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考研英语写作三段论:第一段-描述图画或图表 第二段-解释寓意 第三段-给出评论第一段:第一句1、As is shown above , 描述图画(倒装).There has been a heated discussion about a picture in the newspaper.报纸上有一张图画引起人们广泛的关注。描述图画注意: 第一步:寻找图画的中心事物,并确定中心事物的位置。 第二部:描述中心事物,可以从动作和状态两个方面来描述。 第三部; 寻找中心事物周围相关的事物,并进行简单的描述。模式: 在图画中央有-(倒装),它-(主谓一致、现在分词、非限定性定语从句),周围有-(独立主格作状语)第二句-总结 The picture , at the fist glimpse , seems to be simple , but only a penetrating sight can pierce through its superficial meaning.这幅画初看好像很简单,但是只有具有洞察力的人才能看穿其肤浅的含义。 The authors real purpose is not the fact itself , but to lead us to find what hides behind the ice burg.作者的真实目的不是图画本身,而是要引导我们去探求在图画背后究竟隐藏着什么。第二段第一句-观点的提出 (1) The picture tells us that nothing can be compared with the 重要主题 . In no country , other than china ,it has been said , is this phenomenon more obvious .(2) The picture does revel certain disturbing social phenomenon , that is , people tend to overlook the fact that 有害主题 . ( 或 The picture does reveal that 有害主题 is not only harmful , but also damaging .) The past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to the reform and opening-up policy carried out , bringing some problems at the same time , with the above one being the foremost .在过去的十年间,由于改革开放政策的执行,我国的经济有了巨大的发展,但同时带来了一些问题,上面的问题是最严重的。(或In no country other than china , it has been said m is this problem more serous . )万能观点: 图画主题的重要性Nothing can be compared withis not only necessary , but also indispensable remains to be an integral part in 图画主题的有害性Nothing is more harmful or damaging.is not only harmful , but also damaging.in large measure detrimental.第二句-进一步讲解人们的态度(重视/不重视) (1) The public fails to attach due attention to 有害主题 . (2) The public attach due attention to 重要主题 .give priority to优先考虑 attach attention to对注意 emphasize the importance of 强调的重要性 stress the fundamental role of 强调的根本作用第三句-对主题进行展开 (3-4句) By doing so , 十一个角度平行展开(也可用科学论据法或举例法)(一)、十一个万能理由(角度)物质回报: 主题 can provide (offer) people with not only delicious food but fashionable clothes and such benefits as comfortable dwellings and handsome automobiles. The industrious and insightful people will never fail to profits from (benefit from) doing 主题.时间角度 节约时间 It can make the most of ones time , chance and technology. 主题(e.g. Learning more western culture) , occupying spare time so constructively , makes a person contented , with no time for boredom/wondering and helps them achieve a more broaden horizon. 浪费时间As all known , the days of youth should not be friend/idled away and time should be cherished , but (主题 e.g. star worship) wastes hours , lavishes days and even squanders years , which leads us to say kills an even murders youngsters prime time.效率角度 主题(e .g. Star worship/Addiction to the Internet)makes people weary of other important things , discourages him to learn more , and finally lose their interest to learn , and lead to low grades / low efficiency / underachievement . Ones energy gradually wears off and ones thought , creative thinking and exploration has been stifled by doing 主题 .方便和快捷 主题 (e.g. Wide World Web)provides people with up-to-date , concrete and accurate and vivid information . 主题 (e.g. MSN and other instant messengers)can shrink the distance between cities and even continents ; smooth the communication between residents and rid of the barrier between people .安全角度 主题 can secure his food and shelter. 主题 can shield people from various kinds of hazards ranging from injury , robbery , assaults to traffic accidents .身心健康 (主题)can relieve not only pressure but also anxiety and such problems , stress , isolation and solitude . By doing (主题) people stay healthy , and therefore prevent heart diseases , hypertension , diabetes or fattiness . (主题) can also have added benefit of increasing ones knowledge and giving us a new perspective of the outside world .生活娱乐 Its a major means of entertainment that relieves ones pressure , boredom , stress and burden .表“受益”的词组:Broaden ones mind Enrich ones experienceEnhance vigor and put more enthusiasm to ones work It is well received as an instructive mode of entertainment that provides people with not only a bulk of information , but a source of imagination as well. It provides a variety of leisure activities that enhance your energy , enthusiasm and charm . It adds a special means of entertainment to you seemingly tedious , routine and monotonous life .有助成长和成功(自己和他人) People can obtain financial aids , material support , mental comfort , or spiritual back from your support . They can draw on experience from you . Through your speeches , instructions or assistance , they can broaden their minds , increase their income . Through your encouragement , they cultivate the spirit of competition , participation and cooperation and finally find thei
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