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中央广播电视大学“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点“英语专业本科(教育方向)集中实践环节英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计鉴定表姓 名: _学 号: _ _级 别: _ _分 校: _ _指导教师:_ 完成时间: _甘肃电大开放教育 级(春)英语专业(本科)英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计教师指导记录与成绩评定表分校: 班级代号: 姓名 学号 指导教师指导意见第一次 时间、内容、评分April 7,2014: First we talk about the request of our project desgin. She wants to change her English classes lively.I think we can help each other and complate the course of the beginning of the project .I told her to read the English Teaching Methods of GU YUO GUO carefully. Score:62学生签字_ _教师签字_ 时间、内容、评分April,18 .2014: She told the process of her English teaching and showed her materials for the research. I add some request for the topic and ask her to collect the teaching materials for the topic more Score:64 学生签字_ _教师签字_ _第三次 时间、内容、评分April, 24.2014: She put in order her English classes materials and questionair. I give some advice on the analysis problem and Iask her to use the methods she has learned from GU YUO GUOEnglish Teachings . She must notice to write the details of her teaching Score:65 学生签字_ _教师签字_ _第四次 时间、内容、评分April, 31.2014:When she hand in her project design I checked it carefully and corrected some parts. I told her to write the process of the English class detail and begin to write the project . Score:68学生签字_ 教师签字_ 指导教师总评语I think this design is complete .The structure is new and original . It can play a role for the English teaching. The teaching methods are reasonable.初评成绩62设计过程成绩64报告成绩68指导教师签字 时间2014.6.5答辩成绩66综合成绩68答辩组成员签名 2014年 6 月15 日 分校集中实践环节教学指导小组意见成绩评定审阅核准意见负责人签字_(系公章)年 月 日省校集中实践环节教学领导小组意见成绩评定审阅核准意见:负责人签字_(系公章)年 月 日说明:1.答辩小组应填写评价意见,小组成员均应签名(盖章)。答辩小组不应少于3人。 2.由分校自行复制。甘肃电大开放教育 级(春)英语专业(本科)英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计答辩记录表分校: 班级代号: 姓名 学号 答辩主持人 答辩小组成员 秘 书 答辩日期2014年6月15 日学生自述情况:In my project report I showed my problem .This problem have bothered me for a long time . I wanted to settle it by my knowledge learning from Gu Yue Guo who wrote English Teaching Method. In a word I will want to change my teaching method and make the English classes lively.答辩教师提问学生回答情况1.Please introduce your English teaching situation at resently.Yes.I think in my English teaching process there are many problems Such as English classes atmosphere question. I want to settle the problem one by one.2.How do you want to settle such problem ?First I want to find the reasons that causes .Second I want to analysis the reasons and find the ways to settle them .3.Do you often change the teaching methods in English classes ?Yes I do . 4.How do you make the English classes lively ?In view of this status quo, I took a number of the corresponding feasible measures to resolve this issue, to inspire students to learn English, English-speaking interest, so that students learn English in a happy and make the students feel sincerely to learn English is a happy thing.4.Do the students in your class like your teaching method ?Yes they do . I often read my short article to them . I also encourage them to use English in our daily life.6.Do you have unsolved problem ?Yes. I think I will get my aim.in the future.答辩小组意见及成绩评定We evalate the design as pass.成绩 68 签字: 2014年6月15日说明:此表由分校自行复制。Project Title:How to Make the English Classes LivelyInvestigatorNameGansu Radio & TV UniversitySubmitted on 5th June,2014In fulfillment of the coursePractical Project DesignAcknowledgementI really appreciate my teacher Feng Xia, whose help and patience made this project get off the ground and come to a close smoothly. I am also grateful to my colleagues for their time spent on brainstorming and panel discussions with me. No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students, without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper.13AbstractInterest is the best teacher. Only when we have students interested, he will be happy to learn, take the initiative to learn. So teachers should strive to create a relaxed, happy, harmonious, equal classroom learning atmosphere. Classroom teaching activities should absorb the merits of traditional teaching, and at the same time introduce the task-based teaching activities to further improve the system of teaching English .Therefore student
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