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www.HuiLanGe.com 回澜阁教育 免费下载 天天更新 八年级英语下学期末测试卷 (无听力) 二. 单项选择。(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()1. Im trying to sleep. Would you mind _ the music?A. turn downB. turning downC. to turn downD. to turning down()2. Could you please _ baseball here?A. not playB. not playingC. not to playD. playing()3. We go to the hill to plant trees _Tree Planting Day,March 12.A. on B. in C. at D. with()4. Well, if you take this medicine _, youll be better soon.A. third time one day B. three times a dayC. third time a day D. three times every day()5. Emma has to stay _ home to look _ her grandmother.A. at,at B. in,over C. in,up D. at,after()6. She looks _. She must be _.A. tired; angry B. tired; illC. hungry (饥饿); happy D. thirsty; glad()7. The woman eats _ foods, so she is _ fat.A. much too; too much B. too much; much tooC. much too; too many D. too much; many too()8. I asked the doctor for some _.A. advice B. advices C. advise D. advises()9. _ paintings is very valuable.A. CollectingB. Collected C. Collects D. Collect()10. I dont know _ he will come tomorrow or not.A. whether B. if C. when D. what()11. Look at these flowers. _ beautiful!A. How B. Do C. What D. Which()12. After hard work, he felt _ tired to walk.A. so B. to C. too D. very()13. Many people keep animals _ pets.A. as B. for C. like D. to be()14. _ animals live in the forest.A. Five thousand of B. Thousands ofC. Thousands D. Five thousands()15. Which would you like, coffee or tea? _ is OK.A. Both B. Any C. Either D. None三、完形填空(10分)Tom did not like doing his homework, because he liked to do 1 things after school. And his teacher always 2 a lot of mistakes in his homework. Then one day his maths teacher 3 at Toms homework and saw that he got all his answers right. He was very 4 and surprised. The next morning before class, he called Tom 5 his desk and 6 to him, “You got all your answers right this time. Did your father help you?” Sometimes Toms father helped him with his homework, 7 this time he didnt help Tom because he 8 at home. So Tom answered, “No, sir. He was busy last night, so I 9 to do it 10 .”( )1. A. others B. another C. the other D. other( )2. A. looked B. looked at C. found D. made( )3. A. saw B. looked C. knocked D. laughed( )4. A. pleased B. pleasure C. sad D. please( )5. A. to B. for C. in D. at( )6. A. spoke B. said C. asked D. talked( )7. A. so B. and C. but D. or( )8. A. cant be B. didnt C. never D. wasnt( )9. A. wanted B. mustnt C. liked D. had( )10 a. itself B. of them C. myself D. himself四阅读理解 (20) ARobert is sixteen now. Hell finish middle school in two years. His father has a shop and got much money. He hopes his son can go to university and makes him study hard. But the young man likes to play at cards. He has to go out when his parents fall asleep.One night, when Robert came back, his father happened to see him. The old man was very angry and told his son to live upstairs. Robert has to go up and down quietly. Of course it troubles him. He thought and thought but didnt find a way. Last evening Robert listened carefully. And he was sure his parents went to sleep, he went out to play at cards with his friends. He won some money and was happy. And he got back, he took off his shoes and was going upstairs. He heard a noise in his parents bedroom. He stood behind the door and saw a man come out. He understood it was a thief (小偷). He stopped him at once. The man was very afraid and brought out all the things he stole (偷) in the room.“Tell me how you didnt wake my parents up,” said Robert. “Or Ill take you to the police station!”( ) 1. Roberts father wants Robert _. A. to catch up with his classmates B. to be a good helper when he finishes middle schoolC. to study in a universityD. to work in his shop( ) 2. Why does Robert have to go out at night? A. Because his friends have no time in the daytime.B. Because he can play at cards when his parents fall asleep.C. Because he cant win any money in the daytime.D. Because his parents let him do so after they go to sleep.( ) 3. Why do Roberts parents ask him to live upstairs? A. Because they are old.B. Because Robert doesnt like any noi
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