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saveMEANINGS 义项1.FROM HARM/DANGER免除伤害/危险Tto make someone or something safe from danger, harm, or destruction救,拯救,挽救RELTDRESCUETHESAURUSPROTECTRESCUEEmergency aid could save millions threatened with starvation. 紧急援助可以拯救数百万受到饥饿威胁的人。a new treatment that couldsavehislife能够挽救他生命的一种新疗法She was determined to save her marriage. 她决心挽救自己的婚姻。the campaign to save the rainforests 拯救热带雨林的运动save sb/sth from sthHe saved the child from drowning. 他救起了那个溺水儿童。2.MONEY钱I,Tto keep money in a bank so that you can use it later, especially when you gradually add more money over a period of time储蓄,存钱 saverHe managed to save enough to buy a small house. 他想办法攒够钱买了一幢小房子。So far, Ive saved about 500. 到目前为止,我已存了大约500英镑。+ forIm saving up for a new car. 我正在存钱买新车。3.NOT WASTE不浪费Tto use less money, time, energy etc so that you do not waste any节省,节约OPPWASTEWell save a lot of time if we go by car. 我们要是开车去,可以节省很多时间。Everyone is being encouraged to save energy. 每个人都被鼓励节约能源。ways to save money on heating bills 节省取暖费的种种办法energy-saving/time-saving etcmoney-saving ideas 省钱的点子4.TO USE LATER以备后用Tto keep something so that you can use or enjoy it in the future保留,保存Well save the rest of the food and have it later. 我们把剩下的食物留着以后吃。save sth for sthI had a bottle of champagne which Id been saving for a special occasion. 我有一瓶香槟,是留到特别的日子喝的。5.COLLECT收集Tto keep all the objects of a particular kind that you can find, so that you can use them收集,积存以备后用Im saving up vouchers to get a cheap air ticket to the States. 我在积存代金券来换一张去美国的便宜机票。6.HELP TO AVOID帮助避免Tto help someone by making it unnecessary for them to do something that they do not want to do使免除不想做的事情If you lent me 5, it would save me a trip to the bank. 如果你能借我五英镑,我就省得去一趟银行了。save sb doing sthIll take the shopping home in the car to save you carrying it. 我会把买的东西放在车里带回家,免得你用手拎着。save sb the trouble/bother (of doing sth)Ill get a taxi from the station to save you the trouble of coming to collect me. 我会从火车站乘出租车,省得你费事来接我。7.KEEP FOR SB替某人保留Tto stop people from using something so that it is available for someone else为某人保留Will you save me a seat? 给我留个座位好吗?save sth for sbWell save some dinner for you if youre late. 你要是回来晚了,我们会给你留饭的。8.COMPUTER计算机I,Tto make a computer keep the work that you have done on it保存(输入的资料)Dont forget to save before you close the file. 在关闭文件之前,不要忘记保存。Did you save the changes that you made? 你把你做的改动保存了吗?9.SPORT体育运动I,Tto stop the other team from scoring in a game such as football足球等阻碍对方得分,救(球)see picture at见footballThe goalkeeper just managed to save the shot. 守门员刚好挡住了这次射门。10.you saved my lifespokenused to thank someone who has helped you out of a difficult situation or solved a problem for you你帮了我的大忙Thanks again for the loan you really saved my life. 再一次谢谢你借钱给我,你真是救了我啊。11.save sbs skin/neck/baconinformalto help someone to escape from an extremely difficult or dangerous situation帮助某人逃脱困境险境He lied in court to save his own skin. 他为了自保在法庭上撒了谎。12.save the dayto stop things from going badly and make a situation end successfully扭转局面;挽回败局A local businessman saved the day by donating 30,000 to the school. 一位当地的商人向这所学校捐助了三万英镑,挽救了局面。13.save faceto do something that will stop you from looking stupid or feeling embarrassed保全面子 face-savingA compromise must be found which will allow both sides in the dispute to save face. 必须找到折中的办法,让纠纷双方都可以保住面子。14.saving gracethe one good thing that makes someone or something acceptable弥补不足的可取之处His sense of humour was his only saving grace. 幽默感是他唯一的可取之处。15.sb cant do sth to save his/her lifeinformalto be completely unable to do something某人完全不会做某事He couldnt draw to save his life! 画画他可是一窍不通!16.save your breathspokenused to tell someone that it is not worth saying anything, because nothing they say will make any difference to the situation用不着白费唇舌,说也没有用I tried to explain, but she told me to save my breath. 我想解释,但她叫我还是省点口水吧。17.save sb from themselvesto prevent someone from doing something that they want to do but that you think is harmful阻止某人做某事以免自尝苦果18.RELIGION宗教I,Tin the Christian church, to free someone from the power of evil and bring them into the Christian religion基督教拯救(某人);使摆脱罪孽Jesus came to save sinners. 耶稣来是为拯救罪人而来。收起save2n.C英MEANINGS 义项an action in which a player in a game such as football prevents the other team from scoring足球等守门员的救球,阻碍对方得分Martinmadea brilliantsavefrom Nichols shot.
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