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二、笔试部分(满分100分).单项填空(每小题1分,满分20分)( )1._do you go to work every day? By bus.A. WhatB. HowC. How longD. How far( ) 2.-Can you tell me _ it is from your home to school? -Sure.Its about three kilometers.A. How B. How far C. How long D. How many( )3.-_ does it take you to go to Beijing by train? -About two days. A. How B. How long C. How far D. How many time( )4. -How does she get to her grandparents home? -_. A. She takes the train to there. B. She gets there by the train. C. She get there on a bus. D. She get there by train.( )5. -Do you go to school by bike or by bus? -_. A. Yes, I do. B.No, Idont. C. Yes, by bus. D. By bike.( )6. -_? -Wow! Thats a long trip!A. What do you like the trip B. How do you think of the tripC. What do you think of the trip D. What is the trip like( )7. It takes _one hour _my homework every day. A.I; do B. me; to do C. me; doing D. I; to do( )8. It is easy _ to school _ many students. A. get, to B. to get, for C. get, for D. to get, to( )9. It is a dream _ a bridge. A. have B. having C. to have D. has( )10. There _ a river _ their school _ the village. A. is, between, and B. are, between, and C. is, between, to D. are, from, to( )11. John is _. He is _ boy. A. 8 years old, a 8-year-old B. 8 years old, an 8 years old C. 8 years old, an 8-year-old D. 8-year-old, an 8-year-old( )12. - How many students are there in the school? -There are about _. A. eight hundred and ninety-nine B. eight hundreds and eighty-six C. seven hundred and sixty five C. six hundred fifty-three( )13. -How long does it take you to finish your homework? -About _. A. half hour B. half a hour C. a half hour D. half an hour( )14. I want to know _. A. where does he live B. what time he gets up C. how do you get to school D. how far is it from your home to school( )15. My home is about three kilometers _ school. Its not far _ here. A. from; from B. to; to C. from; to D. to; from( )16. How do you go to work? I _ my car there. A. driveB. rideC. by D. in( )17. He his homework Sundays evening.A. doesnt; in B. dont do ; in C. doesnt do; on D. dont do; on ( )18. We must do exercise because it _us. A. is good for B. is good to C. is good with D. is good at( )19. What do you usually do _ eight _ the evning of December 24th.A. at; in B. at; on C. /; in D. /; on( )20. Lets go to school now. Have a good day, Bob. _. A. I am not sure B. No problem C. I am fine, thanks D. You, too.完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)Mr Smith 1 in a small village.Every morning, he goes to work 2 the children 3 to school. Its not 4 for them to get to school. There 5 a river between their school and their home.There is 6 bridge and the river runs very quickly. So these children go on a ropeway 7 the river to school. They want to have a bridge. In the evening, the children come home from school. They get home 8 . But Mr. White comes from work late. 9 , the children often do 10 homework. Then they go to bed. Mr. White often watches TV with Mrs.White解决党委自身和基层党支部存在的的突出问题,发挥各村、社区、机关单位党支部在当前城市征迁、园区建设、招商引资、服务群众、维护稳定的作用,我镇党委高度重视,制定了切合临淮实际的活动实施方案,按照中央规定的活动步骤和要求扎实有效的开展了基层组织建设年活动。( )1. A. work B. live C.teach D. lives( )2. A. and B. but C. or D. so( )3. A. go B. goes C. to Dgoing( )4. A.easy B.difficult C.quickly D.far( )5. A. have B. has C. is D. are( )6. A. not B. no C. no a D. a. ( )7.A.crossing B.to cross C.cross ( )8.A.early B. late C.quickly D.usually( )9.A.Night B.At night C.In the night ( )10. A.they B.them C.their D.theirs.阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20分)【A】Im John. I have many good friends at school. Bob is one of them. His house isnt far away from our school. He usually goes to school by bike. Alice usually takes the subway to school. It takes her 25 minutes to get to school. Her house is 30 kilometers from the school. Sarah goes to school on the train. She can read English on the train. It takes her 50 minutes to get to school. Eric usually gets up late, so he has to take the taxi to school. And he is always late for school. Im near to the school, so I go to school on foot.判断下面句子,错误(F) or正确(T)( )1.John usually walks to school.( )2.Alice usually goes to school on the bus.( )3.Bob is always late for school.(
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