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Module 4 Unit 2,He invented this bicycle in 1839.,paint- print- invent-,play- clean- stay- watch- finish- wash-,ed ed ed,/id/,ed ed ed,/d/,ed ed ed,/t/,轻对轻 浊对浊 以”t”结尾读/id/,今天我们要学会,1. 学会单词invent, picture, bicycle, 学会年份的一般读法。 2. 学会使用句型He invented this bicycle in . 来表示某人在某年发明了某物。 3. 学会用英语回答句子正误。,Lets learn some words!,true,真实的,Thats true.,那是真的。,That isnt true.,那是假的。,wheel,轮子,big wheel,small wheel,大轮子,小轮子,picture,图片,这张图片。,this picture,bicycle,自行车,bike,(全称),(口语),这辆自行车,this bicycle,man,男人,复数,m n,e,woman,女人,复数,women,English,英语,英国人,英国的,英国人的,He is English.,Chinese,American,He is Chinese.,He is American.,He was English.,年份的读法,一般情况下,将表示年份的数字按前后分为两组, 每组按照数字来读。在某年用in,通常用在句尾。,1.在1866年,in eighteen sixty-six,2.在1624年,in sixteen twenty-four,3.在1932年,4.在1786年,5.在1475年,6.在1391年,in nineteen thirty-two,in seventeen eighty-six,in fourteen seventy-five,in thirteen ninety-one,在1839年,in eighteen thirty-nine,He invent this bicycle in 1839.,在1839年,他发明了自行车。,ed,Can You remember?,picture bicycle English eighteen thirty-nine true wheel,图片 自行车 英国的 1839年 真实的 轮子,Listen and answer.,1,2,3,4,6,5,A档题 一、我是小小翻译家。 1. Chinese people 2. English people 3. big wheel 4. on the bicycle 5. Look at this picture. 6. 在1839年 二、选择填空。 1. Look _ these flowers. A. at B. in 2. In 1839, he _ a bicycle. A. invents B. invented 3. _ people invented compass(指南针). A. Chinese B. American,达标检测,A,B,A,三、用所给的单词填空。 invent invented He _ this bicycle in 1839. American people didnt _ paper. in on He was a teacher _ 1997. The man _ the bicycle is English. help helped I _ my mum yesterday. I didnt _ him last Monday.,invented,invent,in,on,helped,help,B档题 四、连词成句。 this at bicycle Look. Look the man at the bicycle on. 3. He this in invented bicycle 1839.,Look at this bicycle.,Look at the man on the bicycle.,He invented this bicycle in 1839.,Lets sum up!,1. 我们复习了:look at, picture, English, invent- invented. 2. 我们学习了新单词: bicycle和年份的一般读法。 3. 我们学习了如何用Thats true. 和 That isnt true.判断句子正误。,Thank you!,A Chinese invented this bicycle.,1.请你读题并回答,Thats true.,That isnt true.,加一分,2.请组长读题并回答。,One wheel of this bicycle was very small.,Thats true.,That isnt true.,加一分.,3.请你大声朗读并说出答案!,An American invented this bicycle.,Thats true.,That isnt true.,加两分,4.请肖老师读题,由你来回答。,The man invented this bicycle in 1839.,Thats true.,That isnt true.,加一分,5.请你读题,由本组三号同学回答。,An English invented this bicycle.,Thats true.,That isnt true.,加一分,The two wheels of this bicycle were very big.,Thats true.,That isnt true.,6.请你读题并回答。,加两分,
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