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单元评价测试卷五(时间: 60分钟分值: 100分)题号总分得分听力部分(40分).Listen and number. (听录音, 标序号。)(10分).Listen and choose. (听录音, 选出正确的答语。)(10分)()1.A.Thank you. B.Youre welcome. ()2.A.Here you are. B.Id like some fish. ()3.A.Drink some juice. B.Here you are. ()4.A.Thank you. B.OK! ()5.A.Its an egg. B.Id like some bread. .Listen and choose. (听录音, 选出你所听到的句子。)(10分)()1.A.Can I have some milk? B.Can I have some water? ()2.A.Have some bread. B.Have some cake. ()3.A.Drink some juice. B.Drink some milk. ()4.A.Here you are. B.Thank you. ()5.A.Eat the fish. B.Cut the cake. .Listen and number. (听录音, 排顺序。)(10分)()Drink some water. ()Eat some fish. 来源:学。科。网()Cut the cake. ()Eat some eggs. ()Have some juice. 笔试部分(60分).Read and choose. (读一读, 选一选。在正确的答案后面画“”。)(10分).Read and find. (火眼金睛找不同。)(10分).Read and choose. (读一读, 选择正确的答案。)(10分)()1.Have some . A.fishB.fishesC.a fish()2.Can I have bread? A.aB.anC.some()3.Whats that? Its an . A.whiteB.catC.egg()4.下列大小写字母都是一笔写成的是。A.OoB.TtC.Pp()5.Have some bread. A.Id like some water. B.Im hungry. C.Here you are. .Read and choose. (根据五位同学的描述, 为他们选择正确的食物或饮料。)(5分)()1.Mike: Id like some juice. ()2.Chen Jie: Id like some milk and an apple. ()3.Wu Yifan: Id like some bread. ()4.Sarah: Id like some rice. ()5.Bai Ling: Id like some fish. .Read and match. (问句答句连连看。)(5分)1.Have some juice! A.Sure! Here you are. 2.Thank you. B.Thank you. 3.Can I have some bread? C.OK! Good idea. 4.Lets have some fish. D.Have some bread. 5.Im hungry. E.Youre welcome. .Read and choose. (读一读, 选一选。将正确的选项填到相应的横线上。)(10分)早晨, 图图(T)起床时, 妈妈(M)已经准备好了早饭T: Good morning, Mum! M: 1.T: Can I have some bread? M: 2.T: Thank you. M: 3. Have some juice! T: 4.I like milk. M: OK! T: Thanks. A.Sure, here you are. B.Good morning. C.Youre welcome. D.No, thanks. .Read and judge. (读一读, 判断正“T”误“F”。)(10分)John: Have some bread, Chen Jie. Chen Jie: No, thank you. Id like some juice. Mike: Id like some milk and bread. Sarah: Id like some fish and rice. John: OK.Here you are. Chen Jie, Mike and Sarah: Thank you, John. John: You are welcome. 来源:学科网ZXXK()1.Chen Jie would like some juice. ()2.Mike would like some water. ()3.Sarah would like some fish and bread. ()4.Chen Jie and Mike would like some bread. ()5.There are four people in the dialogue(对话). 答案:听力材料: .Listen and number. (听录音, 标序号。)1.juice2.rice3.cake4.bread5.fish.Listen and choose. (听录音, 选出正确的答语。)1.Thank you. 来源:Zxxk.Com2.Can I have some fish? 3.Id like some juice. 4.Here you are. 5.Whats that? .Listen and choose. (听录音, 选出你所听到的句子。)1.Can I have some milk? 2.Have some cake. 3.Drink some juice. 4.Here you are. 来源:学科网ZXXK5.Cut the cake. .Listen and number. (听录音, 排顺序。)1.Eat some eggs. 2.Drink some water. 3.Have some juice. 4.Cut the cake. 5.Eat some fish. 答案部分:.43152.1.B2.A3.B4.A5.A.1.A2.B3.A4.A5.B.25413.1.milk2.bread3.water 4.duck5.cake.1.B2.C3.A4.C5.C.1.A2.C3.C4.A5.B来源:学科网ZXXK.1.A2.B3.D4.E5.C.1.B2.E3.A4.C5.D.1.B2.A3.C4.D.1.T2.F3.F4.F5.T
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