never bought into this idea that you have to be thin to be attractive.我从来不认同只有苗条才迷人的观点。 2. to buy part of a business or organization, esp. because you want to control itExamples: u Rose tried to buy into the club but was not accepted.罗兹想出一笔钱加入那个俱乐部,但没有被接受。u Investors were invited to buy into state-owned enterprises.欢迎投资者入股国有企业。l Inherent a. existing as a natural or permanent feature or quality of sb./sth. Examples: u A love of music is inherent in human nature.喜爱音乐是人的天性u Every piece of knowledge has inherent uncertainty.知识都有内在的不确定性。l legendary a. mentioned in stories from ancient times Examples: u Zhuge Liang is a legendary figure in China.诸葛亮在中国是个传奇性的人物。u After its recent makeover, Shanghais legendary waterfront is pedestrian-friendly once more.经过最近的修整,上海传说中的滨水区再次向游人开放。l cultivate v. 1. to develop an attitude, a way of talking or behaving, etc. Examples: u But how do we cultivate positive emotions?但是我们该如何培养积极的情感呢?u It can help us cultivate the habit of thinking in English.它能帮助我们培养用英语思考的习惯。 v. 2. to grow plants or cropsExamples: u The land around here has never been cultivated.这里周围的土地从来没被耕种过。u The people cultivate mainly rice and corns.这里的人们主要种植水稻和玉米。l reveal v. 1. to show sth. that previously could not be seenExamples: u She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself.她蜷缩在黑暗的角落,吓得不敢现身。u A close look will reveal the lines at the corners of her eyes.近距离看会发现她眼角的皱纹。 v. 2. to make sth. known to sb.Examples: u She has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter.她拒绝透露女儿的行踪。u I should be glad to give you any help if you reveal your thoughts to me.如果你把你的想法透露给我,我愿意尽全力帮助你。l persistence n. 1.the fact of continuing to try to do sth. in spite of difficulties Examples: u Great persistence is necessary for success.坚韧不拔是成功所必需的。u His persistence was rewarded when the car finally started.他的坚持没有白费,汽车终于启动了。“The notebooks read like a turbulent brainstorm and present a verbal and visual biography of Edisons mind at work.”Note: Reading Edisons notebooks, we feel like going through a wild storm-like thinking process full of twists and turns. He recorded his ideas with both words and graphs, which clearly displayed his mind.l conceive v. to imagine a particular situation or to think about sth. in a particular wayExamples: u Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s.u 在20世纪30年代科学家们第一次有了原子弹的构想。u I can hardly conceive what it must be like here in winter.我很难想象这里的冬天是什么样子。“Followi
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