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4,South Africa 南非,”Heartbeats” is an uncomplicated and highly emotional concept for all lovers of mild, fruity wines. Its unique brand design ensures “Heartbeats” an unmistakable presence and irresistible display of style! 驿动的心一款甜蜜而美妙的产品,前卫的酒标设计,富有突出的货架成列效果,是所有场合时尚礼品的最佳选择。,Heartbeats 驿动的心,Chenin Blanc 百诗南 Medium Sweet : 半甜 Product Number : 3101 产品编号:3101 Enjoy it with pate, shrimps, creamy chicken and sea food dishes or as desserts with lemon tart and apple crumble. A delicious medium sweet wine showing an intense nose of apples, creamy honey with peach and citrus flavors. 清新微甜,口感柔和,酒体适中,富有浓郁的苹果、桃子和柠檬的芳香。可与鸡、鱼、海鲜以及柠檬、苹果派等甜点共同享用。,Syrah 西拉 Medium Sweet:半甜 Product Number : 3102 产品编号:3102 Nice match with ripe melon, Moroccan and Oriental dishes. Also enjoy with a fruit salad or ice cream. A bright and vibrant nose with strawberry and raspberry fruit flavors together with a creamy, juicy and rounded taste. Well-balanced, soft, juicy with a medium body. 香甜的草莓和蓝莓口味。酒体均衡、柔和,果味适中,酒味香醇。与成熟瓜果,各种中式菜肴以及水果沙拉或冰激凌等同时享用。,Cabernet Sauvignon 加苯纳赤霞珠 Sweet:甜型 Product Number : 3100 产品编号:3100 Fabulous on its own as an aperitif or with fruit-based desserts. The wines of the sun spoilt Western Cape in South Africa stand out due to its full bodied, harmonic character. 适合与水果甜点搭配或者和清蒸类食物搭配。单独享用也是很好的选择。深宝石色,单宁细致,苹果、橡木及热带水果的混合香气,柔和甘甜,色泽华美,余味绵长,饱满均衡。是与家人和朋友开怀畅饮的最佳选择!夏季冰镇后饮用更是甜美顺畅!,South Africa 南非,Chenin Blanc 百诗南 Product Number : 3104 产品编号:3104 Lovely citrus and peach aroma, with an elegant and smooth palate. To be enjoyed with any light meals. 适合与清淡鲜绿的生蔬和海鲜食品同时享用。酒体呈淡绿色,清爽甘甜,诱人的柑橘、桃子芳香,口感平滑清爽圆润。,Stony Cape wines are grown and produced in South Africa. We offer these popular, top quality wines at an attractive and reasonable price . Stone Cape wines are well known nationally and internationally.,Stony Cape 岩石角,Ruby Cabernet Sauvignon 鲁比 加苯纳赤霞珠 Product Number : 3105 产品编号:3105 The fruity and silky smoothness of the Cinsault, complemented by the robust and complex Ruby-Cabernet. Enjoyable with any fine meal. 口感独特,柔和醇美,富含成熟的深色水果及李子的香甜口味。水果香的丝滑口感中夹杂着丰富的赤霞珠风味。适合与多种美食共享,尤其是红肉类美食。,5,Talamanca 脸谱,Carmenere 卡门 Product Number : 3163 产品编号:3163 Carmenere has a great depth of colour with aromas of spices, black pepper and ripe blackberries. The palate is well structrued and balanced with mature tannins and a persistent finish. This wine is outstanding with casseroles and stews. 卡门有着红宝石般的色泽是智利最有特色的红葡萄品种。香料、黑胡椒、成熟黑色水果的芳香,单宁香醇、入口顺滑、持久。 这款酒是砂锅和炖煮类食物的最佳选择,也可以与烧烤,涮羊肉及红烧肉搭配。,Merlot 梅洛 Product Number : 3164 产品编号:3164 Merlot reveals aromas of spices, cherries and ripe blackberries. This wine is well structured with tannins and a lingering finish. An ideal companion to steaks and roast meats. 梅洛充满了香料、樱桃、成熟黑色水果的香气,单宁柔和、酒体饱满,回味悠长。 这款酒是牛排和烧烤肉类的绝佳搭配。,Sauvignon Blanc 白苏维浓 Product Number : 3165 产品编号:3165 Sauvignon Blanc is a refreshing, crisp white wine fresh, grassy aromas. An ideal companion to seafood and Asian dishes. 淡淡的金黄色酒液,酒体平衡,桔子、甘草和苹果的味道混合在一起使人精神焕发,新鲜清爽饱满的白葡萄酒,散发着青草的芳香。 这款酒是海鲜和清单菜肴的理想搭配也可净饮。,Chile 智利,Chile 智利,Santa Babera boasts ownership of close to 4000 acres in Chinas most important wine growing regions. With its ongoing focus on technology, innovation and brand development ,Santa Babera continues to produces wines rich, distinctive and unique. 圣芭芭拉拥有将近4000英亩的葡萄园,均匀分布于智利各大重要产区。圣芭芭拉不断致力于研究适宜葡萄生长的风土条件,推进加工技术革新及品牌建设,不断出品口味丰饶而风格独具匠心的美酒佳肴。,Santa Babera 圣芭芭拉 On-trade only 特供餐饮渠道,Merlot 梅洛 Product Number : 3107 产品编号:3107 Intense violet colour, showing aromas of spices, black pepper and ripe blackberries. Well structured and balanced with mature tannins and a persistent finish. Perfect with any kind of meat dishes. 优美的宝石红色,具有紫罗兰、黑椒的香味,层次感明显,香醇自然,酒体适中,入口柔和,回味悠长。可与各种肉类搭配。特别是烧烤, 冷荤拼盘和口感较重的食物.,Cabernet Sauvignon 加苯纳赤霞珠 Product Number : 3108 产品编号:3108 Full-bodied, real depth of colour and varietals character. Ideal on its own or as an accompaniment to meat, game or cheeses. 酒体饱满柔滑,质感醇厚,色泽华美如鲜艳的红宝石. 口感独特。有丰富的自然果香味并带有淡淡的巧克力的味道。可单独享用,亦可与肉类、野味或奶酪搭配共享 。,Sauvignon Blanc 白苏维浓 Product Number : 3111 产品编号:3111 A refreshing dry white wine with a lively floral aroma and real varietal character. Ideal on its own or with white meat and fish dishes. 开胃佳酒,更是中西餐搭配的佳饮。适合与海鲜,清淡食物搭配也可以净饮.清新甘醇的芳香,干草和菊花的味道显著.干爽滑润的口感,令人回味无穷。,Chardonnay 莎当妮 Product Number : 3110 产品编号:3110 Crisp, elegant and medium bodied style. Smooth palate shows fruity aromas of melon and peach with a touch of vanilla. Perfect with avocado salad, pasta, rice, chicken and even spicy food. 金黄色的酒液,清爽、优雅,酒体适中。柔滑中带有瓜果、梨子和淡淡香草芳香。是沙拉、意大利面、米饭、鸡肉和各种香辣食物的理想搭配。,Chile 智利,The vines for our chilenian wines are grown in the Coquimbo region of northern Chile. Mile-high vineyards ensure cool nights to maintain the grapes acidity while tropical heat ensures fully ripe flavors .The Pacific wafts cool, welcoming breezes during the heat of the day. These growing conditions are near to perfect for wines and cannot find again in the world 维妮娅庄园坐落在智利艾尔基山谷中央,得天独厚的太平洋的海风恰到好处地调节其地区的温度,白天丰富的日照赋予了葡萄热带水果的芳香,温差较大的夜间保证了葡萄的酸度,是一款不可多得的美酒。,Vina Zampor
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