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七年级上册英语口语、句子、短文集锦一、疯狂的口语(二十天如痴如醉烂熟上册英语口语!)氨氧化催化剂往往亦可用作醛类氧化催化剂,其原因是由于这两类反应通过类似的历程,形成相同的氧化中间物之故。上列反应中以丙烯氨氧化合成丙烯腈最为重要,下面即以此反应为例进行讨论。1、 互相打招呼:(1)-Good morning/afternoon/evening. -Good morning/afternoon/evening.(2)-How do you do? -How do you do?(3)-Nice to meet you! -Nice to meet you!(4)-Hello! -Hello! -Hi! -Hi!2、 问候及回答:-How are you?-(Im) fine,thanks.And you?-Im OK./Just so-so.3、 询问及回答物品:(1)-Whats this (in English)? -Its an orange. -Spell it,please. -O-R-A-N-G-E,orange.(2)-whats that? -Its a quilt. -Can you spell it? -Yes,Q-U-I-L-T, quilt.(3)-Is this a pen? -Yes, it is. -Is that a ruler? -No,it isnt. It is a book.(4)-What are these?-They are pencils.(5)-what are those?-theyre cups and rulers.(6)-Are these/those/they jackets?-No,theyre shirts.4、 询问及回答物品颜色:(1)-What color is this/that/the pen?-Its red. Its a red pen.(2)-What color are these/those/the jackets? -they are black and white.(3)-Is this/that coat blue? -No,it isnt. It is brown. It is a brown coat.(4)-Are these/those coats green? -Theyre orange. They are orange coats? 5、 询问及回答姓名:(1)-Whats your name? -My name is Alan./Im Alan./Alan.(2)-Are you Dale? -Yes, I am./No,(Im Not.) Im Alan.(3)-Whats her name? -Her name is Cindy./She is Cindy./Cindy.(4)-Whats his name? -His name is Jack./He is Jack./Jack.(5)-Is she Mary? -No,(she isnt.)She is Alice.(6)-Is he Bob? -yes,he is.6、 询问及回答电话号码:(1)-Whats your telephone number?-(My telephone number.is) 0818-. (2)-Whats her telephone number?-Her telephone number is 0818-.(3)-Whats Tonys telephone number?-His telephone number is 0818-. 7、 询问及介绍人物:(1)-This is my friend Jane.Jane,this is my sister cindy.(2).-This is my brother Dale, and thats my mother Nancy.(3)-These are my brothers Dale and Jack.Those are my parents.(4)-Whos she?-Shes my sister (Lucy).-Whore they?-Theyre my grandaparents.8、 询问物品地方及回答:(1)-Wheres my schoolbag?-Its under the table.(2)-Wherere the books?-Theyre on the sofa.(3)-Is my computer game on the desk?-No,it isnt. Its in Nancys schoolbag.-Are the keys on the table?-I dont know. Maybe they are on the floor.9、 询问物品所属关系及回答:(1)-Is this your pencil? -Yes,its my pencil./Its mine.(2)-Is that his green pen?-No,.Its her pen./Its hers.The blue pen is his.(3)-Are these your books? -No,they arent.theyre Erics.(4)-Are those her keys? -Yes,they are./No,they arent.theyre mine.10、询问某人是否有某物及回答:(1)-Do you have a baseball? -Yes, I do./No,I dont.I have a volleyball.(2)-Does she have a tennis ball? -Yes,she does.-No,she doesnt.She has a baseball.(3)-Does Dale have a soccer ball? -Yes,he does. -No,he doesnt. He has two ping-pong bat.(4)-Do they have a basketball? -No,they dont.They have a volleyball.11、询问及表达喜好:(1)-I like oranges.What do you like? -I like apples.(2)-Do you like salad? -Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like Pears.(3)-Does she like tomatoes? -Yes,she does./No,she doesnt.(4)-Does your brother like ice-cream? -No, he doesnt. -What does he like? -He likes fruit.But he doesnt like pears.(5)-We dont like hamburgers. We like rice and carrots.12、询问物品价格及回答:(1)-How much is the hat? -Its five dollars. -It looks nice.Ill take it. -How much is that brown sweater? -Theyre eighty dollars. -Its too dear.(2)-How much are these socks? -They are two dollars. -OK,Ill take one pair of socks.(3)-How much are the black trousers? -Theyre nine dollars. -Great!Ill take two pairs.13、询问生日及回答:(1)-When is your birthday?-My birthday is on May 2nd.(2)-When is Alices birthday? -Her birthday is on September 5th.(3)-When is your fathers birthday? -His birthday is on April 21st.(4)-Is your birthday in July? -No,it isnt.Its in June.Its on June 3rd.14、询问喜好及原因:(1)-Whats your favorite subject? -My favorite subject is science. -Why do you like it? -Because its intereting.(2)-Whatre Franks favorirte subjects? -His favorite subjects are art and history.-Why does he like them?-Because they are fun.(3)-Does Bob like maths? -No,he doesnt. -Why doesnt he like it? -Because he thinks its boring.二、疯狂的句子(二十天似癜似狂嚼碎上册句子)1.-Hows it going?Everything is OK.2.-How are you doing?Im OK.3.You must look after your things!4.This is an orange.The orange is orange.5.This is a black and white jacket.6.Tony and Bill are brothers.7.You,he a
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