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庞各庄小学课堂教学电子教案教学内容(课题)Unit1 Toys主备教师张永贵课型新授课时第 1课时教学目标知识目标Acquire the new words about toys and the new sentences: I have a new car.能力目标The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as she can encourage the students to speak English in daily life.情感目标The teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themselves much while they are learning English. In other words, learning English should be a fun, not a boring job.教学重点The new words about toys and the new sentences: I have a new car.2. The chant and the song.教学难点Its difficult for students to master these sentences well and pronounce them correctly.教学媒体多媒体课件教学过程与方法二次备课修改部分(用笔修改)Step 1.Warming-up Introduce myself and free talk Sing an English song. Step 2. Presentation 1.Learn the new words toy car toy gun(1)Write the two words on the blackboars. And pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter “oy” (2)Read the words one by one.Try to spell the words. (3)Write them on the exercise book.2.Learn the sentence: I have a toy car. (1)Try to act the sentence (2)Make up some new sentences (3) Practice the sentence in pairs.Step 3 Practice (1)Play a game. (2)Read the words. (3)Speak some sentences with your partner. 设计意图:同桌互相说本节课新学习的单词和句子,培养学生的合作交流能力,同时可以巩固新知。Step 4 Assessment Assessment by teacherStep 5 Homework Read the words at home板书设计Unit 1 Toys I have a toy car. A toy car a toy gun教学后记:庞各庄小学教务处制庞各庄小学课堂教学电子教案教学内容(课题)Unit1 Toys主备教师张永贵课型新授课时第 2 课时教学目标知识目标I have a toy car.能力目标the words: ball doll bear情感目标1 Do pair work. 2 Have a match教学重点The chant and the song教学难点Its difficult for students to master these sentences well and pronounce them correctly.教学媒体多媒体课件教学过程与方法二次备课修改部分(用笔修改)Step 1.Greeting Hello,how are you? Good morning Stand up Sit down Step 2. Presentation 1.Learn the new words ball doll bear (1)Write the three words on the blackboars. (2)Read the words one by one.Try to spell the words. (3)Write them on the exercise book.2.Look at the pictures and learn the sentence: I have a toy car. (1)Try to act the sentence (2)Make up some new sentences (3) Practice the sentence in pairs.Step 3 Practice (1)Play a game. (2)Read the words. (3)Speak some sentences with your partner.Step 4 Assessment Assessment by the team leader Step 5 Homework Read the words and spell the five words.板书设计Unit 1 Toys I have a toy car. ball doll bear 教学后记:庞各庄小学教务处制庞各庄小学课堂教学电子教案教学内容(课题)Unit1 Toys主备教师张永贵课型新授课时第 3 课时教学目标知识目标Do pair work.能力目标Have a match情感目标I have a toy car.教学重点Acquire the new words about toys and the new sentences: I have a new car.教学难点The teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themselves much while they are learning English.教学媒体多媒体课件教学过程与方法二次备课修改部分(用笔修改)Step 1.Warming-up Sing an English songStep 2. Presentation Teach the new words: car gun doll balloon teddy bear a balloon a teddy bear a bear Practice the phrasesRead the words one by one Grasp the words The new phrases : a toy car a toy gun a doll a ball Step 3. Chant Teach the chant and lead the students to know the meanings:You have a balloon.A big yellow balloon.I have a ball.A small brown ball.Purple balls, brown balls.Bounce, bounce, bounce.Bounce the ball.Lead the students to read it Listen to the tape Read it in groups Step 4. Practice the phrases: I have . 板书设计Unit 1 Toys I have a toy car. a toy car a toy gun a doll a ball a balloon a teddy bear a bear 教学后记:庞各庄小学教务处制庞各庄小学课堂教学电子教案教学内容(课题)主备教师课型课时第 课时教学目标知识目标能力目标情感目标教学重点教学难点教学媒体教学过程与方法二次备课修改部分(用笔修改)板书设计教学后记:庞各庄小学教务处制庞各庄小学课堂教学电子教案教学内容(课题)主备教师课型课时第 课时教学目标知识目标能力目标情感目标教学重点教学难点教学媒体教学过程与方法二次备课修改部分(用笔修改)
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