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小学 精品 教案 试卷Module 7 the third class Topic:Unit2 She couldnt see or hear.教学内容Module7 Unit2 Part1,Part2 and Part3教学目标1. 全体学生能四会单词:born.as.became.letter.spell.herself.allover.live.a role model. 2.全体学生能了解课文内容,并能正确朗读课文。3.初步了解如何运用一般过去时态介绍某人的生平事迹。教学重难点1.全体学生能正确流利地朗读课文。2.能运用一般过去时态介绍某人物的生平事迹。达标题导学训练Page 43 II. Read and judge.(读课文,判断正“T”误 “F”)III : Read and write. ( 读课文,写一写)板书设计Module7 Unit2 She couldnt see or hear.born : Helen Keller was born in the US in 1880.became : She became blind and deaf .letters /spell She drew letters in Helens hand and taught her to spell.lived :Helen lived to be eighty-senven.a role model .She is a role model for blind people.教学过程个人修订课前5分钟:学生分组检查Module7 Unit1单词。1号和2号先互相检查。然后1号查4号,2号查3号。Step1: Warm up and lead in .T: Boys and girls Today lets know a famous woman in the US .Who is she? S: Hellen.T: OK, Lets watch the video and know more about her.学生活动:First let the Ss listen carefully,thenListen again and repeat, at last chant together.教师活动: 板书并教读单词: could-canT: Everybody, we knew Helen couldnt see. But she could read He couldnt hear But she could talk.Step2 Presentation1.: T: Do you want to know more about Hellen keller?Ok Lets watch the video. and answer the questions:a.When was Hellen Keller born ? b.How did she become?c.What did his teacher do ?Let the Ss answer.师课件出示答案并教读 born became letter spell 2.Read the text and line out the difficult words or sentences . (1) 小组内交流解决所画的生词, (2)师根据巡视情况和预设情况Use some pictures or cards to teach the new words.师课件出示预设生词:as 1880 blind deaf drew taught learnt wrote herself travelled all over rode model .(3)Let the Ss read together.(4)Then let them read in groups.(5)Let the Ss read one by one.3.Listen again then point and repeat.(提示学生注意模仿其中的语音、语调)让学生反复跟读重点句子和不会读的句子。让学生一个一个的来读这些句子。4.Read the text in groups.1号和2号先互相检查读,教师巡视,遇到不会读的单词问老师。然后1号检查4号读,2号检查3号读。5.小组展示读课文。小组成员展示时,按展示的号加对应的分,以鼓励后进生积极参与。一同学展示时,其他同学认真听后纠错,每纠错一处加一分。(培养学生的倾听习惯)Step3 PracticeLearn Part 3Listen and repeat.Help the Ss recite the sentences.Let the Ss check in groups.1号、2号互查,然后1号查4号,2号查3号。师课件出示图片,生看图完成句子:Helen Keller was _ in the US in 1880._ a baby ,she _ blind and deaf .She couldnt see _hear.Hellen had a teacher.She _ _in Helens hand and taught her to _.Then double in English.Step 4. Do some exercises.First let the Ss do exercises by themselves.Check each other。Teacher shows the answers with ppt.学生对照答案后小组内纠错。同桌再互相说一下改正过来的答案。师根据巡视情况叫几个同学讲讲出错的题目。Step 5 Summary以填空的形式在老师的引导下总结本课所学:Helen Keller was _ in the US in 1880.As a baby,she became _and _.She couldnt _ or_.She had a _.She drew_ in Hellens hand and taught her to _.Later Helen _to read ,write and speak .She _a book about _and travelled _ _ the world. She is a _ _ for blind people and also for you and me.Step6:Homework1.单词三英一汉,第三遍家长听写签字。2 朗读课文3遍。养成良好的学习习惯,有利于激发学生学习的积极性和主动性;有利于形成学习策略,提高学习效率;有利于培养自主学习能力;有利于培养学生的创新精神和创造能力,使学生终身受益Mr. Johnson had never been up in an before and he had read a lot about air accidents, 在教师讲课之前,自己先独立地阅读新课内容。初步理解内容,是上课做好接受新知识的准备过程。有些学生由于没有预习习惯,对老师一堂课要讲的内容一无所知,坐等教师讲课Mr. Johnson was very worried about accepting. Finally, however。加油就会成功。生命不息,学习不解决党委自身和基层党支部存在的的突出问题,发挥各村、社区、机关单位党支部在当前城市征迁、园区建设、招商引资、服务群众、维护稳定的作用,我镇党委高度重视,制定了切合临淮实际的活动实施方案,按照中央规定的活动步骤和要求扎实有效的开展了基层组织建设年活动。7制作不易 推荐下载
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