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单元评价测试卷三(时间: 60分钟满分: 100分)题号总分得分来源:Z.xx.k.Com听力部分(30分).Listen and number.(听录音, 标序号。)(10分)来源:Zxxk.Com.Listen and choose.(听录音, 选答语。)(10分)()1.A.No, he cant. B.Yes, he is. C.Thank you. ()2.A.I often play football. B.Im going to buy a book. C.I dont like sports. ()3.A.Im going by plane. B.Im going to a shoe store. C.I want to buy a pen. ()4.A.Its near. B.You can go there on foot. C.Its next to the hospital. ()5.A.Yesterday. B.Tomorrow morning. C.Im going to buy some CDs. .Listen and choose.(听录音, 选择最佳答案。)(10分)()1.Sarah is going to the . A.cinemaB.libraryC.bookstore()2.Sarah is going to buy . A.a dictionaryB.a comic bookC.a postcard()3.Sarah is going to the bookstore . A.in the morningB.at 4 oclockC.at 8 oclock()4.Sarah is going to the bookstore . A.by bikeB.by busC.by car()5.Sarah is going to the bookstore with . A.MikeB.LindaC.Wu Yifan笔试部分(70分).Read and choose.(找朋友, 组成恰当的短语。)(10分).Read and choose.(火眼金睛选不同。)(10分)()1.A.tonightB.tomorrowC.trip()2.A.visitB.cinemaC.park来源:学.科.网()3.A.goingB.readingC.interesting()4.A.busyB.weekendC.good()5.A.libraryB.supermarketC.together.Read and choose.(单项选择我最棒!)(10分)()1.I am going to the cinema this afternoon. A.onB.inC./()2.What are you to ? A.go; buyingB.going; buyingC.going; buy来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K()3.I can see lots of over there. A.childB.childsC.children()4.When are you going? I am going . A.to the cinemaB.this afternoonC.by bike()5.can I get to the zoo? On foot. A.HowB.WhenC.Where.Read and write.(读一读, 按要求改写句子。)(10分)1.Im going to take a trip.(对画线部分提问) you going to ? 2.Im going to buy an English dictionary.(对画线部分提问) you going to ? 3.Im, supermarket, going, my, to, with, the, mother(.)(连词成句) 4.He is going to buy some comic books.(改为否定句) 5.Were going to Tianjin next week.(对画线部分提问) you going to Tianjin? .Read and order.(根据对话内容排列顺序。)(15分)Amy: What are you going to do this weekend? Sarah: Im going to buy some books on Saturday morning. Amy: And then? Sarah: In the afternoon, Im going to visit my grandparents. And in the evening Im going to read books. Amy: When are you going to the science museum? Sarah: Im going to the science museum on Sunday afternoon. Would you like to go with me? Amy: Sure. Sarah: And in the evening we can watch TV together. OK? Amy: Great! () Sarah is going to read books. () Sarah and Amy are going to the science museum. () Sarah is going to visit her grandparents. () Sarah is going to buy some books. () Sarah and Amy are going to watch TV together. .Writing.(小作文。)(15分)请你采访3位同学, 了解一下他们的周末计划, 并用几句话把你们的计划写下来和大家分享。不少于50词。 来源:学科网ZXXK 答案:听力材料: .Listen and number.(听录音, 标序号。)1.have a big dinner2.take a trip3.draw pictures4.make a snowman5.see a film.Listen and choose.(听录音, 选答语。)1.Can Mike go swimming today? 2.What are you going to do tomorrow? 3.How are you going to Jinan? 4.Where is the cinema? 5.When are they going to the supermarket? .Listen and choose.(听录音, 选择最佳答案。)W: Hello, Wu Yifan! M: Hello, Sarah! Where are you going this afternoon? W: Im going to the bookstore. M: What are you going to buy? W: Im going to buy a comic book. M: I like comic books too. When are you going? W: Im going at 4 oclock. M: How are you going then? W: By bike. M: Can I go with you? W: Sure. 答案: .5 3 2 4 1.1.A2.B3.A4.C5.B.1.C2.B3.B4.A5.C.1.E2.C3.A4.B5.D.1.C2.A3.C4.B5.C.1.C2.C3.C4.B5.A.1.What are; do2.What are; buy3.Im going to the supermarket with my mother. 4.He isnt going to buy any comic books. 5.When are.3 4 2 1 5
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