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Unit 19 Food and Drink,饮食,corn,fish,eggs,fruits,What do we eat in our daily diet?,carrots,tomatoes,cucumber,cabbage,sweets,chocolate,potato chips,rice,dumplings,noodles,cake,pizza,hamburger,Match the food with the festivals it is for,Moon cake Zongzi Dumplings Rice ball Chocolate Turkey Pumpkin,Lantern Festival Spring Festival Thanksgiving Day Dragon Boat Festival Mid-autumn Festival St Valentines Day Halloween,Dialogue 1,How would Billy like to have his coffee?,How would Anna love to have her coffee?,With a little milk.,She just likes black coffee.,Shall we take a tea break? 我们去喝杯茶,休息一会吧? A lunch break 午餐时间的休息 Shall I make some coffee? 喝点咖啡怎么样?,I just like black coffee. 我就喜欢喝黑咖啡。 英美人在喝咖啡时,喜欢在里面加糖或加牛奶,因为有些人喝不惯咖啡的那种苦味,加了牛奶的咖啡由于颜色变的淡了一些,又称white coffee,而不加牛奶的咖啡则一般称作black coffee.,Dialogue 2,What does the sunny-side-up look like? It looks like a red sun in one side. What else do Canadians eat in the morning? Toast.,What do you mean by? 你说是什么意思? I need something to eat. 我需要点吃的东西。 Something to drink 一些喝的东西,something to do 一些需要做的事情 与形容词连接的时候后面直接加形容词,如:something important,When did the market open? What does Tom want?,This morning. A new kind of orange.,Dialogue 3,There should be something different! 按说会有点不一样的东西吧! Should是情态动词,在这里表示试探性的推断,“按说”,如: We should arrive before dark. 我们按说能在天黑前到达。 Should+have+done 的结构表示本应该做了什么事情,而事实上却没有做。如: You should have finished the work before Friday. 按说你本该在周五之前做完这项工作的。,We do have something new. 我们确实有些新东西。 Do在这里是作为助动词,表示强调,如: John did go to the theatre last night. 昨晚约翰确实去了剧院了。,Sentence patterns,向某人提建议:Shall we take a tea break? Shall I make some coffee? 表示喜好:I like coffee very much. I dont like milk or sugar in my coffee, either. I just like black coffee. 向某人征求意见:What about some sugar? 询问某人是什么意思:What do you mean by sunny-side-up? 表示赞同:Thats a good idea. Thats good.,TEA,1 How many countries are there in the passage? Four. 2 How would Chinese like to have their tea? They would like to have their tea with nothing else in it. 3 What do the Japanese call their way of serving tea? Tea ceremony. 4 How do the English usually drink their tea? The English usually drink tea with milk and sugar.,Passage: Tea All Around the World,With nothing else in it,Tea ceremony,Tea time; with milk and sugar,Tea bags,They would like to have their tea with nothing else in it. 他们喜欢喝茶时什么也不加。 With 表示伴随状态,“与一起,伴随着”,如: Can I wear this tie with my blue shirt? 我穿蓝衬衫能系这条领带吗? He came in with a book in his hand. 他手里拿着本书进来了。 The Japanese have a special way of serving tea called tea ceremony. 日本人有种很特别的上茶方式叫做茶道。 Called 这里的意思是“叫做的”,如: Is there a boy called John in your class? 你们班有个叫约翰的小男孩吗?,Sometimes they drink cold tea from cans, like soda. 有时候他们还喝罐装的凉茶,像苏打水。 Like 例如,比方,相当于such as,如: We could look at some famous poets, like Eliot and Hughes. 我们可以看到一些著名诗人,例如艾略特和休斯。,Oral English: Breakfast,1 Where did you have your breakfast yesterday? I had breakfast in a new restaurant next to our school. 2 Did you have your breakfast alone? No, I had breakfast with my friends. 3 When did you have breakfast? At about 7:30 yesterday. 4 What did you eat? I ate two eggs and some toast. 5 What did you drink? I drank some milk.,Thanks for your time!,
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