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选择文章标题有三招,文章的标题是段落中心思想最精炼的表达形式,其特点是: 概括性:短小精悍,言简意赅,多为一个名词性短语。 针对性:既能覆盖全文,范围又大小合适。 醒目性:能吸引人的眼球,能引起阅读欲望。,以下三招可帮助我们提高解题速度和增加准确性。 1. 用略读法 跟解答主旨大意题相同,主要是略读,即重点理解首尾段和各段的首尾句,迅速找出主题句,或根据文章内容自己归纳主旨要义,然后与各标题对照,看哪个选项与文章主旨大意相符。 2. 用写作法 先不看文章,浏览各备选项,逐一设想,如果我用这个标题来写文章会写些什么内容呢,并构思结构框架,然后快速浏览全文,对照自己原有设想,一一排除不符者。,3. 研究备选项 研究备选项里面的中心词、各选项的修饰语及彼此差异、分析概括范围等。看是否以偏概全,是否只是某个细节等。逐一排除不符者。 实际解题过程中,是综合以上三种方法的。,1. What does the author say about doctors in general? A. They like flying by themselves. B. They are unwilling to take advice. C. They pretend to be good pilots. D. They are quick learners of CRM.,B 细节理解题。由第一段第二句“They dont listen because they already know it all.(他们不愿听取别人的意见,因为他们已经都懂了)”可知,选B。选项C的They are unwilling to take advice与原文中的They dont listen是同意转换。,2. The author deepened his understanding of the power of CRM when _. A. he saved the plane by speaking up B. he was in charge of a flying task C. his boss landed the plane too late D. his boss operated on a patient,A 细节理解题。由第二段最后两句“I put aside my uneasiness and said, We need to put the landing gear down now! That was my first real lesson in the power of CRM, and Ive used it in the operating room ever since.”可知,作者大胆提醒飞行员(主治医师)放下起落架,第一次感到了机组资源管理的力量,且从此以后在手术室也这样做。故选A。,3. In the last paragraph “landing gear up” probably means _. A. following flying requirements B. overreacting to different opinions C. listening to what fellow doctors say D. making a mistake that may cost lives,D 词义猜测题。句意“但是我希望,如果我继续鼓励他们,有人会在某一天阻止我将起落架升起来”,由第一段中的he had forgotten to put the landing gear (起落架) down和Our lives were in danger可知 “landing gear up”指所犯的可能会以生命为代价的错误。故选D。,4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. CRM: A New Way to Make Flying Safe B. Flying Makes Me a Better Doctor C. The Making of a Good Pilot D. A Pilot-Turned Doctor,B 标题概括题。第一段第三句I was lucky: I became a pilot in 1970和第四句becoming a pilot makes me a better surgeon就是文章的主题,作者接下叙述的经历就是说明这个主题故的,故选B。选项B中用Flying, doctor分别替代原文中的becoming a pilot和surgeon,属同意转换题。,Thank you!,
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